JustANobody's Neck Beard Basement Grow

I think 8 is doable. I hope. We will see. Lights are about maxed. I can maybe bring them up another couple inches at most. I’m hoping doing 3-5 feeds a day will help that.


I can’t see it not helping. Especially near the end when she swells out. I don’t have the space for the automation so I’ll have to wait for full coco but as you’ve inspired the way I fill my tent I’m sure I’ll end up in coco too. :joy:


To be completely honest. Hand watering isn’t that bad. I still do it for my Veg tent. I sometimes have to travel for work so I at least want the flower tent automated so my wife doesn’t have to do a ton more work without me there.


That’s my issue. I’ve been home for one week since mid April. My wife and son have done well but I don’t think either of them would open the tent a couple times a day for me. I’m hoping to buy a place this year and my goal is to have space to set up some automation and another tent.


Yep, that’s probably best. It’s a lot to ask of other people for sure.

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I don’t think that’s too ambitious of a goal. I used to hand water once a day and my average was about six ounces. I’ve switched over to an automated system with one gallon pots and three feeds a day and my average is 10+ per plant now. I can see your two gallons with five feeds hitting that one pound mark. Beautiful looking plants as always, man


Hm, maybe I don’t need 5 feeds a day? I’m trying to find a balance, probably like most people. Most high quality output with the least amount of inputs. The floraflex stuff has all been really good imo.


Yeah, I don’t know what the ideal amount is. I went with 3 because it was easier to do the math for a 24hr day

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Do you water during lights out as well?

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Yeah, I just make them 8 hrs apart. Two during lights on, and one lights off. I’m still trying to fine tune everything though. I’ve got a wedding to attend this weekend, so I think I’m going to read through that coco for cannabis website while I hide in the corner and try to avoid socializing lol. I know there’s a lot on that site about the amount you’re “supposed to” use


Talking with @Crafty_Flame he recommended only feeding from 2 hours after lights on to 2 hours before lights off. You can do up to 5 feedings. I’m going to bump it up to 3


Did he tell you why? Is it just not needed, or is it going to cause a problem?

I believe it was a little of both. Not needed and can lead to potential issues. I forget what they were specifically.

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Full utilization of dry backs maybe.



Maybe that will get him.


I’d really advise against this on lots of levels. If your substrate is drying back too much overnight and you are forced to water, that means you’ve got too big of a plant or too small of a pot, take your pick. In addition to the potential humidity issues, it sends conflicting steering cues to the plant. You want that strong, multi-hour dryback period to push the plant where you want it to go.

Yes, I know it rains outside at night. But if we can control it, we may as well.

During the mid flower bulking phase, my Growlink system will water up to 10x per day. Starts 1 hour after lights on, ends 3 hours before lights off.

During the stretch and finishing phases, start feeding an hour after lights on, stop feeding an hour later. If possible, get a 22-23 hour dryback. Again, this is all dependent upon having the correct sized plant in the proper sized pot.

Watering/feeding all day long will grow a nice plant, no doubt. It’ll just lack some quality that you could gain by utilizing appropriate drybacks.


Thanks for this, that makes a lot of sense. I just divided the day into three equal parts and set it to water then with no thought to drybacks. I wasn’t entirely sure what @hoss8455 was saying above, but I think this explains it


Yes I don’t water during lights out. It’s been 2 hours after lights on and 2 hours before lights off. I just refilled the res and added a 3rd feed between the original 2 feeds.


I think I might just do the same as your original schedule on this next run and see what happens. I like these conversations, I wasn’t even aware that this was a hole in my knowledge


I think/hope the stretch is over for me and the buds are pretty set so I’m gonna let them rock out. I mayyyyyy go to 5 feeds for like week 5-6

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