JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

Lol oh ya, its not a big town haha

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Hey man, will these stretch a bunch?

if you are in search of someone in need of free weed, find anyone near the end of their overnight shift. i always give a preroll or two to the guy working nights at the convenience store by my house on the way home.

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Most stuff is closed by 6 pm around here bud.

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The Boogeyman comes out after 6pm in the town


Is that safe to say….:ghost:

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Sometimes it’s a moose sprinting down the road. Other times a black bear assaulting trash and chickens.


Maybe the Bear is angry, because u haven’t given him a baggie…. :joy:

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Or maybe they just like cocain like in the movie

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hmmm… i have gamma lids for my brewing (i brew mead) when i do big batches. i had never thought to use them to dry/cure ganj. pretty good idea.
food safe buckets with food safe gamma lids. whole deal for under $20. nice.

cool idea.


Popped my head in to see how the ladies were doing. Got the start of some nice little buds starting. Curious to see the stretch I know the Black Widow won’t stretch much, first run on the others.

The AK BB cross is really starting to stretch. I’m curious to see which mom she came from. Glad I grabbed a couple snips.


Now that’s a friend to run into :100: Plants starting to bud nicely :+1: :ok_hand:


Looking good, Saw a picture from sometime last month of some gorgeous plants of yours. Gonna follow along.


Thanks my dude! Can’t wait to get your stuff going. That Freakshow is getting planted ASAP.

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Thanks man!

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Look forward to how they turn out for you.


No, I’m fine. Just chillin, having some wings and trash juice. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Me too, I’ve been wanting to run some Freakshow for awhile now.

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This is the male I used.

This was a tester from the seed I made.

@THCeed is hopefully going to do a repo


Those are beautiful bud. I can’t wait to run them.

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