JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

Opps… Forgot to turn on the heat mat for the cuts.

And turned the flower light all the way up, killawatt reads like 716 watts I think.

I love it, is it a seed, or clone

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I made seed, one of the mothers was a clone only cut

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Looks nice

i might be able to help you there. i got two HSC fem freakshow seeds as freebies last halloween. i kinda have zero intention to pop them. they’re not really useful to my project(s).

can you use them? would seem a fitting way to pay you back for what you’ve sent me.


Not upset about seeing this. That’s less than 18 hours old.


Hey bud how about this. @Wizdom has me taken care of on the Freakshow front, so instead would you be willing to pass them on to someone else if I give you their address? I think they’d appreciate it a lot.


yessir. they’re just collecting dust here. rather they be put to good use.


Perfect. As soon as I have the address I’ll pass it on to you. Thanks man, appreciate it.


just trying to pay back OG style.

this is the way.


It definitely is, really makes this a great place.


Hopefully the person makes some seeds to keep the genetics going

I have that taken care of as well. I plan to get a breeding tent going here soon and I plan to pass on a bit of pollen so they can make some crosses, if I get it there correctly.

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I have 6 or 7 gallon bags stuffed with trim and outdoor buds frozen fresh… That’s going to take forever in 5 gal bubble bags. Wth do I do with them?

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do u give out seeds for donations, i would like to get a freekshow seeds

i have a littel sts project going, my first time if it all goes well i would like to sts a freekshow, and make some F1 seeds

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I have a bunch of sts, pre mix, and components in my fridge. I should mess with that again.

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Yea, make some seeds of the FreekShow
Those two strains look sick as Fudge…. :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

Topped all the Weighted Blankets from @Tonygreen. Hit them with some Dr Earth before watering in some benificial bacteria. I’ll have these bad boys plugged into the blumats in the next few days. Anything that does not have good side branching after the second top will not get clones taken of it I want to find the winner in there.

Pinched off the clones in veg, hit the bigger ones with Dr earth. Everything got beneficial bacteria.

Flower tent is chugging along and very happy with the turned up light. Nice bud sites on the black widow, jeeeesh. Might have finally got her close to right after 2 years.

The breeders are happy. I’ll probably hit them with some Dr Earth Flower girl in the next day or so.


32s , this is the way.