Just some of OJ’s pics

Yep that’s the SBC, just little buds so far but it’s easy to see the potential here.

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Looks like SOMEBODY knows how to grow cannabis. Nice flowers bruh!


Good morning brother! Hope you guys are doing well and don’t float away in all that rain down OK way.

We got just a tad bit of rain. Its hazy outside now but kinda sunny. Supposed to get real again tonight tho.

It finally stopped pouring here, lol the dogs were sure glad! Still overcast, with rain forecast for the next few days. Oughta change the drought condition levels pretty good.

Hey @Oldjoints
I just learned that the Blue Tara was a Bodhi brand. I did not know and I failed to “get his permission “ to run them. My bad. When will I ever learn.

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Damn… well, it might be kinda like shutting the barn door after the horse got out. But all of the Blue Tara beans ya sent me are gone now.

Uh-oh. Not good.

SORRY about that!
If they weren’t all gone already, I’d pull em.

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@BigMike55 @JohnnyPotseed Don’t worry one bit about the Blue Tara F2s being sold here. Bodhi has stated that he encourages people to make F2s to continue a line that he is no longer working. He has also given the OK to sell any of those continuations.

The only real limit seems to be on lines that he currently works / sells IIRC. I can check the details again.

This topic came up in one of the Bodhi threads recently. Someone had posted a screenshot of Bodhi saying all of this, I’ll see if I can find it.

Edit: can’t find it quickly on mobile, I’ll see if I can find the screenshot later. @Cannavore are you the one who posted a conversation with B giving permission to repro older lines?


Yes Blue Tara was originally put out by Bodhi. I aquired it here on the forum from another member.
Wouldn’t matter to me either way as when I aquire seeds they are mine to do as I please with them. As far as I’m concerned it’s equivalent of someone selling me something and then telling me how I can use it, that’s not going to fly in my world. If you have stipulations on a product it better be made clear before the sale of said product. Even than it is still up to the buyer whether to honor that request. If someone doesn’t want others reproducing said product I would advise not selling said product in the first place.


I’m with you on this, brother. I never could really figure out what the actual deal is. And no one has explained it to me. Why??? If I buy a pack of tomato seeds and let some go to seed for me and my buds, what business is it of anyone else. Some might say, "But he put in the time, effort and money to create that strain. " I say "someone, somewhere down the line had to do the legwork to produce, say, Better Boy Tomatoes. I don’t hafta ask Mr. Gurney for permission to run his BB Tomatoes. What’s the difference.
I’m like you. If I buy something, what I do with it is my own business. If I want to sell it, give it away, recreate it, burn it, hell its mine.
First time I heard of this I was floored. I almost swore off Bodhi seeds. In fact, I don’t think I have grown anything Bodhi since except for Blue Tara. And I did not realize the came from him.


Unfortunately this is a real “sticky” business. :100:

The fact is that I’m not in a business. I am the consumer, don’t sell me a steak and tell me I can only broil it or share my steak with someone. If your business is so weak you cannot compete with consumers than perhaps you are in the wrong business.


Appears I might have opened a can of worms. Sorry.
I just wanted for folks to be aware that no permission was granted to run them (in case there are those who care), nor did I ask for any. It was more an FYI than anything.


Worms are a good thing, many fish love em ……


Now I do remember seeing a post about that somewhere on here. So I think you might be making much ado about nothin, my friend…
@emeraldbullfrog jogged my memory with that post!

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How can we Overgrow the world together if we don’t share?
People can horde anything they want in this world but it doesn’t mean it’ll be following them into the next…


Isn’t this the reason some seed makers go the extra step and make feminized seeds? I understand Grimm Bros is doing that with C99 so folks can’t create more regular seeds. They could reverse a female but the seeds will all be female seeds.


Yes some breed in this fashion for that purpose. But let’s face facts, not only did they have to use other strains to create that strain, in most cases it is not their strains that they used. So it’s a case of don’t do
as I do just do as I say.
I look at it this way. It’s like the Blue Tara I passed on to you, you created your own thing with it. It won’t be the exact thing I gave you but it could be better but it is still a part of that creation and it wouldn’t have existed without the Blue Tara. Now is that strain off limits also? I think not!
The more we create the more that can be created. So feminized strains only stop a person from creating that exact strain, but you never really end up with an exact copy even breeding the same strain. They change from pheno to pheno and conditions they are grown in and from generation to generation.