Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

The Good the Bad and the Ugly!

It’s been quite a bit since I’ve done a update…to say there have been a few set backs would be putting it mildly! Ha

The Good

Despite my best efforts all 25 plants are still alive even though they are still in the solo-cups…and STILL in the 4x4 tent!

Of the 25 plants…15 female’s, 9 male’s and 1 hermaphrodite(I’m sure more will show themselves…)

The Bad

They were scheduled to be moved out to the “shed” (24x24 original grow) and transplanted…but Mother Nature decided it should warm up…all the snow came off the metal roof…then we got absolutely dumped on and then…it froze solid…the shed was inaccessible!

So here they sit in the 4x4 tent, and again are still in the solo cups…

But finally was able to shovel out the door to the shed as starting to warm up…finally!!

The Ugly

Well…the plants are!! Lol

They have overgrown the tent and grown right past the light…also because of the very small solo-cups some males have started to auto flower(Even though under 24/0 light cycle)and in fact have dumped a little pollen…

But fear not, chopped back the males and took clone of all the female’s.

So here they are back into the tent but have the shed cleaned out and almost ready to move plants out to transplant and get tested…just need to wait for a nice sunny day that’s above freezing!!

Oh yeah remember that little runt Blueberry Auto…well found it hiding amongst the Kashmir…lol go figure!



They are all alive. In my book that means everything is going well lol


I agree, Upstate. These are a really great landrace, especially for northern folks.

I love the smoothness of the smoke. Even if they are one of my least favorite smelling plants(burnt rubber, eucalyptis)

If the apocalypse was under way and I could only carry one bag of seeds, these would be the ones. Because they are so hardy I can’t imagine anyplace where they couldn’t find a way to thrive in the wild and produce amazing bud for eons.


That rootbound auto trait is a great way to make a few quick seeds before the plants go( outside )and return to veg cycle. My old Afghan does this too. I get maybe 5 or 10 seeds a plant this way. You probably know this bit, but for those that don’t, as soon as they begin to flower you need to up pot or flowering may continue… They will throw a few more flowers as the veg cycle kicks back in, but it will.


It’s been quite some time I see, but this lady here is quite thankful that you spoke up about jokes on domestic violence. I appreciate it.


What a beautiful colab, taken a good sift through. Have learned much, thanks for the knowledge given out in here.’, an interesting plant seems an understatement. My assumptions when I first heard this name is it’s association with ‘smoothness’ …naively so. :man_facepalming:

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~100 Kashmir

Big ups to everyone who has taken part so far. Wouldn’t have made it this far without ya.


I never had a positive male role model, my grandmother was the matriarch of the family. She worked in a battered women’s shelter, and switched to foster care when she retired. There were always these sayings hanging on her walls, one in particular said “Change the things you cannot accept, and accept the things you cannot change.

Then I was raised by a single mom who’s still working two jobs when she should be retiring. She was driving people to doctors appts for the state, and now she’s doing the dispatching for her company, too.

Lastly, it was for my daughter. I had a friend in real life, an elder, even, who would make the same kind of stupid comments, and was taken aback when I told him “You know I’m going to have to teach my daughter to disrespect you, right?”

It’s always the dumbest, weakest dudes in the room, who need to prop themselves up by belittling the women around them. It wasn’t even a joke. If BigMike is reading this, don’t take it personal, dude. I would have reacted identically regardless of who made the comment


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I hope everything is OK. @Worcestershire_Farms I haven’t seen you around much my friend.


That’s a whole lotta hunting in there I hope you find something awesome.


If any still available I’ll be glad to grow and show

Hey bro… I happen to know the creator of this strain, Barefrog, and Argo, very good buddy, who took it to f3. I have the F1 x F2… original F1 and Azad x Goji… send u some soon ok…
Btw, Argo has agreed to make f3 stock of my Gabagoo Autos I just sent him… sweeet


Love that name hahaha

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Yo yo, I’ve gotta make a thread for them auto seeds you gave me, too. Them and the Snow Leopards on 4/20.


Yeah, hope you been good, brother. Keep on keepin on!


I don’t know if you remember, but my grow of the AK last year were all the little tiny seeds. I had about half and half with the much larger seeds. I may make a few of them to go outside this year to compare. I sent seeds to @Upstate of the Kashmir x Malana to see what they’re like.

Did you ever differentiate between the small and large seeds? I was just curious. The small seeds were definitely on the sativa side of life.


Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.