Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

Bruh what happned to the ,
Kashmir ibl thread, it’s just gone I’d be hella pissed if me and the people in this thread that ran seeds, spent all our time and effort on literally nothing, 3 years of running the kashmir for 150 people to receive a pack. And the thread is just gone? Doesn’t feel right at all. @firehead @lambchopedd @Worcestershire_Farms @argo945 @Carty I’m sure there’s more I missed I apologize if true. Its sad to see the thread just go up in smoke because the mods are upset, there legit trying to shadow ban @Worcestershire_Farms for (selling seeds) which isn’t even true lmfao. 20$for postage so international people can receive them. So even if he made 300$ which he wouldn’t of. He offered to pay the site 500$ so them saying he’s trying to profit off the site is bs. He woulda been down money lmfao, u can’t be nice to people anymore I guess.
But what I don’t get at all is why are the mods stepping in and doing anything when he offered to be sponsor months ago but Joe hasn’t answered him. There waiting to see what they can do to him, but there also waiting on Joe to answer them lmfao. Seems like abuse of power to me. There legit destroying a 3 year seed run. Because they had to pay for there own postage? Lmfao, except for Brazil lmao no one should ever charge Brazil the exchange rate is crazy lol.

But I would love a answer as to what tf am I going to do with 10k Kashmir seeds lmfao

I thought people where going to be happy to be receiving more than just 12 seeds lol guess I was wrong. There was a set 150 people wanting/waiting for seeds. Some people even got sent seeds in this thread to test, and they gave their word they would start them immediately and they didn’t, and those people are even on the list to receive more seeds!! But what’s crazy is there where even more people being asked to get out onto the list, what’s the biggest seed reproduction this site has done before 150-200 recipients? All of us that made seeds coulda been apart of the biggest seed run on the site.(possibly),. which that alone is awesome asf
But it’s a 3 year old thread , 3 years all for nothing !?!?
@LemonadeJoe would love your opinion on this before it’s deleted/hidden/privated lolol.

it feels like they closed the thread because they dislike @Worcestershire_Farms they even closed his goroka thread on him that was also years old it was finished tho , but there looking for things to dig up lmfao its sad really.
It’s sad we put in hella work for nothing…


I got seeds from @firehead a week/two weeks ago. I’m going to F3 them soonish and start selecting. Got alot going on atm. So there is people working on these atm.

Pz :v:t2:


Lmao @LonelyOC there not f3s, but dude that has nothing to do with what I said no disrespect
But yo, purebreds can’t be f3s


But like the seeds where reproduced by @Worcestershire_Farms he gave em to @firehead so it’s full circle u have em because of @firehead yes but he has them because of @Worcestershire_Farms so like I get you are running them. But the thread is technically complete once everyone on the list gets there seeds we have 10k seeds lmfao u can reproduce em all you want there was never a stipulation in place for this feel free.
@Worcestershire_Farms ran them in his indoor room originally he sent out 80 to 100 packs to testers in this thread I was 1 of the 80 to 100 people. He paid All outta pocket, it’s a problem now he told people to pay for there shipping lol
But u can go thru and see how many people actually ran the Kashmir tester packs like 14 lmfao. Everyone gave there word they would run them instantly.


@StevieG Yeah Ofc, since they are not hybridized they are P1s, but the F3 was just me trying to describe in a understandable way which generation of human production im talking about.

I didn’t get the seeds from the same generation you are referring to. I got the generation which @firehead made so if I do further selection it would be at F3 if you understand where I’m going.

Tbh I don’t understand why mods would shut down anything that have to do with spreading seeds around the globe. I thought thats why Overgrow even exist. Personally I would much rather see a focus on landraces then repros of old poly hybrids. The poly hybrids won’t take cannabis to the next level. I mean, Skunk changed the world for better and worse, and it’s a ibl. It’s quite obvious if you understand genetics that this is where we need to aim towards as a community and landraces/ibls are a step towards that direction. Just take a look at how good @Tonygreen GG RIL is compared to the actual clone itself. :thinking:

Pz :v:t2:


Dude lmao @Tonygreen @LonelyOC , @Worcestershire_Farms
saved that gg thread. He sent out the packs.


Like people don’t get how much work @worcestershire_farms actually puts in behind the scenes.


But on the real I like the mods we need the mods. I appreciate all the work they do put in on the site for freeee!?!?dealing with stupid shiz probably every day.
I just feel this was a reach on there part the money was offered to be a sponsor months ago. It shoulda been deaded once they saw that. Imo

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Yes, he did and I don’t understand why this is a relavent response to my post. It seems you are being frustrated about something or want to stir something up.

The Kashmir Azad are being worked at by me and others, so there is not nothing that happens with the genetics. You cant expect testers to ever run anything. People on this site are seed whores… Alot of people have seeds that never will be grown and they won’t share because they are collectors. Instead of saving the genetics, they hoard it like Scrooge McDuck. They grab everything they get their hands on without a plan of when to take action. I mean I don’t want to cry much about it, it’s everyone’s choice how to behave.

I get how much work @Worcestershire_Farms have put into this. But as a grown up, he can and probably will take care of it himself without us being involved at all.

Also @LemonadeJoe probably have alot to do, it can’t be easy to run a site like this! Give him some slack and things will come around eventually.

