Journal: Re-starting to grow... 17 years later

Now I remember!!!


Well, thanks you for your generosity.
This is the least I could do,… A small report.



I don’t forget this!!! But the problems with by back keep me moving slow.
News: The Critical Skunk is throwing pollen, I try to collect it, for now it is very little (Having it under only 10W led sure did not help). Now I made a small DIY and is under 30W led. (20W 6500k and 10W F.S)

The others are growing wild.

Today I changed the light of the clones. It appear to be very low (25W± led) and I suspect that some changed to flowering or something alike. Anyway probably I change to 2x18W cool tube. It appears to me that it had given me better results for clones than led.



get well soon piter!!

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23.4.23:. It get’s off of my hands :rofl:

First… Collecting some pollen from the Critical Skunk male…

From the “muffins” paper, I use a small brush to put it in 0,2ml eppendorf tubes, that later are stored in a sealed box with silica to dissicate, before storing them.

Now, after collecting some tubes, I am going to tie all the branches to try to drop the pollen on the same place.

Now, the mothers:

Yeahz almost appear a salad :rofl:

Clones: ( I am taking many, because the mothers grow much)

The ones from the right where taked yesterday. And they are not co ered. But the RH is about 75% so hope they survive.
The other side… Some are males that will be executed. But have not decided yet if collect or not pollen from them.

This is the @tracker SKLKz3WCBM:. It is a beautiful plant…

The Csk DocsOG is with the mothers.

@Oldjoints BGxLPC

@PioneerValleyOG green olive

And last the LPC#75(3) from @Maddawg
This is for the London Pound Cale Challenge …

And that’s all for now.



looking good man! great job :sunglasses:

hope your back is getting better?!

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Saying truth, not very well. But with the opiaceus I keep going …

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Sorry to hear that! :disappointed:! Best wishes to you Hope you get better soon!

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I named the different crosses. People were telling me it was too confusing to remember all the initials…

This one is Citrus Flower.

This one is Kristi OG.

I like seeing your updates!


Very cool, Piter!!! I’ll have my :eyes: on your progress!!


Well, then I should rename it…

But now I’m more familiar with sklz ans ceskadog :rofl:


It gets off of my hands!!! :rofl:
This weeks waiting to collect the critical Skunk pollen let the other develop… Perhaps too much.

The one on the left is the kristi Og (@tracker)

On the other side: one mother and I think that 3 males … From this I only will preserve the Pink Floyd LT (the one with thin leaves) to cross with his sister in law. :rofl:
The one on the left is the SKLKz3WCBM (citrus flower?) From @tracker. Beautiful.

Some 88g13 ABC from @middleman:

The green olive (@PioneerValleyOG ):

And the BG*LPC (@Oldjoints ):

(Appear to be male)

And the clones … Rooting:

The Critical skunk (MrNice)… Collecting pollen:

One couple more days and will be fired.
And after that, begin the flowering of some mummys, the Gg4, cookies cream, bubblegum, and SSH… Because they were from feminized seeds and I will only conserve some clone in case that some of them is amazing.

And… Well… It gets out of control :rofl:


4-5-23… As the mothers are growing much, today will cut the male. I think I have enough pollen for now, and I keep a little clone of it, by the flies.
As today will take many clones, perhaps will try to make an injert to the male… Just for fun.
Also, as the DIY lamp for the mothers worked so well, and I need another for the clones (in another little not-tent :man_facepalming: ) … I made another one:

About 58w… For a 1m x 0,40 clone space. Enought.

Ummmm so much work today…
Now applying some nail polish to the connections, just to be safe.


Today was preparing for the flowering, so arranged the tents and redistributed the plants.
Mother that will be put to flowering:
1.-SSH (EG)
2.-Bubblegum (EG)
3.-Pink Floyd BT (Mr.Nice)
4.- White Widow (FSE)
5.- Wild Thai (2 clones in one 5l pot)
6.- White Widow (fse) (2 clones in one 5l pot)

I’m writing on memory… I think that I did that.
I have already rooted clones of all, but as the mummys where a little big now… have to be.
The clones that I put to flower is some that where rooted under low led and I have some reminiscences about them, well … perhaps my maniacs. :rofl:
Hope that there’s not much pollen in the air… but as I will make crosses with the Critical Skunk (for now) I don’t care.

The problem is how will I have to do to take the pollen of the other males… for now I have 3 little clones that will produce a little flowers, enough to make some other crosses, but I want to flower the big males without compromising the females.


These will start today the 12/12 cicle.

Hope it not grow more than the tent :rofl:

The small ones will take the critical skunk pollen.

And with some pollen ready for long storage:

Direct to the freezer…

Have a nice day Overgrowers!!


14.5.23. One week into flowering:

More mummys:
Yes,I have to take cuttings, but I don’t know where to put them

The @Maddawg LPC75x? For the contest is growing:

The beauty of SKLKZ3WCBM:

@middleman AbC:

GreenOlive @PioneerValleyOG :

And no, no more room…
Mostly Clones (some aren’t clones)

And more clones:

And some fathers growing slowly under 30w, waiting for a good time to flower:

Ainssss…too many ambition . For so little space…


Hi piter, hope you are feeling a bit better!
Your jungle looks great! it has done a lot with you.
a lot of green what you have there! very nice :slight_smile:


Yes, a jungle is the correct description :rofl:


17.5.23- 10 days since 12/12.
The white widow appears the faster to make the change and is throwing pistils.

White widow:

I don’t know if make a little defoliation or not, I have never did it, so I don’t know.
Any info?


Start pinching the fan leaves off to help with air circulation. Your going to be amazed as to how much material you remove from each plant.