Juicy Woo and others

Your hilarious :rofl:

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Not you as in you…Sam being the one running around LA…I mean that guy used to walk everywhere…back in the day he would walk all around LA visiting different grows…thought of himself as the weed president or something :grin:…maybe he was…:thinking:!

Good times! Sam is also a musician…:exploding_head::grin:!



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Haha…more Schnozzberries eh? We’re gunna have to get an Umpa Loompa in here, a real one…they will know the legit Schnozzberries from the outcrosses…“What do Schnozzberries taste like?” :cherries:🫐 :coconut:? Or :grapes::pineapple::melon:?


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man, I have to ask you for not repeating this bullshit here… as this thing you say is not possible… I recommend you to grow original haze.

I crossed nevilles haze which 75% haze with tom hill haze which is 100% haze(you can ask @TomHill if he thinks there is any NL in his line LOL) and still got NL phenos… so it is is complete bullshit that NL would be possible to breed out of NLhaze, you can try to mask it only. original haze is only mix of tropical sativas. so at last and finally no NL in haze ever… crazy bullshit.

if you guys have antipathy to skunkman, is completetely your personal problem, you should solve at therapist, not here.

as for skunkman work, it is so stupid to discuss somebody´s personality at internet - as nobody is perfect. instead of seeing the work. skunkmans preservation work speaks for itself. without him there is no original haze, only NLhaze which is fucked up haze a period… you cant discredit his work with haze by any story, as plants speak for themselves.

amsterdam scene is what fucked up and watered down real haze the most LOL


oh, yes it looks nice right?, but problem is that it still puts out stupid NL phenos… which take quality of haze down. not really good cross. but some phenos can be interesting. still I would recommend to haze lovers to grow tom hill haze instead of this or any cross with NLhaze.


Or pretending to be somebody…

Your #2 on my block list…cough fake


you are pretending it? what is your work with haze? that you know it so well? show it here please.


I am sure there is bunch of people who dont like Tom Hill and? does it change something on his line? plants speak for themselves, plants dont need any stupid story from amsterdam scene to perform LOL even stupid stories that his line is skunkhaze cant change it LOL there is always some poor hater and haters gonna hate…

I even met grower from uruguay on boards, who try to discredit and bad mouth american breeders like skunkman, tom hill or dj short… he hates them, as he hates everything american and american culture. USA is responsible for any bad thing in latin America according to him… all was bred in colombia/mexico and these american breeders just knocked it off and copied. they are no breeders according to him. etc. this world is crazy. yes.

but this thread is about joy, not hate. so dont forget to close the door behind you. thanks.


@StickyBandit choc funk, I think I see thaihaze in it :grin: what do you guys think? :wink: there is some choc thai in it and toms haze cant miss, of course.


my 5% keeper of toms haze, it is super vigorous.


nevilles haze thai pheno x toms haze


have nice hazy Friday! my haze friends. it is the spring!!! the weather is warm and the sun is shining… smoke some haze and run outside! I rolled some acid beauty, I take my bike and I am ready to ride down those sandy hills in our pine forest… hoo hooooo! have a fun too!



I use haze for my ADHD and acid reflux lol. I used to take a bunch of adderall as a kid but hated the side effects it caused me. When I started smoking hazes and some other real racey sativas I found the same relief that the pharmaceuticals provided, which led to me no longer needing to be an adderall robot. For the best effect I like what one would call the most heart racing anxiety enducing sativas, because for me they focus my mind and allow me to be productive, efficient and clear minded. I havent found a strain that really gives me that anxiety others feel, the raciest of sativas has proven to be my best medicine. Oddly enough hazes have also done wonders for my acid reflux caused by a hiatal hernia. Not sure why that is but it fixes me up like no other type of weed. Most mornings i wake up ill and unable to eat or do anything, until i smoke some haze, then my stomach stops burning and i stop being on the verge of puking up pure bile. lol I got some packs of THH pres from Crickets recent work, Im gonna have to acquire some beans from @TomHill when he is ready to release em, glad to see him back in the game :call_me_hand::call_me_hand::call_me_hand: Much love to all my fellow haze heads


thanks for sharing. I appreciate this information a lot.

can you share with us which hazes you use usually?

me also never got that anxiety or paranoia in negative sense of the thing, on hazes, once I was little paranoid on laos, but it was because of one agressive guy who was noisy, and it was right after smoking it…

until recently when I tested haze x black vietnamese, brown pheno was really anxious. but thats about black vietnamese influence more than haze.


I assume alot of the stomach relief comes from the terpines cuz the real incensey hazes tend to be the best for me, NL haze and other indica/haze hybrids included. The help for my ADHD comes from sativa/haze hybrids, the racier the better there so I like african/haze, thai/haze, indian/haze hybrids tend to work best for me but I dont always have access to that flower. got to find some nice moms from that genetics group to keep round my garden.


NLhaze I take, as it contains quite good portion of indica or better to say subtropical cultivar. but we all know what “indica” means…

but one rarely hears about medical use of such sativas like thaihaze or indianhaze…

I still see haze, like Toms haze is…, as a fun weed mainly though.

you are really first one, I hear about using pure sativa as treatment to ADHD at. from what I see mainly kushes are recommended for ADHD. one would say that calming weed should work, not this kind of hyper-energetic weed… but people are different. there are more types of ADHD, one is hyperkynetic-impulsive disorder, and one is attention disorder, and combined types, what is yours?

you think you are anomal or do you know some other people that would use it like you? thanks.


I have diagnosed ADD as well and I find sativas helpful for sure… thats why I gravitate towards them. I only take my prescribed medication (Dexedrine) if I really need to study or focus on something… otherwise I would prefer to smoke sativa or haze to help focus my thoughts because I have less side effects. When I havent smoked or taken my meds my mind often works faster than my mouth and I start jumping from subject to subject and become hard to follow in conversation sometimes.

I dont like heavy indicas that will slow me down too much. They work to calm my mind but i feel too heavy. The worst part of the meds for me is I lose my sex drive… sex after smoking haze is great. I dont take my meds very often anymore as I find i can get by by smoking regularly through the day.


thanks for contribution. yeah sexfun on haze… hehehe.

well sure advantage of good haze is, that she doesnt leave you burnt out, devasted, tired etc… so you can stay functional the whole day on it. if you dont smoke too much of it. just few puffs of haze hash could be ideal.

but I dont recommend to drive on thaihaze though

@TopicalWave how does mindblower work for your ADD?


juicy woo bud, I cant take sharper pic LOL