Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

Gawddamn, bro, those plants are looking mighty impressive. I really love how much room you’re giving them, too. I’d have like four times as many plants in that space haha…


I’m probably gonna chop half my Kashmirs today. I noticed some of the seeds I made are already bursting out of the brown calyx (I mean bract, whatever).

Right now it’s lights out but I’m pulling wet looks ready-ish. I lined each of the phenos up, and took pics that I don’t like that much. Instead of posting those, I think I’m going to post pictures of the first selection that I think I’m going to reveg. The other one(s) are still shooting white pistils… so I’m gonna give them a bit longer.


I’d still be interested to see em, regardless of photo quality………


Here’s 5 outta the 11.

Note: everything was treated the same, flipped the same day, and so on….

  1. Had the most stretch, had the best color senescence . Moderate density. Smell somewhat muted

  2. Densest so far. Smells are earthy with berry notes in the background. This may be pretty great after dry/cure

  3. Also among the densest, but not rock hard (#2 feels harder). Smell is similar to #2… earthy with hints of berry hiding

  4. Open structure. Oblong shape made of foxtails. The terpiest for sure! Maybe I will reveg this one after all

  5. One of four that didn’t drop its fan leaves. Also among the best smelling ones. This one didn’t have my eye for majority of the grow, it was actually in the corner, but it really took me by surprise in the last couple weeks. Smells sourish… and arguably on par with modern/hype buds


Beautiful work, brother. Seriously. Thank you for your time.

Something really interesting happened in this mix. The mother and father were the two plants with the highest calyx-to-leaf ratio, and the babies went heavy in the other direction. It seems like 75% of the children don’t really resemble the mom.

Breeding’s a funny game.


Damn, dude, that was fast. I know I keep saying this, but time is a flat circle. I feel like I just sent those seeds to you, like, last week. How long ago was that? For real, I wanna know haha, because I need to get my shit straight… June, maybe?


Ikr! Yeah, some time in June for sure. I still remember what I was doing when I opened yours & Diggys package haha


There’s four younguns that are pulled out of view, these two will get pushed a bit closer together when they’re not posing. I use this room for flowering only, and veg in another, so it’s a quasi perpetual. I do let it go empty for cleaning every 6-ish months.

I’m working on getting better with my timing of how many plants go into flower simultaneously. This time last year, I had 16 plants in here all finishing with two weeks of each other. It was a mess to take care of them, it’d take me an hour just to get through them all hand watering. When it was time to cut them down, they got stuffed into a 3x3 tent I use for drying. I had to keep up on trimming almost every day so I could make room for the next girl that was ready for the chop. Learned my lesson, not going to start so many at the same time again. Put a few girls into flower, wait 2-3 weeks, then a few more.


My favourite at the moment can’t hardly wait to sample her .
Azad Kashmir @minitiger


What is she?


Man, everyone else but me has shown some nice goring. The plants look great. Mine got seeded early and it’s almost like they start flowering in reverse. I’ll get my pics together. They were tough as hell and took stress well. I just planted mine too early for this climate. If they were in the ground or given a really large pot outside, they would be monsters imo. They became root bound so early. I’m going to cut them tomorrow of the next day.

They really did have a high leaf to calyx ratio but nice buds were hiding inside. Also, mine really have almost no smell. I wonder if it was the fact that they got seeded and fell short of the terp experience while nurturing seeds.


Figured I might as well show my revenging kashmir males. Shockingly, six are doing much better than expected. Obviously two (really three) bit the dust during the process… But the six that are surviving are surprising me.

Once I figure out how to attach a link, I will link in an old breeder panel that features Meangene, talking about why/how to reveg males. I saw this probably a year ago, started to adopt what he said, and so far I have found what he says to be true. And that’s why I do this to further test males.

But moving on…… Typically what I find with revegging most males, typically polyhybrid males, is that however many will throw pistils during this process; sometimes ALL of them. While I don’t inherently distrust these males, I won’t let them pollinate the next generation for sure! Another negative common trait I find is that some, usually when rootbound, will start to autoflower.

Some of the benefits of revegging males is that they will produce resin on their sacs. Another benefit is just seeing which ones won’t throw pistols, obviously. But also seeing which ones will reveg without much delay/stress; I.e. vigor. Example:

I have another 3-6wks before I need to sterilize this tent for another seed-run. Until then, I will continue keeping these here, and observing what they do. My hope is that at least one will truly impress me, and pollinate which ever kashmir female keepers I decide to take another generation. Maybe even a hybrid or two, but don’t quote me; I almost never make my own F1s




That’s amazing :exploding_head:

I always thought the males were finished once they started to flower.

That is really cool!



Lets close the chapter on this first round of Kashmirs, shall we.

  1. This one that I dubbed worthy of reveg early on. She was always the prettiest, and I’m simple like that. She definitely has biomass! Though not the densest. A closer look reveals chonks of foxtails forming the flower-mass. Her smell is fragrant, though still 3rd best, but she’s the only other to smell “sour” — up close I’m like “meh”, but when I walk away and come back, it’s her that fills the room.

