JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow



I too withdraw my post.

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That’s a bummer man. I can see why you’d need to trim the leaf off, but it would be some sick shit to watch a leaf stack a cola

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@Mr.Christmas @StrongerthanDirt @HighTilliDie

I’m here on this site to bring fire genetics, solid, factual and helpful advice, and to support positive contributors… you all seem to have other motivations and that’s great. I wish the best for all of you :v:


I’m unsure why you tagged me, as I’ve actually purchased your genetics and not received them as a gift. I’m also unsure why you deleted your first comments as there wasn’t anything crazy said in them.


This has nothing to do with nutrients or hormones period!! It genetic and alot of strains will do that. It’s not an issue , I’ve had several grows with that mutation :v:


Alright so I stole some pictures from my own thread and pulled the info I could. It’s hard to see in some of the pics because I corrected it in the SSH but both the SSH and golden tiger had the same problem. Once i stopped feeding 2x the amount of recharge on the SSH (later grow to try and solve the problem) the double leaves and buds from the center of the leaves stopped forming. Once again this is what worked for me so i thought it was coincidental to share in case you were also feeding something like me


Cool, again no worries. My issue is opinion and experience being presented as fact. The plant or plants you show are heavily mutated in more than one way so don’t really illustrate anything, but I understand that you were potentially trying to help

The only hormone I’ve ever used was clonex on a cutting. I use regular gh dry nute and have been for over 5 years , I run hydro and use a nft trough system with single recirculating reservoir and have had 1 or 2 plants bud at the leaf like that out of 14-18 plants .


Appreciate your support of my gear, but the comment was unnecessary. I deleted my comments because it’s drama and was lost on the intended party :v:

What seems to be lost on you @Crafty_Flame is that people can share their own info that they got from elsewhere and let the OP decide if it’s valid or not. If you have a polite rebuttal to why it’s not hormones im sure that would be helpful. But there’s no need to tell people to stop sharing info just because you don’t like it. That’s very counter productive to a collaborative community.


My image??? :joy: :laughing: The point I was making was lost on the intended person. Thanks for the expert psychoanalysis though :joy: Fuggin keyboard heroes.

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There’s always a few :joy: :laughing:

That’s not at all what happened. He presented his opinion as fact, period. :joy: A bunch of heroes I tell you! :laughing:

Is there a reason you can’t accept that you were the overzealous one? Even after a “bunch of heroes” say to maybe take it easy?

Like, take a break, smoke a bowl, and try and not be so harsh


What was harsh?

Your overall demeanor and approach

That i may of but im never going around saying I know everything. I’m sorry if I stated that as a fact I was wrong but please do present the facts id love to know why I’m wrong and what the right answer is. Not trying to be a smartass like legit I wanna hear what you think that hasn’t already been stated. 1 why is it a genetic issue and can’t be addressed? 2 if it’s genetic does it come from genetic drift from poor health or a totally random circumstance. 3 if I can get the same problems with too many added hormones and make it go away by cutting that in half then how is it not the same thing? 4 is this something that can be consistently reproduced or luck of the draw? Like I’m not being a smartass id really love to know why these happen and I’ve supported my claim and why I believe what I did solved my problem


They happen from stress but are already within the genetic code of that particular cross. It is not indicative of a herm, but a herm could certainly come with it considering that they are both caused by stress… that being said, there are plants that will show this mutation regardless of environment. A hormone cannot cause a mutation, but can bring an existing mutation to light, however, that mutation has to already exist in that particular genetic.


Let’s get this back in track.