Just some of OJ’s pics

Maybe some sorta system where if a new member (or older, for that matter) gets ‘X’ number of complaints registered, they get booted? I don’t know…

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The problem with that @Oldjoints is; what are they gonna do about it but block their IP address. A VPN will get past that and a new moniker gets you back to stealing from people.

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There has been many solutions suggested, all shot down and told trading is at your own risk.
But when the site got ripped off Dr Gonzo was history.


I see folks saying similar stuff further down in the trade thread. DrGonzo13 was a seriously bad apple! He got a lot of folks, including me and LemonadeJoe




That looks dangerous!!


hmmmm… :thinking: :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

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There have been several, exactly like DrGonzo13. There was a feller from Brazil and one from Oklahoma, of all places, that come to mind. He actually screwed me good. But those guys seemed to get a boatload of chances before they got R. U. N. N. O. F. T. OJ is right.


DrGonzo is ok as far as I know, lol it’s DrGonzo13 that’s not…


Correct. I will fix it.


@Oldjoints that’s a bummer for sure. There is a lot of time, effort, and resources that goes into sending shares/trades. That’s on top of everything that goes into making the seeds. Anyone who’s done it understands what we go through.

I’ve been much more busy recently with work/life stuff, and my outbound shares have slowed to a trickle. I’ve developed a backlog on my outgoing shares, and those are not trades, just one sided shares mostly. It takes me weeks to get around to sending out now. I don’t even ask people for trades anymore. If I win something, I offer to reciprocate, and some people accept that offer. Every now and then, someone reaches out for a share of the Sheelavathi or something else I posted.

I’d miss y’alls 6am salutations in the morning if you stop though. I’m usually at work when you start chiming in. Im not usually comminicative at that time, but I do grin when I see everyone chiming in with the morning salute.


That’s mostly the highlight of my morning also! Hey there brother @Tracker been a minute. hope everything is good for ya in your world!

lol Heck, what am I saying?! The morning BS & salutations is the highlight of my day!


Doing okay. Just juggling work, family life, kids’ extracurricular activities, and other responsibilities. Gotta keep priorities straight, ya know.

The gardening, seed making, share/trade hobby definitely takes a not insignificant amount of time, effort, and resources.

How are you and fam holding up?


Same ol Shit, different day. pretty much here for us lol When ya talk about all that stuff… I remember & look back on similar situation, but not fondly!
i don’t miss them days! lol


Sorry to see you pull a homer in the bushes @Oldjoints .

Just so you know, I’m not asking for anything in return. I’m a very giving person, and just want to share good medicine. I’ve been burned plenty, and I know folks are still waiting for me to come through on some stuff that I agreed to share with no expectations. Now maybe this is a trading thread, but I’m accepting genuine conversation as the deliverable from “your” end. Everyone out there is different, and I still don’t know if man is generally good, or bad, but I know I’m a good person, and my local community loves us. We stand up for the underserved here. Some people suck, and you just gotta deal with it. That’s life. At least on here, it an infinite bathroom wall folks can write whatever they want. That’s why Internet community sucks. People are only connected by loose flying words, that fly off the tips of fingers when folks get irritated.

Anyway, sorry I triggered you.



@Rhino_buddy it’s also been a minute since we last spoke. Good to see ya, brother!

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No bro! That is just an unfortunate save as far as a copy and paste. Click on the link associated with it and it will take you to the intended message.
You have always been outstanding with me and in any transaction or words.


Okay @Oldjoints . I was gonna say. I tried to read it all but I’d slept since and had rocks in my eye when I woke up. Lol.

You sir are a genuine dude! Im sorry to assert myself as such. I hear you about the frustrations of this place. I’ve almost given up on trades. I usually just offer up stuff I have available if folks are looking.

I definitely recognize the upstanding folks here. They’ve been around awhile for the most part. We all seem to hang around the same threads too. :wink:
Regardless, this place is the only social media platform I use. I couldn’t handle anything else.

And hi @JohnnyPotseed !!! It’s been awhile, again. Got your Frankie kicking again, and the tut cuts you sent me years ago, I’ve got one in veg ready for flower again. Love that incenseyness of the tut terps. :drooling_face:


Glad to hear ya kept em going, my friend! They’re def worth it, lol


What I have is available to anyone here, no trades needed.