Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

Guess you need another tent or at least fewer plants … ejem|nullxnull


Se me va de las manos :rofl:

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28.3.23 … Critical Skunk… Male… Taken to an improvised cartoon tent and put to flower to take some pollen.
Mango widow… Appears male.
Csk x DocsOG appear male
Leda Uno appear male.
SSH (FSE) appear male.
I have to say that this is the greatest proportion of males that I ever had. Taking in consideration that Gg4, Blueberry, wIld thai, cookies cream… Was feminized. From the regulars… Too many males.
Probably the cold? Low light? The nutrients? Or was only the lucky (or lack of) …

And… Did you remember that Pink Floyd thas was twins?.. the PF Big twin became female, and the PF LT became male. What do you think about incest? Has somebody crossed twins from the same seed before?



I am not sure…
A worthy effort if you ask me…

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Do you allow people that promote incest between tweens in the island?.. Hahahahha
I am going to feel that others islanders look at me as a pervert … :rofl:

For sure that I am going to make it !!!


If this just is between plants, I am all for it.
Humans not so much. :joy:
If you and some young plant want to have some fun I am not opposed to that. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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Ummm… Better not. With six years I fall from a tree and went over a bramble. Perhaps it saves my life, but leave me with scratches for all the body… That is all the sex I will want to have with a plant in my life :rofl:


Sounds like you were the one that got screwed…LOL


28&29- 3-23
More cloning day.
The Critical skunk clone (male) has rooted and went to 0,5pot. The big male went to improvised flowering tent… With very little light… But who cares.

The Pink Floyd BT clone(female) has rooted and went to 2l pot. The mother PF BT was to a 3l pot.
The rest still wait.

So yesterday and today take clones of:
Pink Floyd BT (reg-fem). 2 clones
White widow (reg-fem) 1 clon
Wild thai (feminized) 1 clon
Cookies Cream (feminized) 2 clones
GOrillaGlue#4 (Feminized) 1 clon
SSH (feminized) (1 clon)
SSH (reg-?) 3 clones
Bubblegum (feminized) 3 cloned
Leda uno (reg-?male) 2 clones

The Mango widow (Mr Nice) is a female!!!
And a Green olive ( @PioneerValleyOG ) is waking up to a new world!

Amd this is the not tents today:
Left side:

Right side (down)

Right side(middle):

Right side (top):
Nothing here. Waiting for some mushrooms… :rofl:

That’s all folks for today.



Hi piter, how are you doing?

Seems like you started the Clone Wars !!! XD


Yeah… I am impacient for start flowering, but I need clones to do that. And as I want to make some seeds… well, you know.
After making seeds, probably the feminized ones (not the regulars) will be sacrifized for space, but depends on final quality.
The males… will be in 1/2 liter pots… with very low light… only for maintaining them till knowing how their progeny result.


i can understand, the urgent to start flowering who can´t!! :rofl: :rofl: but good things will take a while!
Making seeds is also on my agenda for the end of the year. i want to make fem. seeds out of my flc.
but i don´t have enough space at the moment ,so it needs to wait till the end of the year:smirk:

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6.4.23-. Watering… This days have some heat, the RH dropped to about 35% ant temps of 25ºC.
I must water all days.
I was to install an automatic watering this days. But today while transplanting the SSH (EG-Femzed) to a 3 litter pot, I feel the dagger of Frodo hitting my back and goind down the leg. I almost fall to the floor.
Now in bed waiting for the metronidazol metamizol and arcoxia to make effect.
Tomorrow will try again…
By the way, the CSKx DocOG is fem also.
The Critical Skunk male that was put alone to flower is getting longer, perhaps by low light also, but I don’t care much if I get enough pollen.



8.4.23 -. Almost killed the Mango Widow… I was trying to raise the tent division and… Due to my back problems, … It fall over the plants … That hurt me more than mu back.
Well two clones taken from the MW, two branches that broke with the fall.
They look fine … More or less

And this is the left side of the tent:

I have to make another small tent to take the males and begin flowering…
The Critical Skunk Male is starting to throw balls…



11.4.23 - As the problems with my back keep me from doing may things, today is pic day.
I have put in water a LPC75 ×? From @Maddawg for the london Pound cake challenge but after 3 days floating and not opening, I put it in coco and will try another seed. Probably my fault, because normally I use distilled water for the floating tech but this time used tap water… Who knows.
And some pics:

@Tracker SKLKz3WCBM: appears to be male, but not sure 100%

BG×LPC @Oldjoints : not known sex

Green Olive @PioneerValleyOG : still a baby :rofl:

Left side of tent with:
Bubblegum:. Feminized-fem (in the back left corner)
SSH (FSE-reg) (appear male) back, next to the BG
Leda Uno (KCBrains-reg) in front-left: appear male
Pink Floyd Little Twin (MrNice-reg): appear male
And in front-right the SkLk…
Raised: the BGxLpc and some clones and seedlings.

Right tent:
Csk × DocOG from @Tracker : female.

And all:

Here, starting from back-left to back right,
White Widow (FSE-reg) - female
SSH: (EG-fem)- feminized-fem
Wild Thai (WOS- fem)- feminized fem
Pink Floyd BTwin (MrNice-reg): female
In front, left to right:
CSK ×DocOG:(@Tracker- reg) - female
Mango Widow (MrNice - reg) - female
Cookies Cream(EG-Fem) feminized female
Gorilla glue #4 (EG-fem) feminized female.

Top tent side: some clones

And the Critical Skunk (Mr.Nice) male… Flowering under a minimal 10w led only to collect some pollen:
Well, no pic he is sleeping :rofl:

If someone ask, why you keep that males in the left tent… Answer: pollen and seeds.
If someother ask why you not put the males to flowering and collect pollen: to not mix pollen. Critical Skunk male is flowering.

And that’s all folks for now…


Mmm, good morning good night as we usually do. What do you mean green olive from me? You should check the name again…
I am not recalling ‘green olive?’
I thought set you several dif packs… or was it only a couple to be sure the mail went thru. Way out there on the other side of the OG world…


Thank you for posting updates and pics!


Yes, from you and labelled as “Green Olive”… I was awaiting for the “Awesomesauce”… but… came this with PepeLP and EM. The Green olive was noted as testers… so I soaked one… sorry but as you could see, no room for more at this moment. :sweat_smile:


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Do you still have those words I wrote?


I think I noticed you when arrived with picture.
Let me find it…

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