I don’t usually get any type of transplant shock. If you don’t mess with the roots they really shouldn’t see any shock.
Most of the time tho, I have roots hanging out of my inside cup drain holes. I usually screw up a few getting the plant out of the cup. This last grow, I enlarged the drain holes a bit. Maybe that will help A bit in not breaking off roots. When I up potted those yesterday, the roots came out of the holes very easy.
Goodmorning… I’m a late bloomer today… hope you all have a great day!!
Sometimes I’ve just found it easier to cut the pot off, than mess around.
I have done that several times. When the roots were obviously going to be damaged. I generally like to reuse all my gear, if possible. But, yes, there does come a time to start over, new.
Good evening @BigMike55, any storm your way tonight?
Yeah. Supposed to be bad again overnight. Tired of dodging storms.
In fact it just now started raining.
Nothing falling up here yet, but it’s incoming soon I’m sure.
I know right bro… I wish it would just stop and dry out for like 2 months straight
Well this morning I used my bullet proof 100% guaranteed method of killing all mites in my rooms.
Got tired of playing around and cut down and destroyed every plant. No more mites for me!
Hated to like that one. Were you close to harvest, anyways. Hopefully not a total loss. Those were.some nice plants.
Good morning brother OJ, & all OG. Sorry to hear ya hadda go full on terminator on them bugs!
There are a couple I am going to harvest. I think 3 of them, the other 21 are toast……
Good morning @Oldjoints that is a darn shame. I was upset when I had when I had chop 4 that got out of control.
Dang bro! What total suckage!!!
F it. Good morning anyway @Oldjoints and crew!
I have been going at it a lot of years grow after grow without a break. I was going to take a break after I finished what I had growing but this was a good excuse to shut it all down.
Sometimes its best to just cut your losses and start over. Nice that you have some flower in jars tho, to tide you over.
Yep it’s not like I won’t have something to smoke! I have at least an ounce or so to hold me over…
Oounce??? I’m thinking pound. I’ve seen your stash. You RULE!
Ok so it’s a really big ounce…….