Just some of OJ’s pics

All those guys are hawking Amanita Muscara We used to call Fly Agar. Always heard to stay away from red mushrooms with white spots. Poison. Have we been told old wives tales all these years.
Ever heard of the relationship with Christmas and Santa? It seems the A. Muscariae grows very well in the northern pine forests. The raindeer would eat them and they would be so high they would fly around. The rest is history.


Who ever told you that so not far from the truth. That particular mushroom is considered poisonous but still used to get high with.
You can read about it here:


I got a free psilly gummy from this dude who said he made them. Usually dont trust mushroom extract products since the chance of getting research chems or fly agar is pretty high but this one dude seemed legit after picking his brain and chatting about them.

It surprisingly tasted like mushrooms and felt like real mushrooms but personally would probably just eat actual caps if i had the desire to do them. Ive seen a good amount of chocolate bars tests as various research chems

Hey bro when you took those cuttings and put them in the cups, you just put them straight in soil, and they rooted?


No. I cut them from the mother plant when she was getting a haircut a couple weeks ago, and stuck them in a cup of water. Set on the widow sill. The plan was to put them in my cloner. But I forgot them. They formed roots in that cup of water. That’s when they got put in soil. About a week or so ago.


I think I’m more interested in micro dosing. I don’t mind tracers and bright colors and everything looking like its breathing. I don’t want to take so much that I shake hands with both the devil and God, make sense??

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Yes Sir. :+1:t5:

Getting the correct dose isn’t that hard at all. Stay below 3.5 grams and you wouldn’t get high enough to be uncomfortable. A 2 gram dose will only get you to the point of minor tracers and a high that is fairly mild.
I understand your trepidation and would never try to talk you into doing something you are uncomfortable about.
I can send some your way if you like and you can do as you please with it………


Yes, please.
Zee and her sister are getting together second week in September. I will be able to do as I please. (Like she keeps me from doing what I want, this side of strip clubs ) point being it would be perfect for a trial run. Just a few grams so I kinda get a feel for what to expect, before making an idiot of myself in front of my wife.


Are your bags still fruiting? Or are they done?

No problem, how about what I sent Mo, 6 grams should be enough to do as you will…


Been done for awhile now, I could have gotten more but figured I had plenty……. Plus I have two more syringes to work with!


At least twice !!!

Do you want me to time the send to arrive while the wife is away?

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No. She said she don’t mind. I just don’t want to do them in front of her is all. Send when you get a chance. Guess I will owe you another one. Lol


I would rather you weren’t alone doing this if you are going to take a.actual dose. If you were online like Mo was it would ease my mind. There is nothing dangerous but this is a mood thing and can swing a lot. Being lonely or in a bad mood is not a good time for tripping if not experienced.


I’m almost always on line. I just leave the computer on OG. If I was gonna do this, I would do like Mo.

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Ok will send your way in few days


Two things you HAVE to do…

  1. You have to have your guitar tuned up. :point_up:t5:
  2. You have to have your favorite album at the ready. :v:t5:

A beautiful sunset is icing on the cake. lol

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Get high and hug your canna plant then hug a tree. I’ve never not a bad conversation while doing that. :slight_smile:

On a microdose ive run a few 6 week rounds with it and I found everyone is different just like with canna and the dose size varies. For me, I went by an online calculator I found and it said 0.3 gram for 240lbs was right. At this dose I felt slightly high which was ok but it did also give me my mushroom influenced tell of a mild eye roll. When I reduced down to 0.2 that disappeared but the positive vibes and new interest in the mundane daily life was still felt.

It’s a bit of trial and error to find the right dose for you brother.

The worst that’s gonna happen is you gonna laugh to yourself and have a great afternoon