Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

Has no body checked the thread?

If I send someone seeds I produced they send it out is that not we? Is that not contribution?

Nope, donā€™t have time for more BS. Who is we?


So letā€™s turn a new leaf I said Iā€™ll leave it alone already

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if you want to drag someoneā€™s name, at least do your research. Itā€™s in this thread, you couldnā€™t even do a search?

I gave these to a friend to grow out before I knew about the virus. Sure enough the plants displayed major viroid variegation.

Fortunately the plants were in plastic pots with no drainage, so they were easy to isolate.

We were able to avoid contamination of his garden, but the risk is unacceptable.

sending more of these seeds out into the world would be a deliberate disservice to this entire community.

@stevieg even though the plants had a virus, we grew them out and provided documentation, including photo documentation.

Simply because I had made an agreement by taking the seeds in the first place, and my word is good.

I also wanted to document the viroid symptoms so the community would be aware of the risks of taking these seeds into their gardens.


Number one I was not the seed distributor. Number two you nor Diggy had the respect to ask me privately. Had he cared to I would have told HIM what problems I had with them.

And again you are wrong! He did and he presented them to Diggy/Mods!

:green_heart: :seedling:


I agree it should be closed and go silent @Northern_Loki ?

:green_heart: :seedling:


itā€™s not just my opinion stevie. just ask worcestire:

I did speak to worcestire about this in another thread about viroids and pythioisis rot. I did not publicly raise the issue because I was trying to be polite. I also thought that readers would be able to see the problems and interpret it for themselves.

But you are right, I should have warned everybody at the outset.

almost all the plants in this thread showed variegation. barefrog, bodhi, and generic seeds kashmir is clean. this virus came from worcestires garden and he spread it far and wide. completely irresponsible.


I get what ur saying, hereā€™s a constructive question tho.
If i had clones of the same plant and I never a virus problem how does that work? U know?

I think this thread should probably be closed, but remain publicly visible. There are a lot of these seeds out there in peopleā€™s refrigerators already.

Everyone should have access to this documentation so they know what risk they are taking.


I will have to stick with the action group on this @StevieG , under the circumstances I wonā€™t be able to help with the distribution of these in Canada.


I think it is unfortunate that the single best strain that has ever been released on overgrow would be filled with such dramaā€¦maybe itā€™s no coincidenceā€¦these beans are literally worth THOUSANDS; of all strains released in the 20 and 21st centuries these are hands down the ones to getā€¦

Diggy is doing a huge service releasing theseā€¦these could make him a billionaire and he is giving them awayā€¦I know what kinda Thanksgiving Iā€™m having next yearā€¦

Please you allā€¦a little courtesyā€¦if you havenā€™t grown these and have some you are truly missing outā€¦



Yes, Iā€™ll close this shortly.

A couple of last words, WF was banned for persistent deceitful activity and taking liberties he did not have. Iā€™d recommend not tying your hitch to what is now considered in the past.

There is little interest here. You can certainly personally give them away on your dime but this site will have nothing further to do with promoting any WF related efforts.


@Northern_Loki understandable
(plus 20 characters)

Thanks for the understanding.


FWIW- I have some seeds from the crowdsource testing done with an old member (Worcestershire_Farms). Iā€™d be happy to send them to you. Let me know. :green_heart:


I was unable to get them to thrive. At the time, I thought it was my inexperience and never tried to regrow them. Then I moved on to other seeds and strainsā€¦ and so the story goes. I wasnā€™t aware of an issue with the seeds until you mentioned it here. Whatā€™s the deal with them? Are they fine to grow for bud, but not good for genetics? Inquiring mind(s) want to know. :grin: :green_heart:


Reading the end of that thread it seems those seeds have a viroid of some sort and growing them is risking some unknown possible contamā€¦?


Interesting info. Iā€™ll toss the seeds, without hesitation.