Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

Today’s pics before harvest


Day 42F.
AK #3 and 4. Gettin bigger every day.


Looking really good .


Thank you, great genetics goes a long way.


The growers input makes them shine.


Crazy migraine. Gunna go throw up now. Beautiful pictures y’all. Ill post a proper reply soon


AK take down. Lost some to bud rot, but the buds are so big and dense that I’ll easily have a dry pound of bud.


Damn. Those are impressive buds, Meesh! Dying to hear what smells you get from them after a few weeks of curing!


Hope you feel better soon. Migraines suck :persevere:


I’m wondering just how long these buds are gonna take to dry. It’s slightly nerve wracking as most bud can easily go in to cure in 10 days. These suckers are so freaking dense!

I’ve got a bud I cut off the other day almost ready to sample. It’s not even the same once it’s properly dried and cured, but I can’t help myself. I NEED to try this bud! lol


GawdDAMN! That first pic is mighty impressive. I know you’ve got dainty “lady hands,” haha, but still… Holy shit. That’s a sweet-ass cola right there. Is that a cola? Or just a random side-branch nug? Super-impressive either way.


No idea. I supercropped her, so all she had were colas. They were all really fat like that.



Chiming in a little late here on the AzKash thread with a curious gal…

This is an Azad Kashmir X GMO cross with an unusual growth pattern I wanted to ask the wiser heads about.

It is around 8weeks in veg and does need up-potting (things have gotten a little backed up 'round here, been trying to slow her down a little) that involves an extra set of petioles/branches off the main stem. Has anyone run across this in any Kashmir or a cross?

At some points it appears to express some asymmetrical-looking whorled phyllotaxy.

But mostly this third branch appears a little above or below the “main” two nodes. It’s almost like there is a third set of nodes forming according to their own logic.

Also, and this is not very clear in the pics, the lower part of the main stem is round as usual, but above the first couple of nodes it becomes oblong, almost flat like electrical wire.

Any ideas what I’m looking at? Is this good, bad, neutral? Would these features be preserved in a clone and/or be passed along via seed in any predictable way?

I like her a lot, and have an AzKash-leaning male of the same cross to pair with her, but I’m interested in understanding what I’m working with.



Sounds like a fasciated( flat stem…I.think i have the right name) plant. I’ve never seen it on these plants but it happens. Seen it on Durban…and Power Plant. Neat. Very very slim chance that trait would be passed along. Some plants that have this trait can yield very heavily.


Very cool.

Looking at images of fasciated stems, I think you’re right - mine is a little less “ribbon-like”, but still fits the description.

I think I’ll experiment with some clones and see if they express the trait. At a quick read it looks like an abnormality with the apical meristem, so I’ll hypothesize that a cloned branch might not have the aberration, but perhaps a clone of the top might. It will be a good month before I can flip her, so some chopping will be needed anyway.

Thanks, @Upstate , I appreciate the insight, especially from a fellow NY-er!


Smoked some fresh dry last night. The AK is so dank. Early smoke is spicy tangy on top note. A citrusy gas like flavor at the moment. Really delish so far


Mine is finally getting some smells, and it’s a different terp profile from anything I’ve encountered before. All three of mine got seeded pretty heavily by another Kashmir but one has less and will some buds to smoke. I trimmed them up yesterday and was going to cut them, but it looks like it got seeded late with the Malana. Lots of undeveloped seeds. I may try and pick the early seeds before I cut it. They’re all on the stem or bottoms of the buds and are very mature.

I’ll be able to taste the small buds I cut by mistake yesterday, in a day or so.


If you don’t mind tuck a few of those away for me please. Might have to run some more to find some faster finishers still flowering mine out think around 12/13 weeks so far and no sign of them finishing any time soon.


@Meesh those buds are insane! im battling wet conditions and some bud rot on my outdoor right now, in the home stretch though looking at maybe another couple weeks, hoping i come out ahead when its all said and done.


If my siri didn’t lie to me, day 70 will be October 6th. I pollinated the lowers somewhere in between wk4/5…. I kinda wish I pollinated more than I did. Anyways, here’s some close-ups (all different phenos)

I couldn’t manage to actually take a pic of this one that I liked. But I love it’s sawtooth narrow leaf pattern.