Just some of OJ’s pics

For some reason land owner don’t like the sound of explosives… Go figure. It must be that it scares the cattle or something…

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Actually, they prolly don’t want anyone to go in there and trash the place up. I have seen it. Folks will go fishing and leave all their trash right where it lands. I can honestly say that any farm pond I was granted permission to use, was left in as good, if not better than when I got there. I used to be a stickler for picking up everyone else’s junk.
But I HAVE been unwelcome a lot of times. I guess that’s their land. They can let in who they want to.


I actually got fined for fishing in a pond. It was posted but everyone always fished there as it was owned by the electric company who didn’t care. I was busy picking up garbage left by others, I had a big black trash bag full. A local cop is who wrote me up and called the game warden. A had a legal fishing license and the game warden looked at the cop and said “the man is going around cleaning up the place and you want to penalize him”, I won’t have anything to do with this. You are on your own.
In court I did get a $250 fine but kept my fishing license. The judge was not happy with the cop for fining me but technically he had to punish me for tresspass.


Wow go figure man… :roll_eyes:

That really sucks bro… hopefully that asshat needed that same judge later :laughing:

Good morning OJ.


JP also is saying Good Morning, apparently he can’t get on your thread… just passing this on from him!

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Good Morning brother OJ, and all OG!


Good morning all!

Morning Sensei.
Hope your day is top shelf, brother.

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Off to mow the f*****n lawn! Gee and after that I get to trim it all……. Yeah I’m starting to hate having two acres!


Just mow around the house and let the rest go back to nature.
There! I fixed it for you.


Lmao… goodmorning oj…

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All needed is a path to the plants and a path to the front door. That’s it…
After all, the snakes need a place to hang out don’t they?

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The only snakes around here are copperheads, moccasins and rattlers. And they are NOT welcome!
Though right now we are over-run with scorpions.


Damn that’s some list of snakes :snake: :flushed:

Those copperheads and rattlers don’t play lol

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Actually the moccasins are the most aggressive of them.


No shit?? I’d of thought the copperheads

I’d be making boots lol

A copperhead won’t kill you normally. My dogs have been bitten many many times and no fatalities. We just give them some Benadryl for a few days. I don’t even bother with them when I see them. Rattlesnakes and moccasins are a different thing. If I see one up by the house I’ll kill it. Too many kids live on this ridge now for that.


When I was very young… around 8 years old… my dad took my 7 year old sis and I mushroom hunting … and during that my sis stepped on an entire nest of baby copperheads… they were all trying to bite her and couldn’t because she just by chance stepped on them all in a way that they couldn’t reach her leg but they were sure trying… my dad shoved my sister out of the blue really hard and she started balling… I was confused… and we all left upset… I remember seeing them there as it happened… but while it happened no one realized what was happening because it was all so fast…

It was incredible !!

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