Juicy Woo and others

listening to these may illuminate some perspective

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I dont think so at allā€¦ it is about character which is given by genes. so colombian dom haze is dreamy floaty space out effect, while toms haze is electric, more energetic and more psychoactive, more rollercoaster.

of course inbreeding is not that good for haze, but I see Tom worked it for many generation and before him it was Sam, the line still keeps its character which is given by genesā€¦ maybe some selection can lead to calmer types, but that is wrong one for meā€¦

and mainly, to be on topic with this thread, when I cross seedsman or bandaid haze, simply some colombiandom haze, to mother of juicy woo, I will not get electric trippy phenos, I can guarantee it to you. it is all about genes. very little thai in seedsman or bandaidā€¦

thats why I crossed bandaid haze with south asian genetics, namely silver green vietnamese male, and he changed it from just euphoric dreamy space out effect to some cold anxious dizzy trippy stuff. thats how real south asian genes workā€¦ all about genes.


overall there is no need for these discussions, seeds are available. so everybody can get juicy or mindblower and grow it next to amnesia, silver haze or bandaid and see the difference in effect.


Sounds like your are workig with stuff descended from Nevilleā€™s Hazeā€¦ definitely a little more ā€œrawā€. The haze lines get mixed upā€¦ Nevilleā€™s and Samā€™s come from the same parental stock, just Sam worked his a ton moreā€¦in reality Nevilleā€™s was created as the original hazeā€¦then Sam went back and worked the shit out of it. So technically Nevilleā€™s is the original haze because Sam worked that line to get hisā€¦


yes, but there are many phenos, Nevil used only two phenosā€¦ which were ā€¦drumsā€¦ colombian dom. very hard to find thai dom oneā€¦

same for seedsman, selection went to colombian gold side. not pure colombian gold of courseā€¦

Sam have many different lines, based on different phenos, not just colombian domsā€¦


The line work is from Samā€¦I mean the guy really put a lot of working to itā€¦


with my hybrids you dont need big numbers, guys found keeper of mindblower in 2 or 3 femalesā€¦ that is magic of true F1 hybridā€¦


Your plants are beautiful thoughā€¦when I have the time for some big runs Iā€™m am definitely looking forward to growing out your gear!


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from what I know, Sam the Skunkman is smoking only resin from original haze, not flowersā€¦

I regularly smoke sieved resin from hazes, every evening, as it is not day time smoke LOL and the effect is just concentrated compared to flowers, I have never noticed that thing you mentioned.


like 14 years ago, I made bho from skunkmans thaihazeskunkā€¦ and it was very lysergicā€¦

I just dont like extracts as they stir some individual nuances of particular phenotype, it is less fun for meā€¦


not all phenos of Toms haze are electric. I was lucky, my male Mr. Shine brings electricity to itā€¦ jittery nervous heartbeating and at some phenos of his progeny I got electrified head and shoulders, I love these electric effect so much. some phenos of grandfunk are more electric than toms haze, it is extrapolated thereā€¦

show me dutch haze which is electric? mango haze? it is calm and euphoric. dont get me wrong, I like it. it is just different type of haze.

I read somebody said C5 is racyā€¦ hahahha I had to laugh, yeah if you smoke kushes and then smoke C5 it can be electric, but if you like me smoke only hazes, it is notā€¦ it depends on what you smoke regularly.

if you smoke once a week, you dont need any special haze to get ā€œup highā€ā€¦ but regular smoker of hazes know the difference between space out effect and electric rollercoaster.

thaihaze weed is just different category, there is no other weed which would alter mind so muchā€¦


I was lover of sour diesel and og kush. wonderful herbā€¦ I was growing it for years, all neighbourhood was stinked up LOL

but I got tolerance to itā€¦ and it got me high no more. just tired and muddyā€¦ I stop to enjoy it. I was smoking it everyday from morning for yearsā€¦ you know I love cannabis so muchā€¦ and many hybrids of it too. sour diesel x triangle kush bx was my favorite too, and some 12 weekers were better than super silver haze, no joke.

