JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

I shut the cloner area down. Last 3 fruity pebbles og clones have been out into cups. I wanted to see how long I could keep them in the cloner before putting them into pots.

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Checked on everyone this morning. The flower tent looks great, plants are already showing new growth. I turned the light up to 380 watts up from. 270, I’ve never vegged with this light so I don’t want to fry them with an 18 hour day. Is there any benefit to running UV in veg?
The Veg tent looks great as well. Everything that’s been up potted has perked up nicely. I can’t wait to see the Wrighted Blankets really take off. Hit everything with spinosad at lights out, I figured it for the best. I have fungus gnats and bringing in fresh compost from outside I wanted to make sure we are critter free. May try some citric acid tomorrow to change it up.


Top em! They’ll really go lol

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I just did this morning, I remember you mentioning that! Can’t wait to see them grow now that they have some room.


When they recover go one more time and lollipop half off the bottom before flip n yer gonna get huge yields of huge flowers!


Hell ya man! Will do. Are you saying top all the side branches to or just the top 2 that will form?

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You have been busy @JustANobody Up pot looks great, full house


Thank you, I appreciate it!


Well I think I screwed up. I think the back right FPOG is a dude. We will see in a few more days.


So it was a dude.
Not the end of the world.
So tomorrow it’ll go to the chickens, they will enjoy the treat. I don’t have a breeding tent or I would have made some F5’s. But not all is lost, I have 3 cuts of it in the Veg tent. So I think what I’ll do is I’ll be buying a 2x4 for breeding, and the FP OG male will be my first stud. I’ll make some F5’s from the female I have, I’ll cross it with MOB, I’ll cross it with what we call our Black widow cut, and maybe even a black sour bubble, who knows.

I replaced the FP OG male with an AK BB that I found on my desk and an MOB clone, both in smaller pots as they are smaller plants. They will get about a week of veg before the flip.

How the night started.

How the night ended


Too bad for the loss for now, but breeding tents always lead to good things. Everything looking good mate


is that a rabbit in the third picture? Is he helping out

Ah no biggy, I have multiple clones of the 2 females in the Veg tent. I just picked my 2 biggest known females in veg and tossed them in. Should be a nice run, haven’t even put in the plants I’m pollinating with the blue moon rocks pollen.


Nah that’s my buddy Thunder. He’s a 6.5 month old male Maine Coon kitten.


I think I’ve been running my lights too low. Busted out a calculator and I was running less watts per square foot than my other veg tent. I’ve got it turned up to 484 watts now.


The FP OG male has been sacrificed to the chicken gods. They are happy

His children live on in the Veg tent. After a week the one with the best root system will live on, the others will also be sacrificed to the feathered gods.


Puff puff pass then peck :chicken:

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Out of likes but that’s funny.


Ran out of likes around post 157…lol.
Savage garden, bro!!! :ok_hand::+1:

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You’re an animal @tappy, an animal. Thanks for all your likes.