JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

That is awesome! Will it actually stack on the leaf?

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Couldn’t tell you, first time having a mutation like this.


@JustANobody This is a mutation due to adding too much growth hormones. I ran into the same thing adding too much recharge to my ladies on my SSH grow and the grow before and then DGC brought it up and scotty said yeah you feed too much kelp and it throws the plants hormones out of whack. Id try to avoid this in the future as I believe it can lead to a hermie but I have no proof of that or science behind that part just a theory

@Gadarien No it will not you will just get a tiny popcorn bud and it’s better to cut those leaves and give more energy to your main buds


No growth hormones over here bud.


Well its definitely a plant hormone thing regardless. I believe my specific case was due to adding too much recharge but doing some research it can be in the genetics as well. Keep in mind those buds in the center of those leaves can hermie as well and keep a close eye on the affected lady


@Crafty_Flame I mean that comes off a bit harsh but to each is own brother. I get they are your strains he’s growing or whatever but I never said kill the dang thing just what I’ve experienced and when I had that issue it did seem to be due to the addition of too many growth hormones (recharge)as ive seen it 2x now when I’ve been adding too much kelp (recharge) both times. Doesn’t have to be a growth hormone either multiple things have kelp but I wouldnt say at all its misinformation but spreading a word of caution saying it could be from this. I mean by all means if you have a study post it up. I heard this info from DGC (dude grows crew and the owner/creator of recharge scotty) from people who were adding recharge at improper rates so it definitely applied to me but I believe there is some takeaway to be learned from this yet to be applied for his grow

No bud, this isn’t his strain, this is Stardawg Corey. Not sure what else was said I was driving.

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Out of likes but I appreciate the over use of kelp info you experienced and describe as I was going to use it to keep the white fly in check with a foliar spray…maybe not now after your experience


I’m far from a troll, misinformation is a serious detriment to this community… and you’re proving my point by taking what he says as fact.

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lol, sounds good. You called me a troll and a mutt! Lmao, good stuff

Knew it would

I didn’t see that at first but all I was doing was giving my 2 cents based off what I’ve heard and my own issues. Hopefully you can use some of that knowledge. Not saying that’s for sure whats wrong with your plants (doesn’t look to be anything wrong just trying to figure out what brought up the mutation as its from clone and i havent seen anyone else have those issues) but it’s a genetic mutation that I haven’t seen anyone else who has grown that stardawg corey out I have that ive given away. I had the same thing happen with the super silver haze I got and no one else has had it happen either its gotta be a certain thing that triggers it. I tried to look it up and find the best details as no one wants to share “misleading information” it may be irrelevant to you but it’s not misleading by any means. If I can find that video in DGC I’ll post it up so you can understand what I mean in better words lmao. Once again to each is own im not trying to argue or bad mouth. Take everything you read with a grain of salt of course. I’d never tell anyone to kill a plant based off my advice either always ask around I don’t know everything or claim to but I know what I’ve learned along the way


I bet GMO house of clones would have some good input for you @JustANobody as this is his favorite meds he told me and he’s had this strain around for quite sometime now


I know, it’s the Stardawg from you.
It’s a cool mutation, that’s all I was trying to show lol


No worries at all over here. Sorry if I came off harsh, I may be slightly sensitive to people saying things they aren’t sure of, as this is a prevalent thing in this community, but I appreciate your clarification. :v:

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The homie GMO has seen it.


It is a cool mutation lol. Sorry it got out of hand there for a bit everyone is entitled to their opinions. Im sure the next words out of his mouth will be to watch those bud sites because they can throw nanners and will probably be the first to do so


It is, I’ve never had one before, was pumped to find it. I’ll keep everyone posted on if he says more about it. It’s interesting that Stardawg Corey is known to be a heavy producer from what I saw. I wonder if it has anything to do with that?


I wonder what you would call the mutations… leaflarfigy?

