Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

I think what Bubblegum and others show may be nutrient burn, also see some tacoing, low humidity, lamps too close? What’s the RH and temperature? You should lower that pH, 612 is ppm I guess, perhaps you’re pushing them too hard …

Hope they’re already at home, el ojo del amo engorda al caballo … beer3|nullxnull


Rh is about 80%… Low temps around 15º’c.
I think that I had it many time without feeding.

Also, this is my firsttime with topcrop… before I used hesi, and never have a problem. But since they changed formulation I tried with topcrop this time.

At home… :wink: . Now they have a bug with two legs invading all days.

For now… I saw that they are recovering…

I remember time ago… Go with them in flowering ( leda and thai) near 2000ppm… And… They were happy. This time, I was feeding with high pH for coco and didn’t do a full nutrient till one month since sprouting…

In resume: they have passed bad days, but appear to be on his way… (To me)

Happy growings!!

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Try to raise temperatures, VPD is crucial for them … beer3|nullxnull

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15.2.23-. So far, so good.
I don’t know if made topping or not to promote lateral branching for making clones…
What do you think?
Was going to trasplant to 1 liter or two… But must be delayed… Time flies.


In case of doing something I would just transplant, you will have plenty of time later on while they recover to top or not, not my cup of tea … beer3|nullxnull

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Finally the “job” that had to be done was done by my couple (carnival costumes), so I transplanted all except the Bubblegum to 1 liter… wil not be the final pots, but has some space more.
Roots were good in all, crispy white… but the bubblegum need more develop of them, so stay in the same pot a little more.


17.2.23… Am going to feed them. For now all seems good.

Added one small pc fan to the wardrobe, to put air outside. So RH is about 70% now.

The csk×DocOG by tracker is growing fine

And the SKLKz3WCBM also from @Tracker , that started slow and seemes to die… Is still alive, some deformations on first leaves, but alive.
(Some people cull deformations or low starters, but I don’t wanna cut them, they are all my sons/daughters)

For comparison, the Pink Floyd Little twin that was very deformed at first, now looks :

And… Posibly some new members from @Oldjoints

Yes… They are underground yet, but the #1 has rooted and #2… Well… Keep the faith.

Happy growings!!


The BG×LPC #1 is taking his head over the substrate!..
And on other side of things… I used today the photone app and saw that they only get around 100ppfd . I see it pretty well, but not fast growing.
I thought that it were not fast due to the low temps that I was having here… But now I’m not sure.
Anyway, as I mentioned earlier this is a grow to see minimum requirements to be able to grow, so I will not add more light for now. They appear healthy.
I will give more light when taking clones, before flowering will be in a separate chamber with more light.



Well, still too soon, but I want to know so I could be prepared…
I suppose that some male will appear, and in that case I will do some cross to giveaway, so what are your preferences?

The oven has these:
White Widow (FSE)
Super Silver Haze (FSE)
Leda Uno (KC Brains)
Critical Skunk (Mr. Nice)
Pink Floyd Big Twin (Mr. Nice)
Pink Floyd Little Twin (Mr. Nice)
Wild Thai -fem- (World of Seeds)
Mango Widow (Mr. Nice)
(SKxLK)x(Z3x(WCxBM)) ->Tracker
CSKx Doc’sOG → Tracker
Gorilla Glue#4 -fem- (Bulk)
Cookies Cream -fem- (Bulk)
Super Silver Haze -fem- (Bulk)
Bubblegum -fem- (Bulk)
Bubblegum x London Pound Cake #1 and (#2?) → From Oldjoints

Regulars or fems
  • Regular seeds
  • Fem seeds

0 voters

20.2.23… all good. The BG×LPC#1 is out so going to a more lighted place. The BG×LPC #2 still underground :pleading_face:

And… The question to start taking some clones:

  1. Topping
  2. fimming
  3. Cut the main stem and make clone of the upper part.
  4. Wait a little more, and then do number…?

I would wait alittle longer let say around 2 -3 nodes.

than take cuttings for preservation the genetic if you want to! topping is than already included.
it really depends what you want to do :innocent:


Long ago, before restarting to grow, I always maintain mothers, at least till I could taste them… if they were meh then… space for other.
I like to take clones before flowering to always have backup. Don’t like revegetting.
And, as I plan on making some seeds, some clones will be only for that.