Pz :v:t2:


, but anyway holy shit eh?!?! Definitely are biggest haul. There’s theoretically 196 different combinations of 14 males 14 females over 5 generations , It’s weighs half a pound lol just seeds!?
But I do appreciate everyone that is running the Kashmir or has ran the Kashmir before in the past.
I’ve spent almost all my time on this site producing Kashmir seeds lmfao. I have a video I would love to post to og but it’s a pain a lil lol, but I had like 20 bees floating around my male kasmir outdoors the first year I ran them . My females where so seeded I would break up a eighth to have half a bowl pack lol! But the bees were insane I’ll remember that shit forever lol. I also know a lot of people of the site that are friends irl running the Kashmir back to back years. I think it’s awesome we’re trying and accomplishing to spread the Kashmir everywhere.
But @LonelyOC again no offence but you never posted anything relevant to anything that I originally said. I asked where the thread is.
What happened to @Worcestershire_Farms .
What am I going to do with all the seeds that people have made over the years?
Ur response was I have seeds. I’m currently making em f3s… that’s irrelevant…
And I have the same seeds you have from @firehead they are in a different bag same as @lambchopedd seeds he made.
And they wouldn’t even be P3s, there more like p5s or even p6s.
If u read any of the first post you would know this. U asked for seeds without even looking thru the whole thread. Lol


Yes lmfao it’s been 3 years, did u not see the half p of seeds. It’s ready to fly. There’s a half dozen of us that put in a effort on this project. ofc I’m upset.


I’ve read the whole thing dude… And I understand that you have put alot of effort into this which are great. I just wanted to point out that we are people who are using these seeds and will continue using them for years to come. Atm you should store them well and see where this leads. If this is it, you can always put em up on strainly :wink: Atleast that would get you paid for your trouble.

Just talk to @Worcestershire_Farms in dm, he’s on nearly everyday.

Pz :v:t2:


It’s not about the money. I said that in the first post.
But I do appreciate you running them, like for real. and I’d love to see the photos in the coming future!
This last year was probably my best harvest on them ever!?


Yeah i get tha it’s not about the money, but it would spread the genetics to people who actually want to grow them, since they are paying for it… Idk, I think its a cool and honorable thing that you have invested so much time into this. Respect :pray:t2:

Going to be posted in my breeding thread. Just got my new setup up and running again after a bust I had to endure. Lost around 100 m² of plants and mothers, couple of hundred packs of seeds(either my own crosses or bought).

Was warned about hermies in this cultivar which isn’t a problem for me, but do you have an idea to which extent?

Pz :v:t2:


I thought you read the thread lol just pulling your leg, but to answer your question in the thread, there has only been known to be 2 seeds that hermied one from @Vesti and I think one from @firehead .
Your thinking of bodhis work. Generic seeds sold hermied kashmir’s for 100$ a pack.


Yet again I’ve read the thread😉, but when I talked over DM with @firehead he warned me about hermies so I thought it might been more that I didn’t know about :grin: But if that’s the case, it’s lower then normal in other words :shushing_face:

Pz :v:t2:


I think the herms comment is ment to be a inside joke…I think I remember these from a long while back. Really nice berry coffee flavor…but I don’t remember any herms, and I really think – given the nature of them, that the herms comment is a joke.

Bro! :grin: :sunny::sunny: I talked to Diggy the other day about him shipping me some of these, but haven’t heard anything since…:flying_saucer:. Maybe he is just busy… hopefully, EHH :wink: :sweat_smile:?



I’ve worked two P-gens beyond the original stock I received from @Worcestershire_Farms and found herms in both.

I’m not complaining at all, and this isn’t any dig on…well…Diggy, just reporting - it’s an incredible line to be working with and it has a place in my garden for the foreseeable. We should also remember that at least as best as I can gather these are still only a few gens out of the “wild”.

To contextualize further, particularly if seed increase or more intentional breeding is in view, I give these gals a pretty hard time with an array of stressors (light leaks, screwy light schedules, rootbound, etc.), so whatever comes through my grow tends to get pushed pretty hard and comes out bulletproof or practically so. Of course that means throwing out beautiful monsters in the making like I have pictured a few posts up.

So yea, @LonelyOC, you’ll find a few, but they could easily become your new favorite line nonetheless as they have a quality about them that is hard to describe, a certain kind of fierceness, for lack of a better term - you’ll know it when you see it.



If these are what I am thinking of, it is a really great cultivar. Definitely something to get ahold of :grin::grin::sunglasses:!!! Really great berry coffee flavor, good high :wink:…and again, if they are what I am thinking of, there’s a really unique story to go along with them! DEFINITELY something to look into…:yum:.



I consider Diggy a very good friend. Talked with him all thru this. And all he wanted was some frt $… approached LJ about becoming a sponsor… BTW diggy has been a personal sponsor to me for past 2yrs…
It all got out of hand, and I dont want to muddy the waters… he’s a valued member here and peeps… I personally have mailed out 2
Big seed giveaways here…
900 Northern Lightryder in pks of 30…
300 for Xochipilli RIP for his White Runtz testers to you all… Gets very expensive @ $4 ea… x 75pkgs… my wife said no more… and only about 4 people offered to pay…
When you give seeds away with the receiver having nothing invested… they grab all they can, hey, its free…
But by having them pay $10-20 you get people who might actually grow them out…