Juicy Woo and others

Do you have original haze stock?


you have to read whole thread man… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I have different lines of original haze in stock yes.

I have preciously selected male of one of that line… which thai dominant. it is father of juicy woo by the way. I call him Mr. Shine. he is very well tested now.

I also selected unusually psychoactive female from over 40 females, it is mother of acid beatuy, you can see in this thread too.

I work with Toms haze from 2009 or so…


very incorrect. Nevil got seeds from Skunkman, and used only two males, never worked original haze as separated line… nevilles haze is 75% of original haze, not pure haze at all, it is hybrid…

Skunkman never worked with anything from Nevil… original haze doesnt contain northern lights, thats why it is called original haze. I asked him about it and he told me that nevilles haze doesnt work for him hahahahaha also he found ridiculous to name haze after nevil, even though Neville is a woman name. he think there is just one haze, original haze which Nevil used in crosses, nothing like Nevils haze for him…

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Overgrow told me that I should invite people to this thread:

so I invite you people :smiley:


Here’s where the Choc Funk is up to. Some is nearly ready and some a long way off. There are some fantastic aromas when I stick my head in the room and cup the buds in my hands. Different smells from each plant :smiley:


She’s definitely a beautiful plant!


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Don’t sell yourself short, that’s called the magic of proper selection. Not the shuffle from it being “F1’s”. Seen plenty of shit F1 lines that were actually better as F2’s.


Breeding processes can actually be expedited by using only a couple plants…you gotta know your genetics though…LL Dronkers…:wink:



thank you man, proper selection is needed for sure.

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it was said by Dronkers, or you are Dronkers from Dronkers group???

Thats the NL5, yes.
NL was bred in Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia - Washington. It was Kabul x Kandahar. The pure NL was sent to Herbie in Hawaii. Herbie found a great male NL and used it on his Hawaiian from BOEL. Thus, NL5 was made.
Herbie sent the clone and seeds of NL5 to Greg in Tacoma.
Greg’s crew hybridized the NL5 with the other NL lines. NL2 was NL crossed to a hindu kush from Oregon that nDn’s son got on a bike ride down there.
When Nevil showed up to backdoor Greg by going to the other members of the crew, they gave him the hybrids but told him it was pure NL5.
nDn was a father to one of the veterans in Greg’s crew of veterans, but he wasn’t trusted. So they gave nDn NL5 hybrid seeds and told him they were pure NL5. So when Nevil got ‘pure’ NL5 seeds from nDn, he actually got NL5xNL2 and NL5xNL1.
Greg’s crew were similar to H.A. - a group of veterans who did work to help bring veterans home from PTSD through entheogens. Greg’s crew used cannabis, H.A. used PCP.
If you notice, H.A. bikers used a LOT of chrome on their bikes. The reason for this was that if they were cruising on the road and came across a veteran in trouble, they can use that chrome to cook up some PCP.
PCP was called ‘Hell’s Angel’ because it pulls you out of your ptsd fox-hole, just as Ketamine does, but Ketamine was not available yet. And even when Ketamine’s recipe was available, it was far more difficult to make than the chrome recipe for PCP
I never did get to ask Greg if his guys go into PCP. But its apparent they did hook up H.A. with NL.
A POW veteran I know finds the most relief from NL and GDP.

I hope that helps


It might have been said by Ben Dronkers…


okay, thanks. and the thing they sold in Holland as NL1, it was NL5xNL1??? there were some NL crossed with durban, it was NL9? and with thai too?

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I think NL1 was NL1. NL x Afghan 1, affy1 going from Sam → Nevil → Greg.

The reason they didnt give out NL5 pure was because it wasn’t fully theirs - the Hawaiian belonging to BOEL. And, it really was the best thing they ever came across, possibly the best F1 in history. It outgrew everything and beat the Washington rains.

So, theres pure NL.
Then NL1 is Afghan 1 x NL
NL2 is Hindu Kush x NL
NL5 is Hawaiian x NL.
The other numbers, cant remember exactly, but yeah, consisted of Afghans, Pakis, Africans, Thai, Burmese, Cambodian, etc. I had a list on an old computer but that’s lost to time.
Greg ks still around an maybe he’ll disclose the specifics. Though, i heard his dementia progressed rapidly since I chatted with him half a decade ago.


Afghan 1? Thought NL1 was NL from Greg x Nevil’s Mazar I Shariff, Nevil sent the beans back as NL1. Unless you mean this is a separate NL1 line?

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That’s an interesting cross you have there @MAHAKALA

Can’t wait to see her in late flower.

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I heard the story the Sam breed NL from haze as an example of what was possible with the line and how he felt haze should be worked…I also heard a similar story for skunk (Exodus Cheese). These “stories” come out of the “Amsterdam Scene”. :smiley:

NL was about the diversity possible with proper breeding and skunk (EC) was about the terps that could be achieved.


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Hard to believe since Sam said he didn’t create NL

For real…is this the Sam you met running around LA, or the one at the Cannabis Conference :wink:?

“He”, “may” have said this, doesn’t mean it is true though…you know how it seems to go with this scene…5 different origin stories for the same strain…this is just what I remember from years ago…but specifically that NL is worked from haze…


Yes…that’s what you said.

Haha, wormy box huh…:roll_eyes:.
