JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

perfect size also. they should be happy campers.


Oh, yea they will do good out there. I have a cut in the cloner rooting now and a big one outside in a 20 gal pot it’s probably 3 feet wide and 4 feet tall already


How do you keep track of everything?
note pads, white board, laptop?
I’m learning I better start or I’ll loose track, but I’m horrible at note taking. Thx :call_me_hand:


Keep track of what part?

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All of it, is it in a central main book, excel sheets, white board in each room.
Or just wing it as you go, seeing what the plants doing and adjust accordingly 🤷


Uh, I ask crafty for coco stuff and then just kind of mess with stuff and look back at this journal. I kind of wing it.


Ok, cool. Thanks. Same here, just always lookin for the tiny things to help. But I like winging it as well :call_me_hand:


It’s part of why my Veg tent goes through cycles of being haggard as all hell.

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I guess it’s just inevitable for the veg tent. I was trying to think of ways of NOT letting it get to that point, but I think I’ll just have to do it! Then figure it out later.
gave 2 Frosted Cobras to the neighbour, got 2 on the balcony while the flower tent finnish in a month n a half or so.
So popped 4 PPP, to get veggin. I guess I’m at a point where I’m like… What do I do next lol.

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I just ordered some things to help handle the coco runoff, I’ll be automating soon and that should help. All dirt mom’s are being given to friends or flowered out this year. Blockberry is the next one to get cloned and then flowered. She’s huge for a half gal pot.


I roll like this. Sometimes I need to scroll back in my thread to remember what the hell im growing/doing.


Installed the AC Infinity high cfm kit yesterday. Probably need to lower the bars a little. Coco run is on day 35.

Peanut Butter Dream keeper

Peanut Butter Dream freak

Nice job @Crafty_Flame!


His gear looks fire everywhere I see it !
Amazing op brother, keep it up ! :muscle:


I’ve been considering doing bars like that. I always stop when I figure it would be a bar in my face when I’m tending the plants. That doesn’t look too bad though.

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Dudes legit as hell.

I like them so far, I had similar concerns but my tent just sucks in so hard.

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Yeah it mine has broken so many hangers already.

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You gonna run side lights on the bars?

Nah no need. I’m using a scorpion rspec far red with UV, it’s got all the light it needs.

HLG sponsor me.


Ohhh yaaaaa. Just smelled the Peanut Butter Dream and they all have varying degrees of lemon first followed by Berry and maybe Mango?