JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

Hell ya! I’m really glad to see you are using her!


I like using the aeroponic cloner as well it clones so much faster and easier IMO


I second that.


8 for 8 @Crafty_Flame Peanut Butter Dream!


Love when that happens :grin::grin:. :100: nice job brother :v:


It’s always nice to have every seed pop. Hope you find a few winners in those!

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I’m sure there will be. @Crafty_Flame shared someone else’s big grow with them and it looked really nice.


Took this tent wall support bracket designed to use pvc pipe. Keep the tent walls from being sucked in so bad with high volume fans and doubles as scrog net holder. last night i redesigned it on fusion 360. Took about 10 minutes.when I downloaded the original and printed it up it seemed too cheap and needed to be modified so I started over set it up to fit extra tent poles I have and will fit the chocked down ends. I’ve got to make a slight diameter adjustment due to inconsistencies in the pipes, but it came out nice


Bad ass, how do you like fusion, I haven’t used it yet.


I like it. Once you get use to it and figure out the controls and options . it’s easier than tinker cad and it’s quick to design stuff. Buddy at work been showing me . I have a few programs . All have their specialties and slowly figuring them out

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So how are you liking the coco so far? Also in the solos did you add anything for aeration? Also how offten are you having to water in the solos? Sorry for so many questions but super curious about coco.

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So far it’s going well, I’ve only watered once. The seedlings seem to be firmer/studier than my organic grows, which I find interesting. At this stage they will take longer to use up that water. Hopefully by next week they get watered 1 time a day.


By sturdier like stem strength? Also when little are you hitting them with nutes or start on water only?

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My clones in the 2x4 are in coco and on the house plant watering timer 1/2 gal pots once a day and runs for 2min 40 sec seems to be working pretty good.:+1:


I’ve been watching @JustANobody and his coco. It always gives me issues. So I’m trying to learn something too :grin::grin:I prefer straight hydro old school nft is my sweet spot :v:


Never water only. Always with nutes.


Yes. Coco hold nothing it’s basically hydro in a media. Don’t know why it always gives me issues. The res I set up for the clones seems to be keeping them alive and going :joy::rofl:

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Wonder if they are getting more silica? That could make stronger stems.

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I’m assuming so. Makes sense I guess.

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LOL we really need to come up with something better than this :rofl:

I’ll see if I can get Fusion spun up this weekend. I need to consider making one of those aerocloners.