Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

Bruh what happned to the ,
Kashmir ibl thread, it’s just gone I’d be hella pissed if me and the people in this thread that ran seeds, spent all our time and effort on literally nothing, 3 years of running the kashmir for 150 people to receive a pack. And the thread is just gone? Doesn’t feel right at all. @firehead @lambchopedd @Worcestershire_Farms @argo945 @Carty I’m sure there’s more I missed I apologize if true. Its sad to see the thread just go up in smoke because the mods are upset, there legit trying to shadow ban @Worcestershire_Farms for (selling seeds) which isn’t even true lmfao. 20$for postage so international people can receive them. So even if he made 300$ which he wouldn’t of. He offered to pay the site 500$ so them saying he’s trying to profit off the site is bs. He woulda been down money lmfao, u can’t be nice to people anymore I guess.
But what I don’t get at all is why are the mods stepping in and doing anything when he offered to be sponsor months ago but Joe hasn’t answered him. There waiting to see what they can do to him, but there also waiting on Joe to answer them lmfao. Seems like abuse of power to me. There legit destroying a 3 year seed run. Because they had to pay for there own postage? Lmfao, except for Brazil lmao no one should ever charge Brazil the exchange rate is crazy lol.

But I would love a answer as to what tf am I going to do with 10k Kashmir seeds lmfao

I thought people where going to be happy to be receiving more than just 12 seeds lol guess I was wrong. There was a set 150 people wanting/waiting for seeds. Some people even got sent seeds in this thread to test, and they gave their word they would start them immediately and they didn’t, and those people are even on the list to receive more seeds!! But what’s crazy is there where even more people being asked to get out onto the list, what’s the biggest seed reproduction this site has done before 150-200 recipients? All of us that made seeds coulda been apart of the biggest seed run on the site.(possibly),. which that alone is awesome asf
But it’s a 3 year old thread , 3 years all for nothing !?!?
@LemonadeJoe would love your opinion on this before it’s deleted/hidden/privated lolol.

it feels like they closed the thread because they dislike @Worcestershire_Farms they even closed his goroka thread on him that was also years old it was finished tho , but there looking for things to dig up lmfao its sad really.
It’s sad we put in hella work for nothing…