Kayoes' Grow Room

good job next I would defoliate aggressively so you can get as many flower sites as possible


No worries :slight_smile: Iā€™m appreciative of your input along the way :smiley:

@Billy yeah, Iā€™ve done some defoliage :slight_smile:

Day 18 Flower
PH 7, lowered to 6
EC 2.0 (oops)

Kids :slight_smile:


Hello there! I have adhd and ocd, and a touch of ptsd, so I can totally relate. Weed helps me slow down. My brain is revving out 24 hours a day, and the only way it slows down is if i take a small hit of indica weed. If im doing something, and I need that extra ā€œkickā€ā€¦ A little sativa does the trick! Hey that rhymes!! lol I probably talk faster than 90 percent of the people on earth, and I will stay up for days to solve any of lifeā€™s problems. But, the good part, I usually do! Proā€™s and conā€™sā€¦ Definetely not lazy. Anyways, I think its great how you are taking life by the reins, and figuring shit out. Beautiful plants you have, and your doing a mighty fine job. Keep up the good work :slight_smile:


@CLOSETGROWTH Thanks for stopping by, the words are much appreciated! :slight_smile:

Trying to explain how an ā€œactiveā€ brain actually function to others, almost always leads to empty looks, and s boogled face, lol.

Have tried ritalin, concerta and quetapin. The focus and being able to finish tasks worked great with those, but I became more depressed sadly after a while. Iā€™m now growing CBDreamXCritical Kush, (@cogitech) which I hope will become my new functional medicine :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing, and have a splendid day :slight_smile:

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Ya, I hear ya bro,ā€¦ Even my wife tells me to smell the roses, and just frickinā€™ relax. Not many understand what weā€™re going through. I have to tell my mind to shut off whenever someone is trying to tell me something, or ill jump in and take over the whole damn conversation, which isnt cool at all. It really messes with me. I have lifted weights my whole life, and it really helps me ā€œunwindā€ and relieves alot of my tension and stress. Its the way God built us my friend. Iam real good at managing money, and my wife is a compulsive gamblerā€¦ Opposites attract?? Everyone is different. Just do what you need to do in life, and stay positive, and do your BESTā€¦ Also, I wanna suggest getting on a multivitamin and take a little extra zinc, it really helps!! ā€œOne day at a timeā€ ā€¦ Have a nice day! :slight_smile::+1:

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Theyā€™re looking great, sweet training job there! After this round youā€™ll know what to expect from the strain so you can treat your clones accordingly.

I find the first round with a new strain from seed to be a pita, the first clone round always goes alot smoother. They seem to get more potent with time as well.


Lol, i feel ya :blush:
Worst issue about it is that we are fully aware of our ā€œbehaviourā€. But rational thinking and logical sense wonā€™t help much, which often cause a limbo where all you can do is tell individuals there is not much to do other than ride it out, kinda.

Iā€™m happy you stoned by, hope all is well other than ā€œzhe conditioneā€ :slight_smile:


Hey beacher, thanks for popping in :slight_smile:
I absolutely agree. When my living arrangements become more stable, I will take all my experience and knowledge achieved this far to make something beautiful:)

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I just bought a 2,4x2,4m grow tent, paid 160$
The brand is ā€œHomebox modularā€

Iā€™ve also bought s new fan, for 35$


Iā€™m curious, how many plants would fit in a 2,4 x 2,4 x 2m tent?

4 10 gal pots. Iā€™m only saying that cause Iā€™m only allowed 4 plants lol
1 sqr foot for each 1 gallon pot is the rule of thumb if I remember corectlyā€¦??

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My current grow I had a plant flopped over. All but two axial growths were limp and it recovered. So glad I didnā€™t chuck it. Itā€™s amazing how resilient this plant is. Just getting started on your thread, will keep reading

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Hey there!
Iā€™m going for 2 gallon pots. Iā€™ve bought 5 X autopot, 2 pot system, so I have auto watering system for max 10 plants


Awesome. Good for you. Got an awesome setup about to unfold. I bet you must be pretty stoked. I would be!!!

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I would say 24 if no limitā€¦

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So, 8 pots where pot size is 2 gallon?

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Iā€™m thrilled! Been looking for a proper grow area for ages, amateur solutions are soooo time consuming and tedious, lol

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Sound about right, 4 on each side of devider would work nicely.

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They are absolutely intriguing plants to grow, Iā€™m amused and entertained :D.


Any way you can get more light? A big motivator of stretching is lack of light. I buy twist ties in a continuous roll and cut off sections to tie plants down and sometimes to tie them up when they get swole.

Plants look good though.

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