  1. Is one of the taller ones. She has that berry smell I mentioned in an earlier post; with a faint touch of menthol that lingers in the nostrils. Nice chonk, and denser than my keeper… but nothing close to your average hype strain/worked hashplant line. His resin is more pronounced with less foliage than most. Still debating on whether I should reveg or chop…

  1. This one has a mix of all three smells I’ve found in my seeds — menthol, berry, sour… but evenly balanced. Commonsense says to keep this one. And I may. But she produced so much foliage that trimming will be a fucking a nightmare. Might not chop her tonight and sleep on it…

Note: these other three aren’t ready for chop. But I’m gonna judge em anyways

  1. Without editing the photo, I can’t do her justice with this high powered Chinese LED light shining on her. Easily either thee, or among the terpiest! Sour and berry, none of that minty/earthiness that I’m turned off by so much. She will get a reveg…. But goddamn is she slow
    (Photo might be blurry because my hands are shakey)

  1. & 6. I dubb these “the mint twins”. One’s earthy and mentholated, the other has that berry with menthol — the berry/mentha one also has the worst leaf-to-calyx ratio. These will be chopped when the time comes. There’s not much I redeem about these two.

Ayo @Worcestershire_Farms Thanks for this opportunity, man. Every one of these kill it in the resin department — I see why they’re ”hashplants”. And thankyou @minitiger for gifting me your seeds — any time someone can increase my selection-pool, I love em like a brother. Now onto dry & cure…


Also, from now on I’m gonna pollinate more than just the lowers. I got a dismal amount of seeds. I’ll keep my word and give em out to whomever wants them (with Diggys permission, of course). But when they’re gone, they’re gone.

Probably gonna try to figure out a way to do a filial generation on the side with whatever “keepers” survive, and whichever males I end up keeping — might end up with better progeny that way anyways. I want us all to stock our fridge.


No permission necessary. Thank you for your time, brother.


Got bored and decided to take a few pics of the kashmir’s man am i happy asf with there results. I’m figuring Sunday or Monday im going to chop.

just sitting her thinking how long is it going to take me to trim… Yay can’t wait… :laughing:
Cheers :beers:


Very fat frosty beautiful plants you got there. Bravo to you


Does anyone mind if I elaborate more on revegging males? In this case, the Kashmirs specifically.

So the most vigorous one ALMOST got granted an up-potting, and second run as a stud. He had a lot of unopened balls, which is fine, but after closer inspection…. Pistils

The second “vigorous” one, shockingly did not. No visible resin, which is meh…. But with this line, all the sisters impressed (even the less impressive ones) so I don’t feel it necessary to select for resinous males — at least for the next generation. Maybe next time, yeah. Just because those kind of males are gaining popularity. Really the main thing I’m looking for on him is if he produced more sacs on his apical shoots. If he does, he’s autoflowering from stress and I don’t trust it. If not, give that boy a hearty, healthy meal (Insect frass satisfies mine)

He didn’t.

(No pic)

This third one, did produce resin. But if you look closely, he also has a seed. You all know what that means happened. I wish I could keep him…. But intersex traits brought on by stress cause headaches for us; so I’ll pass. He smells amazing thought! Sour, similar to my more-favorite females.

The next seems to be in full auto flower, resin too… but by now I think you know I’m going to pass. Shame.

The last seems to have autoflowered as well. No resin so who cares.

(No pic)

I’m gonna keep vegging the “keeper“ a little bit longer then flower him out again before I have to turn over the tent. Most likely I will collect pollen for filial run, and may be a hybrid or two for fun. Maybe I’ll take a clone or too if he’d rather veg than fuck. Either way, I’ll test him as my stud… then test those seeds before I start sending them out.


I may have plenty of seeds. All three of mine got pollinated very early on and then again later, I think. First seeds should be made by a Kashmir male on my back porch. Maybe some seeds less mature made by a Malana dad.

My largest pheno (they were very uniform in most every way other than the three were a little different in height and size) dropped mature seeds already and I have about 7-8 little seedlings growing under the plant. I cut the other two, and they all were the same. Pretty seeded early and no smell developed on mine, and the only sample I tried was harsh without much flavor at all.

I’m gonna let these seeds grow and check to make sure they are Kashmir. If so, I’ll have a good many. There may be Malana dad seeds, too. Just later, and probably not 100% mature. They are, I think, but just not fully dark and stripped. Seeds on the stem or at the very bottom of the buds are AK. Upper ones would be the Malana. They grew fast and got root bound in 5 gal felt pots pretty early I’d say. I’d like to do some in the ground next time. Or, do some inside to how they do.

My leaves were all thin sativa looking with aggressive serrations. Basically, no fuss at all really. They did drink a lot. I could almost water them twice in a day. I’ll try and get some pics up. They were pretty frosty early on.