JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

LookinG :fire: :fireworks:

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Thanks! These are the smaller of the 3 plants too. I have one more of the Kush Mintz IX and then it’s on to the 3 larger Blackout Bobby Plants.


The runt Kush Mintz IX put out 132.9 grams for a grand total of 447.3 grams/15.975 oz.


You could have sneezed on the pan and made .03. Seriously though nice haul!

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It’s OK, no need to inflate anything! 3 smallest plants done, 3 big blackout Bobby’s to go. And already at .59 grams per watt. I think I’ll easily break 1gram/watt which I think will be a first for me.


How do u like the grove bags… from a rating of 1-10

So far 8, I have had a couple fail. 1 2 oz one fairly quickly and a 1/4 pound one after 2 runs. The real test will be this winter. My wood stove dries everything out, even weed in the jars. I’m hoping this prevents that.


Little early morning up date before an early work session… Flower tent is happy and the larger FP OG seems to have snapped out of its weird magnesium issue (I think). Everything has perked up nicely. I have the smaller FP OG a little lift as well to help it get some more light to even out the canopy ahead of adding a support net.

Veg is trucking along. Weighted blankets are very impressive.

The Weighted Blankets leaves look like big beautiful green solar panels.


We have 2 1968 Vibes Collection Jamaican Lambsbread in root riot cubes. It’s about to get real.


Flower lights turned up to 660 watts, plants are very happy now.

Veg tent trucking along, Hit them with some silica last night, these weighted blankets continue to truck along.


Can anyone make a recommendations for a full cycle light for a 4x4. Currently using all HLG but I’d like to try something else.


Extra 10% off with code CCFC10 brings it to $485 shipped, bar light with the latest most efficient diodes right down on your plants to make the most of electricity $

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Blackout Bobby plant 1:
178.2 grams, and that’s with giving away a half to full ounce this weekend.


Wow wow wow not sure if it comes across in the pictures but plant 2 of Blackout Bobby are beautiful.

169.92 grams


I ain’t mad at it. Not done yet.


The last bag looks like it has some Steam, :fire:

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Yea, I have 2 different bag styles for 1/4 pound. One with a clear window and one a “smoked” windows.

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I’m at 795.42 grams after 5 plants and giving away a 1/2 to full ounce. That puts me over a gram per watt and I have, I assume, another 150 grams to go. I’m really happy with this grow in a 5x5 running ~730 watts of led. I think I’ll break 1000 grams this next run. I should be about 1.3 grams per watt when it’s all said and done. That’s not bad but I think I can do better.


Is anyone using oxygen absorbers with mylar bags for storage? I like the Grove bags but the shipping price really bugs me.


Order a bunch, shipping stays the same.

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