Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

Is it just me or does that morning sunlight hit different lol a swear this may sound crazy but it makes my phone camera better Lmfao.

Maybe its just me lol


Dude sheā€™s so fly. Itā€™s so sad that everyone didnā€™t end up with a carbon copy of the mom. I should have reversed her, first thing, and made S1ā€™s, then S2ā€™s, and only when the line was sufficiently true-breeding, adding the male chromosome back in.

@Carty (I know Iā€™m replying to you in the wrong thread) but, yup! The mom that @StevieG just posted is close to three years old now ā€” from one of the seeds that @argo945 produced. Her sisters were awesome, but this girlā€™s downright special.

The most recent male was one of her sons. He was a beautiful plant. Super odiferous, with large flowers supported by relatively few leaves. But heā€™s been retired, for being a bad influence on her children :joy:


Coolā€¦ You need more seeds of it lmkā€¦
Argo is a good friendā€¦ his 70ā€™s style logos drawn by meā€¦ he still runs my Gabagoo Auto.
Last time we talked he was like, I know diggyā€¦ just gave him Snow Leapord by bodhiā€¦


These fuckers donā€™t play when it comes to the frost! Jesus christ


Yeah. With this landrace only being a couple generations out of the wildā€¦ intersex traits is a sad fact.
It is a really great plant though. If we all keep eliminating the herms and passing the seeds around, it should get stabilized pretty fast. Itā€™s like crowdsourcing a project!


not just you, thatā€™s called ā€˜golden hourā€™ for photographers.

The angle and color of the light at dawn and the first hour or two of full sun make for great photographs.


I can smell it from here. Mmmā€¦ Sheā€™s perty!


Hey all. Iā€™m gonna be putting together about a dozen more Kashmir seed packs this week. So there will be a small giveaway next week for anyone who missed out on the last batches.


My review


Sounds fun Iā€™ve a bit to wait to smoke mine hope I find similar results.


Thatā€™s the perfect description for this one. The smells, and the effects!
I find that sheā€™s great in small doses.
But every time I go overboardā€¦ I have those few minutes of ā€˜fuck. Try not to panic! That was too much and now I gotta lie down and do deep breathing!ā€™



Oh Iā€™m looking forward to that .


I as well am looking forward to that! @Meesh smoke reports the best Iā€™ve ever seen!!!


Yaaaaaaaaaaay! :joy: :rofl:
Those racey effects hit me different. Iā€™m one of those people who should have been on ADD medicine, but because I was never troublesome for my teachers it never justified a diagnosis :sweat_smile:

Iā€™ve got one more big update for this thread; It would be a little premature to go into it right now, so I donā€™t quite know where Iā€™m going with this sentence. Weā€™re really starting to creep into rambling nonsense at this pointā€¦
Im uhā€¦ Iā€™mma just stop typing now. :sweat_smile:


Oh man, I sure didnā€™t get anything like the mom of @StevieG. It was my fault. I let a Kashmir dad pollinate them, and later a Malana male got in on the show as well.

This was the pot from the largest female when I cut her, lol. Iā€™ll be trying again soon. Iā€™ll test some of these seedlings if Iā€™m not too late to get them out without killing them. These first seeds will for sure be Kashmir dad. I got three plants that were all identical but slight differences in size. Next time will be a much bigger pot and/or in the ground next season. peace


He has the cut of the same mom that produced all of the plants in this thread. She is what I am hoping to lock down in seed form.

It was the fatherā€™s fault. If I chose the correct male it would have produced a more consistent progeny. Heā€™s been retired. He was amazing, here and there, but his shortcomings were unnacceptable.


My Kashmir did this too. Seeds falling to the ground and sprouting right up at the base of the mom!
Never had another plant do this before.
Talk about vigor!



Thereā€™s a phenomenon called the Golden hour. For photographers itā€™s awesome light in morning or evening when the sun is low in the sky


Itā€™s called shattering.
It can be a measure of domestication, not just in Cannabis, but in all crops, because plants want their seeds to cover as large an area as possible. But because that makes a farmersā€™ job harder people tend to breed away from the trait.


Mine got seeded by the AK male and I took him down. Then it got hit by the Malana, so I let her grow longer than normal to mature the new seeds. That meant the early ones were ready to go to work, lol. Couldnā€™t wait. The Malana female did the same thing. I had 3 volunteers in that pot when I took her down.