and I got ghost train haze cuts and I was very happy with it. super strong and super tasty, more up than ogk and sour diesel. but after while I got tolerance to it and only got heavy head and felt like stupid personā€¦

I even assumed sour diesel to be psychedelic smoke, now it is only euphoric one for me. I still like it. but not so much like in the past.

with real haze or right haze hybrids, there is not tolerace built up, it smokes me the same in decadeā€¦ simply magic of true tropical cultivarā€¦


How do you feel about The Hog as far as racyness goes? I can only smoke like a 1/3 joint unless Iā€™m drinking ā€¦ Then I can barely feel it


do you mean oaxacan? like I said thaihaze is different category to colombian, hawaiian or mexicanā€¦ to swazi or durban tooā€¦

I grew several different oaxacans, 79 or 13fingers, I smoked some from crybtic labs.

it is mexican weed, for me it is speedy and energetic, but not electric,it is not psychoactive like thaihaze, no way, it doesnt have that pallette of effects. it cant made me feel nauseout or pale with cold sweat, it is happy warm for me. it can be as good as colombian though, almostā€¦ it has some special qualities I respect and I really like mexican hazes, I made some and enjoyed it. and when I smoke only them it is great. but when I smoke thaihaze regularly, and then smoke mexican haze, mexican haze doesnt work for me at all, seems pretty weakā€¦

yeah alcohol has analgesic effect, so it is typical to feel anything barely.

alcohol or opiates, are for people who want to turn off consciousness, haze is for people who want to open the doors of perception and consciousness, to asimilate unconscious psychoid contentsā€¦ quite an opposite.


my favorite mexican haze I made is surreal.

which is toms haze(rootbeer pheno, not thai pheno)/oaxacan79 x big sur holyweed(mazar x mexican), I love orange spice pheno of it. it is good for noon smoking for meā€¦ lovely weed. I like all weed. some girls are still asking about that orange spicy uppity weed hehehehe girls love itā€¦ but comparison to thaihazeā€¦ no comparison. no way.

but to smoke only thaihaze is not that good, you can get freaky hahahha like you will tell people ā€œno, I am not insane, I just smoke this jungle trip weedā€ hahahahahhaha.


some say haze has medical effectsā€¦ not sure what haze they mean, to what disorder they mean it, autism or schizophrenia? to depression maybe?.. I see that the best condition to enjoy haze is the healthā€¦ I dont see how somebody with chronic pains or suffering from alcoholism can enjoy real haze.

thats why I dont care what old farts with tons of diseases think about haze. I want to get haze to young people, thats why I am creating new forms of it. old farts can smoke A5 or C5 and get stoned I dont careā€¦


I would say the it could help with depression.

I donā€™t mean Oaxacanā€¦The Hog was around way before Hazes. Iā€™m sure it could be in some Mexican haze crossesā€¦The Hog taste like a pork chop, real strong on its own but take a drink and the high disappears. Iā€™ve smoked through many a sack drinking smoking it like cigarettesā€¦


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Iā€™m not sure if there is any truth to this but I heard that Sam the Skunkman breed Northern Lights from his Haze lineā€¦


northern lights was bred at Hawaii by guy called Herb Nelson, in 80s? I know there are guys who know it better than me. it is afghan hybrid. it was moved to Seattle, where it was grown under fluoros and it got popular in USA, then there is dutch form of it, they knocked it off like everything. it has nothing to do with haze genetics.

haze is unintentional polyhybrid of different tropical sativas available in that time at late 60s/early 70s from imported weed, colombian gold, punto rojo, thai stick and maybe south indian too. but basically it was very colombianā€¦ Skunkman said that first generation of seed was quite uniform, but from F2s it split into different linesā€¦ it is also possible that thai was added later, by himā€¦

Positronics(Erich Wenard) got original haze line from Skunkman, probably more of these lines, Skunkman dont remember which onesā€¦ one of them was hazae19, but Tom Hill stated his line, he got from Positronics, is not haze19 lineā€¦ like he said he awaited typical woody colombian, what he got were thai dom plants.

Tom Hill never stated his line is pure thai. he stated it is heavy thai dominant. see the difference?

