Just some of OJ’s pics

Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!

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Good morning @Oldjoints and anyone else around today!
Have a great one brother. I’m flying high thinking about this gathering! :slight_smile:
It shall be something songs will be written about! Others will try for years to replicate the awesomeness to no avail! Decades from now young people will speak in hushed voices about the legendary gathering of old hat growers and the amount of killer ganja they went through in only one day!!!
OK, slightly too much?
I might be a little high right now. lol

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I can’t get blazed yet. I have a dental appointment at 9:30. But after that??? Look out. Cap Junky here I come


Mine is at 1:00. lol

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My teeth are so crashed!
I’m thinking about getting dentures. Can’t afford implants.

Heck man, you go and get them falsies. I’ve got a drill and some stainless wood screws.
Easy peasie!
It won’t hurt a bit. Well… maybe just a little bit.


Between you and my brother with his rusty pocket knife, I guess we’ll be good to go. Haha.


If you want, but I’m always here for you bro. I don’t mind helping out and blood doesn’t bother me. :slight_smile:

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Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!

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Won’t be on much today, doing some cooking and yard work……… stay dry and high!


Mornin OGs


Good.morning OGs


Cooking and yard work @Oldjoints ? Sounds like you’re expecting a little company.

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Good morning all!

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Morning, OJ and family. Just a couple more days. Wish I lived close enuff to come help you get ready.


Ok peeps it’s real close to party time.
I am getting things ready on my end:

There is no ground beef in that sauce, it’s all Italian sausage. All ingredients are real, fresh and organic.
The base is Roma tomatoes.

The ricotta is made with 2 eggs fresh basil, parsley, and a touch of pepper.

I am going to build the lasagna today and refrigerate
until a few hours before party time.


A man with a plan!
Can’t wait bruh.

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Can’t forget the main course:

We are still trimming…… so will be a few added jars!


I haven’t had anything to eat this morning and you got me salivating! Dang it all. Now I have to go make a ham, mushroom, jalapeno and cheese omelet to go with my coffee.

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When I make sketty sauce I use the Johnsonville Italian sausage. The HOT style. But its really not hot. Just a tiny bit spicy. But its our favorite. Love me some Italian sausage. I think its the carraway seeds in it that really turns on my taste buds.