Will wait a little more then, soon they will show the preflowers and them I could made my calcs.



yeah that is also the way i do things. it is always good to have a mother plant imo.
and then decide sweep it or keep it !

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And, because I had the morning free, I was in another DIY.

A little lamp for vegetting. It is made of recicled aluminum pieces I have hanging there and a small DOBs of 3 w each. Yeah, I know COBs and DOBs are not seem with good eyes on OG, but as I already have it, then why not give use to them?
In total are 10×3W white light and 8×3w daylight.
Will have a switch for the daylight.

They were glued with thermal paste (not the normal one, but the one that sticks and solidifies)
Since I don’t have the caps, I’ll use kapton tape to insulate the contacts.
As this should be earthed I hope to not stick electrocuted. :rofl:
Anyway the grow not tent has a circuit breaker, and I will put a additional fuse in the lamp adjusted to its power.

Idle hands are devil’s playthings

Happy growings!!


Well…diy lamp finished (one of them)

Could be better, but also could be worse :rofl:



25.2.23. Today rearanged the not-tent. Installed the new diy fixture so the light is better distributed.
For now only with 30w led… After some days will switch the daylights on so 54w led total.
They are DOBs of 3w each. Better par with this 30w led than the 35w lec.
The BG×LPC #2 not show life signs.
Two BG*MB15 that came slighly open and are in water, also no signs, but still soon and many cold. These are from @shag.



plants looking nice ! soon you ´wll be able to take cuts! i like your diy light good job! :slight_smile:

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6.3.23. All Looking fine, two of them show a little intervenial clorisis in the upper leaves possibly due to ph around 5’6… So next watering should be around 6.

But overall good.

Probably this week will take some cuttings or do topping … Or nothing at all :sweat_smile:

Depends how I see them… Undecided.



Well ended the other light, and not happy.
The previous light, made with small dobs of 3w… total 30w 6500k+24w 3500 gives better overall par per Watt than the one made with 4x20w 3500k + 2x10w FS + 2x20w FS + 20w 6500k DOBS. (Later I post pics and full results.)
I came to the conclussion that is better to use the 3w dobs than the more potent. With the littles I don’t need coolers, the aluminium support is enough and it almost not get warm.
Well, one time to see, and another time to learn.


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As I have the other light, while vegetting I split them, the more small go to have some more light.

And the others now have more room.

The one on the right is the critical skunk (mrnice)… I don’t know if male or fem, but if it is male then I have to keep it and that pollen. It has maaaany smell and nice.

No preflowers yet.

P.D.: The BG×LPC #2 passed away. Today it has no vital signs. Opened the cotiledons and stand still for a week… :sweat:
And the mb15 crosses that came seeds slighly opened… Not showing face above substrate. Will keep it for a while, they not take many space, so I will wait.

For now, the race goes:

Critical Skunk (Mr. Nice): Super smell. Can’t identify it but smells a lot. And is the bigger. If it ends being male… it will have progeny.
White Widow (FSE)
Super Silver Haze (FSE): Little smell like lemony.
Leda Uno (KC Brains) : For now it is odorless :sweat:. It is not same pheno that I growed time ago.
Pink Floyd Big Twin (Mr. Nice)
Pink Floyd Little Twin (Mr. Nice)
Wild Thai -fem- (World of Seeds)
Mango Widow (Mr. Nice)
(SKxLK)x(Z3x(WCxBM)) ->Tracker
CSKx Doc’sOG → Tracker
Gorilla Glue#4 -fem- (Bulk)
Cookies Cream -fem- (Bulk)
Super Silver Haze -fem- (Bulk)
Bubblegum -fem- (Bulk)
Bubblegum x London Pound Cake #1 → From Oldjoints
BGx LPC #2 → R.I.P. :sweat: A fallen soldier.
BGxMB15 #1 and #2 → still underground. Perhaps more fallen soldiers. :sweat:

The ones that I not put comments on odor, well… my nose is dumb. They smell, but I can’t identify. Theres some that stem rub odor is like dog shit… but as having a dog, and shitting a lot, that could be many smells :sweat_smile:
Perhaps I will take some ear cotton buds and rub each so let other people smell and tell me what they think.