I see you dont know my opinions on the matter at all. hehhehehe of course, I am not so interesting. but to mix northern lights to haze, is nice hybrid for sure, anyway it is a mistake for me. northern lights are afghan dominant hybrid, and just any too big portion of subtropical cultivar takes quality of haze downā€¦ from point of view of haze lover - looks what Tom Hill said, he crossed his haze with pine tar kush and deep chunk, two wonderful heirlooms which are kind of cerebral indicas, not heavy lethargic shit like NL, and he was not satisfied with the effect, smoked like muddy dirty mexican he saidā€¦

of course, if you are afghan lover than you like your haze afghanized, then things like NLhaze or G13haze is for youā€¦ but if you are lover of tropical cultivars, you see the difference. it lacks a lot in fact. thats why I try to choose heirlooms which are not heavy afghan influenced and are bred for sativa high. northern lights is not good parent for haze to meā€¦ and I try to breed it out, with black vietnamese for example. or with some thai line in future.

now something about todays NLhaze. it is watered down. sorry it is trueā€¦ I grew several NLhaze cuts which were selected from first generation seeds from Nevil, and these todays lines are watered downā€¦ sorry. also the best haze from Nevil wasā€¦ hawaiian haze. in my opinion. the most sativa from all of his hybrids, without northern lights in itā€¦ but that dutch cut got lost, as it was long flowering stuff, nobody is going to keep 16 weeker for commercial purposes, so only small circle of people kept, I think only one guy in the end and he lost it. If I remember it well Nevil himself didnt recommend to inbred his NLhaze linesā€¦ thats why he rather crossed it with skunkhaze to create SSH. or later with mullumbimby madness. he never inbred itā€¦ now everybody sells you knock offs of his work, F2s, F5s etc. like it is the same like first generation, which is not, it is watered down. it has short duration and the end of the effect is usually devastating and terrible burnt out. muddy and dirty. because with inbreeding NLhaze gets more and more NL dominantā€¦ overall any inbreeding is good for hazeā€¦

one guy inbred seedsman line so much, that even Skunkman did wonder how much it is inbred and how much it lost vigorā€¦


anybody who wants to breed for effect needs some psychological reference and evidence of the effects. if allele is dominant or recessive will not help you in breeding for effect. if it is diploid or triploidā€¦and so on.

so I, in my cannabis effects psychology, divide haze effect into three psychic levels.

first level is MENTAL.

second level is EMOTIONAL.

third level is ENERGETIC.

MENTAL - cerebral qualities for sure, clearness of perception, rich imagination, trance, various visual distortions, visuality and its changes on its scale, visions, cartoon vision, hearing element, mild hallucinations, desintegration of consciousness, various speeds of thinking, time perception and its changes on its scale, series of perceptive relations and its psychedelic distribution and I can go even more far in thisā€¦ trippy.

EMOTIONAL - they say feeling are the truth of soulā€¦ feeling Irie, feeling giggly, feeling FUNKY, feeling uplifted, feeling high, feeling happy or scary, mixed emotions hahaha metaphysic anxiety. nervousness. nauseous feelings. all kind of positive emotions and unexpected forms of it, mainly that extreme uplifting feeling like above everything, holistic feeling.

ENERGETIC - all those symptoms, heart beating, eletric waves or electric head, hot flushes, speedy quicked up acting, they say haze has not boddy effect, but it has as you see. some phenos can stop your breathing almost in some phase of effect. different kind of pressures in face or in head in certain part of brainā€¦and so on.

well thats for original haze, now every hybrid will extrapolate something from it, changes it and makes it differen, and in same time will lack something from it. it will never be so complexā€¦

so for example nevilles haze is close to original haze in mental level. but lacks a lot in emotional level, and for sure it lacks something at energetic level.

so through this optics I look at it when I make haze hybrid, and try to make it like that so it doesnt lack much on any level of true haze effect. of course it will, but crossing haze to afghan you will loose much much more in effectā€¦ on the other hand additional value of my hybrids is that it is easy to find keeper in few seeds and good yeildā€¦