Juicy Woo and others

Yea Ive met a few similar people that have cut out there ADHD meds using pure sativas instead. The effects of a pure sativa could be comparable to taking higher doses of things like adderall and other amphetamines from the heart racing effect and hyperactive, alert mind. Granted the pharmaceuticals “focus” you, but i find sometimes they make my brain go into overdrive and i still struggle focussing. the sativas that have a clear minded, driven effect have shown to be much more effective at focussing me up. And avoiding the side effects of trouble sleeping/eating. The ADHD meds in partled to my stomach issues, so weed has been all around a game changer for me. Going to have some Cough soon in the garden which im stoked for, just need a pure sativa/haze mom to add to the mix. May break into some of my Indian landraces now that I have some more room to find a nice incensey sativa to keep around.


That looks like heaven in a stem!


hehehe like on thai stick :smiley:


I smoked some hawaiian gas hash now, and in other thread I made this:


I know it is straight, but I see it as wave hahahahahahahah :rofl:


That’s why I think I am smoking the wrong kind of flower! Jealous of the wave but I will see waves of my own someday soon!


I just smoked some juicy and I have to say that buds chopped in the middle of summer have bigger volume, while the effect of buds chopped at autumn is more rounded and like bottomed effect, more deeper state of mind, theta waves state… autumn buds are more tasty, as summer heat just took a lot of terps out imo.

wow that volume, that thai stick intensity, that pressure waves… so mind altering.


we know that brain wave is electrical pulse, electrical activity of brain.

and I think this is what this particular pheno of Juicy Woo provides:

Theta brain waves can also occur when you’re awake, but in a very deeply relaxed state of mind; a state that some may describe as “autopilot.”

yeah this juicy smoke gives me deep autopilot effect.


I don’t smoke much and I’m particular about what I smoke when I do smoke. Had one big bong hit of some Chocolate Funk the other day and got pretty wasted. Not confused or cloudy but clear and active. Simple tasks required concentration to stay on point :stuck_out_tongue: It’s a nice smoke and doesn’t leave me feeling drained. I’m not much of a smoker and don’t like tiring cloudy buzzes. I would consider this to be top shelf and it’s getting even better with time :smiley:


I am glad you enjoy quality of toms haze genetics. some will try to take it down at boards for multiple reasons, but those who smoked it, those know… you know it now. like you say, top shelf… I hope it was fun and interesting experience to grow my gear for you.

next time, take more hits :smiley: hahaha


That was plenty strong enough for me thank you and it lasted for a good 3 hours :slight_smile:
I think it was off this one


Where can I get a hold of Maha Kala beans?


welcome and thanks for your interest. you can find some here:



I appreciate you always crediting Tom and the people before you for your work, but you have done excellent work as well my friend making some wonderful narrow leaf hybrids.

One of the things I enjoy about your breeding style is you always seem to have a specific goal in mind when crossing stuff rather than just mashing together whatever is on hand. For example your hunt for a suitable F13 to make an electric blue Haze relatively untouched by Afghani. Your own admission that sometimes these hybrids don’t quite work out as planned so you don’t release them is refreshing IMO.


thanks for kind words, yes without those who worked those wonderful lines, I could not mix it… we should thank those who preserved original haze thats sure, it is jewel and the best weed I have ever had…


juicy woo, it gets really bubblegummy now, but it is something between cherry bubblegum and juicy fruit bubblegum, not 100% juicy fruit. still very musky/spicy.


haze is haze, no matter what. I made nevilles haze thai pheno x toms haze, just for fun and fun of experimenting… I saw some trolls talking about NH phenos of it at another, that unfriendly HATEFUL, site…

and I have to say it is complete bullshit. nevilles haze is 75% haze, when you mix it with 100% haze(I mean haze which is not mixed with broad leaf line like NH), you get 88% haze roughly and thats why you cant get 75% haze pheno in it, if you can count LOL so no, really no NH phenos in it… as NH x THH is much more haze than any NH…

those “thinkers” think they are clever, but they cant manage simple counting LOL

88% haze:


Good info, I just crossed The Doors (75%hz) x THH, and my 88% beans are done


nice Hapi, let see that. just I used thai pheno of NH, which is super rare. so your is more colombian/thai, while my 88% is more thai. but what dissapointed me is NL influence, which is still apparent in some phenos, not by the look, but by the stinky smells… but I said that already multiple times LOL

I know they made purple santa marta colombian cut from Kiona with THH pollen from Mac… nothing extra came out from it… colombian took electric qualities of THH down.

also did you smoke some of your THHs already???


Sorry , I’ve been sick all week, I did test some ealy samples, but they were the branches with seeds, so I dont think its a good representation. That being said, I have been slow and dragging all week, with my immine system under attack. But one night I sat outside and smoke #5, it lightned me up, and I didnt feel drowsy anymore, then went from, looking at the moon. Then getting binoculars to view the details, then pulled out the telescopes for more detail, did you know the moon surface has really changed?. I let another small joint of #5 , then realized I was really blazed, didnt feel li,e it though, unless I tried to move or walk to fast, lol.
Then ther was #7, the thai looking, string of pearls, low yield. Blazed a joint in morning, sat on balcony, staring at trees, colors more vibrant, birds sounded clearer, and more bird sounds then I’m used to hearing. Felt like my eye were wide open, energy level was up. I’ve been in this house 2 years, and never before that morning, ever notice these set of trees off in the distance, that I failed to see in 2 years but was clearly in my line of sight. Pleasant suprise. Did I find the five percent?, maybe not, dont know yet.
Hapi joy


yeah let it cure… what changed on the moon surface?

the doors are NL5Hz x HZ(AC)

shantibaba about AC: “NL5(HazeA(2)) x SkHz/HazeC and shortened AC”

so the doors is only 50% haze. NLhaze crossed with NLhaze/skunkhaze male.


Consciousness raising bud! Nice!
Feel better!
Thanks for posting.

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