Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

Today, before leaving for a wild birthday party, I irrogate them till runoff using 1ml/l top crop a+b and about 1gram of epsom salts in 5 liter.
Ph 5.9-6. Ec ±600

Mostly because I saw some of them bad… Not really bad, but with a problem at least.
I will show you. It is on upper leaves, the leaves are not ‘smooth’ and have a little intervenial chlorisis, some are twisting a little. And in some appear tiny holes.

A picture worth one jillion words:

That is the SSH (eg-fem), and this is the Wild thai (wos-fem) :

The rest of the family appear fine:

That is the smelly critical skunk (mrnice)…
And others:

Yes rh a little bit hight…



Today received some seeds from @shag and @PioneerValleyOG … and make me very impatient on flowering the_ladies_ … so as I usually take clones from lower branches and in some of them are very small yet, I topped the SSH-fem… I was to take clones from top of other… but I realized that I don’t have another time programmer for the clone space and heating matt.
So tomorrow will be prepared!!!

I have to make some room for a Green olive and for the LPC75x? contest. I’m thinking in buying a tent and a light… but have to give cuddles to my couple first… because… I’m seeing myself in the couch… so I must prepare the road :rofl:



Huh, somehow I missed the start of this show.
I will be hangin’ out by the fridge, I know the beer is in there.
Now, I gotta find the hard stuff, it can not be far, unless you drank it all.


14.3.23… Today take some clones…
And topping almost all.

And as I don’t have a 3d printer for making seed pucks, I give a try to my CNC.
Yeah, I know they still not begin to flower, but… I like to be prepared.
And if someone think that I can use the pucks that other OGs sent me, then the answer is no, because I am a collector, in all senses :sweat_smile: . I think it is a syndrome :rofl:
This was my first…

And later some more joined, trying different setups.

Will make another type with circles, hexes and squares, to send mixes of seeds…

The material used is like rigid plastic used in signs, don’t know the name. I have to adjust speeds or something, because I think that in the inners seem like the dust got little melted and stuck.

Edit: I think that is PVC foam or PVC rigid foam. Here ir is called “PVC espumado”


hi piter,

finaly time for some clones!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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Yes!!!.. I’m very impatient :rofl:


These are pretty darn cool! :star_struck:


Thanks @shag !
I was testing diferent sizes and this beehive is the best… Big seeds fit in.
The plastic I’m still not sure if is PVC FOAM or what, but is stronger than the ring hoses. I take it from some unused signs. Have to look to buy some, but still have an A3 board, and as this are 25x25mm… I think that from a A4 size could make 100 or more (counting with the discard space)
I will have to make a test to see if they survive the trumblers. And with my little cnc… Around 7 minutes for making one, but possibly could speed it many more.



16.3.23-watering till run off. Run off measures 6.0pH.
So today called the playmate photographer to take some pics… So let start:

The Critical Skunk (Mr Nice)

The Wild Thai (WOS)

The white widow(FSE)

The cookies cream (Eg)

Gorilla Glue #4 (eg)

Pink Floyd Big Twin (Mr Nice)

Super Silver Haze (Eg)

The above are with 54w led.

Now the other side with 100w Dobs.

The mango Widow (mrNice)

The Csk x DocsOG (@Tracker )

The Leda Uno (KcBrains)

The Pink Floyd Little twin (MrNice)

The Super Silver Haze (FSE)

The bubblegum (EG)

The SKLKz3WCBM (@Tracker )

The BG x LPC #1 (@Oldjoints )

BGUM x MB15 (@shag) .And another feeling of fallen soldiers, the one with cotiledons over is “paused”, standing still for some days. Note… This seeds came slightly open due to postal maltrate. I did not expect they open at all, but had to try.
Sorry @shag. :pleading_face:

Note that not all were sown at the same time.


PD. Today raised the food. Now 1.5ml/l TC. A+b


Thanks for trying…
I did pack some a bit too full. :pensive:
Oh, well off to the great compost heap in the sky.

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After this hard work, the photographer needs a good beer

Because I deserve it :rofl:. You know, the suffering for the fallen soldiers…


Thanks for sharing those pics. I’m following along now.


I wish I could share one with ya, cheers anyhow… :star_struck:

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16.3.23. At least some preflowers!!!
From the regulars, I can see that:
White widow( fse) is female.
Pink floyd BT (Mr nice) is female.



Today tried another pucks… This will be for mixed seeds. - 3-4-3


Pd: I think that leda uno and Critical skunk are males.
Well I like the Critical skunk terpenes… So… You know


@Tracker this is a description for you:
This is a comment I put sometime ago:
(SKxLK)x(Z3x(WCxBM)) ->Tracker → Appears to be healthy but after the two single leafs it appeared to not have stem, as always, I not cull my sons/daughters, I am giving them time. Now it seems to be appearing the stem. Something like this happened to the Pink Floyds, and now they are lovely.

And now have to add the following:
I don’t like to cut the anormalities or deformities, and this plant, that at first appear without main stem now is like a bush. The internodes spacing in the middle was about 1cm… If I top this plant now, it will grow with almost 8 colas.


Thank you for the update. May I ask to see a picture?


Now at work. The picture is in the previous post, but there could not be seen that internode. When I am back at home I will post detailed pictures of that.



This is it @Tracker

I don’t know if it can be seen well.
In the middle bush there is 4 nodes in 2 cm.
And I did not make any topping to him/her. (Yet)


Some days without updates so I will try to refresh memory, as I’m not with the notebook in front.

The Critical Skunk (Mr. Nice) ended being a male… I want his sperm to make seeds, 'cause as I said in previous chapters, it has a beautiful smell, very smelly, and with great vigor.
The problem is space. I wanted to start flowering the others… but still have to take some clones from some of them to have backup, and as I don’t want to make a mess, I plan on flower this… take pollen and then the others…
No other tent for this… but I think that with a big cartoon box I could arrange it for the moment.

The White Widow, was topped, but I think that have to top it again because still can’t take clones. Very small lateral branches… it grows like a cane (or something alike)… post pics later.

And the Leda Uno, I think it is male… but not sure 100%. Has started throwing some smells, but till now it was odorless.

As I was planning (wrong planning :sweat_smile: ) to start flowering next week or so… I added some beans to water… (planned to have more room… but)
One is a Green Olive, from @PioneerValleyOG, and other is another Critical Skunk (search for female), and other that I don’t remember now. No room for more… sorry. All three has opened and sprouted, so tomorrow will transfer it to cocoa.