Just some of OJ’s pics

I love the hot Italian sausage also but got the sweet just in case others couldn’t take anything hot at all.


Understand. The sweet is very good too. I just have a preference for a little spice. But. That sweet sausage is the bomb, too.

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I’ll bring some hot ketchup to put on it… I’ll be fine.



You’re a saviour, my brother.

I’d rather throw paint on a masterpiece painting.
Ketchup stays home. lol

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But don’t forget that git-fiddle. I might restring Blondie if I have some new strings hanging around. She really needs a good cleaning. Specially the finger board. You would be embarrassed for me.

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Not if you saw mine two days ago before I cleaned her up and put on new strings. lol

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Does that Willie Nelson match the hype???


Seeing those pics is making me hungry! That looks delicious


Dusty went back to bed. Think I will search for a nice bud to go with my cuppa. See you on the other side.


Brother OJ is the Emeril LaGassey of this bunch, right here. He really puts a lot of blood, sweat and tears into his cooking. Specially the blood part, right OJ?


Oh you didn’t have to let out what his secret sauce is brother @BigMike55 !!! That’s just not cool!


Hey it’s all about putting a little of yourself into the food for that perfect mix. Wonder what I sacrificed this time?

The Willie Nelson is good, but there better in that drawer like the Bruce Banner x Hulk Smash and Slurty 25, Slurricane and a few others. I might have a tad of bubble hash for us also…….


Lasagna all ready to go:

Last time I didn’t have parmigiana in it because it gives Rob a headache. So I told him he had better go for the chicken wings than because I added it this time. He said he would suffer the headache as he isn’t missing out on my lasagna…….


OJ, if I could be there I would risk a migraine for a slice of that lasagna!



It should be really good, the sauce was delicious!


Daamn that looks good. I havent had lasagna in a while, seeing yours definitely makes me want some.


Dang what a testimony to your lasagna! lol

That would beat the hell out of that nasty chocolated cereal I ate this morning.
On a better note.
I just grabbed a small bud of Blue Tara. Deseeded it and packed a small bong bowl. I toked until I could not stand it before pulling the bowl. One Frickin hit(admittedly a big one) and I’m pretty lit up. May not need another hit. My goodness that BT hits me just right. That and that Cap Junky both are my best overall grows. Even seeded.
But now I have a clone from this very BT plant. It will grow without seeds. I did not catch a clone of the Cap Junky, but I have a nice CHUNKY JUNKY that is in flower for a week. Still stretching. And that Chunky Junky looks exactly like the Cap Junky did at this stage.


It may look the same but there will be differences. Hopefully good ones. You never really know how things shake out until it’s finished. I am sure all your Chunky Junky don’t take after the Cap Junky. Some should lean towards the Cap Junky and some should lean towards the Blue Tara. Time will tell which you prefer!