JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

So happy with this coco grow so far.


So do you think all your seed runs will be coco in the future? And soil for flower or mix and match?

You still need to try octopots. So easy! Biggest buds I’ve ever grown since I started using them. And with my 30 gallon auto water system, I can be gone for weeks.

Just saying.


With my dirt grow and how I will flower I can do the same. I have a 32 gal res for flower and veg. For coco I’ll use the same res and have a pump to move all the run off into the sump.


Nice! I’m trying to get my other set up so my veg can be automated too. Mines all done with gravity and a float valve. Either way, it’s great to be able to step out for awhile. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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It is, makes it way less stressful. I really need to get my mom’s hooked up to blumats again.

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Do you just use one blumat per plant? When I tried them I had to have at least 3 per plant to keep them happy. And they weren’t really happy. Lol

For my 2.5 gal plants and smaller 1, for my 7 gal pots 3

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Dang. I was needing 3 per, in my 2 gallons. Maybe because some were knockoffs. Lol

Now they’re just tangled in a tub. 🤦🏼


You probably had them turned down too much and/or the soil didn’t get a really good soak the day before.

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Had em full throttle, and you could definitely see the water in the soil. The ones I have in my wife’s houseplants do great. I never soaked them to start either. Also, they are annoying to setup, but I am quite proficient at it now. Lol.

Sitting in a grant deliberation, and just found out they chose my organization for their major grant award. Yay. We can continue work into the future. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


That’s awesome news! Congratulations!

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Thanks man. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions in this field. Most people just don’t give crap about their environment, and some are all in. All I know is if you build a healthy, diverse ecosystem, it will provide for all life it touches. This grant is about working with small farmers to incorporate perennial, native food crops into their unkept spaces so they can have productive areas they don’t have to replant each year. It’s gonna be a game changer for this community. :crossed_fingers:


That’s an amazing idea, I love it!


Good morning everyone! Plants are looking great @JustANobody!

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A week into 12/12 . These are grown in cocoa and organic nutes. 3 gallon pots. Really loving the cocoa.

I do mix about 1/3 potting mix in there also.

Also these are Blue Dream(j6) x BOG Blue kush


The @Crafty_Flame Peanut Butter Dream are just trucking along.


How long was your veg time?


Right at 2 months


Very nice brother, coco and hydro you can see measurable growth daily, 1in plus a day. My trough system averages around 2 +\ - in a day depending on strain . Just love it. Speeds things right up when you can grow something in half or less the time :grin::grin::v: