Just some of OJ’s pics

Good morning OJ and OG


Goodmorning oj and the rest of og!! How’s those plants looking today??

Well had to get more amendments and tomatoe cages early this morning and already to hot to be out there digging so. Will wait until tomorrow to put in another one or both.


Whats the temps there right now bud?

80 degrees with 78% humidity………

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Yup I’d be inside lol… that humidity would do me in… like a slow cooking sauna

Just came in from checking on my babies. Its blazing already. 83° and very humid. Hard to breathe. Almost. The shed where my babies are is 92°. I think I will put them outside under some shade. I have 9 baby Chunky Junky that all broke ground this morning. I just put the popped seeds in beer cups yesterday morning. Growing like weeds.


92 man oh man

That’s just because I have 300 watts of light in a 12 x 12 shed. Think until the heat wave passes, I will put them outside during the day and back in the shed under the lights until tomorrow.

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Man I’ve been having ac issues and at 92 degrees my plants started wilting bro! I’m trying to keep them ok until it’s fixed… its a bummer for sure

Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!

Good morning @Oldjoints and crew!

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Hey Mo. Hope you’re doing ok without Eva I know you’re behaving yourself.

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Sleeping alone sucks like a souped up Kirby vacuum! And I didn’t realize just how much chores we get done together. I’m still not done with that. Just taking a break.


lol IKR? I make sure to let Rose know I love her, and thank her for all she does every day!


That’s what you’re SUPPOSED to do.
And never go to sleep without that last “I love you”. Even if you’ve been fighting. it really means a lot.


So true! A goodnight kiss and ‘I love you’ … no matter what! Always makes the sleep (and morning) better! lol ‘disagreements’ don’t mean ya don’t love each other. So don’t let em ruin that love!


Good morning growmies, just got done putting on another OD plant in. One more to go……


Slow and easy brother. Easy to overdo it in the heat.

Oh, good morning, Sensei!


I think I watered that plant in with pure sweat. I literally came in and wrung my t-shirt out. Too early for this shit………