KC Brains White The Original destined for Costa Rica

When I was in prison we used to get letters with lsd blotters under the stamps. wouldnt recomend it though if your going into solitary, you need a strong mind, but its fun watching the walls start moving.


Thats why I chose the standard seed to send instead of any feminised you will more than likely get males and females then you can collect the male pollen to do some of your own breeding tests. I really hope you receive them and not some goverment official taking them home for his kids to plant in their back garden.

How does the law stand if you fly to Costa Rica with them in your pocket or suitcase would they confiscate them ? What would the penalty be if its illegal ?
I do not know the laws in Costa Rica regarding possesion of seeds ?

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I would put them in the baggage you know and not declare anything, very seldom they check those things. Or in your handbag, disguised there somewhere, sewn into or hidden somehow. I took 1/2oz of jamaican brick weed with me to Mexico, for personal use; and also to Roatan in Honduras, same story there. Never got caught, the two times i put the weed in my wallet and changed like 2 or 3 thousand dollars into 20s and 50s, and would show it to everybody, put it in their faces and allā€¦ HAHAHAHAHAHA. Everybody gets intimidated by that, nobody would touch my walletā€¦ LOL

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If you get caught cant you put a couple of those 50s down and look the other way, or would that land you in even more trouble?

Any way we will see what happens as its tracked to miami, do you use a tracking service from miama to sjo ?

Yes there is tracking from Mia to Sjoā€¦ Donā€™t worry they wont crack the cd case open.

I guess it would depend on the person you get, and the people around you. Good moments and not so good momentsā€¦

Good morning @MadScientist Iā€™m taking your letter to the post office very shortly :wink:


Shipped, Now when I come to Costa Rica, I will provide the wine, I will load up with some nice Rijoca in Madrid, you can provide the white widow smoke when I get there. Hehehehe :laughing:

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Will do kind sire! You can be sure! Weā€™re counting with the fact that i can take this plants to full maturity and curing and allā€¦

My idea was as your practicing with some shwag, you can practice with something worth continuing to grow one they have germinated. If all goes well, then we can see about something else in the future. And hopefully you get both male and female so you can endeavour on your breeding program :wink:

As I have said before I am going to Holland in August so if there is a particular breeder or seed bank that you wanted something from then I can source it for you while I am there. I will be going inmy car because I will be taking 1 of my dogs that cannot be left with anyone else for safety reasons. He is a true to type presa canario trained in full protection work, not schutzhund, protection work like a security dog and he is only responsive to myself so I dont want to put him in kennels or leave with anyone else for their safety. I have a family member that would look after that dog, but I would be too worried all the time I was away. He is great with myself, but no one else he can be a liability actually so I take great care of him as he does me.:wink:


Dogs are great, take the guy with you yes, it will be amazing for him hanging out with you! Road trip!

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I wanted to say thanks to @madtruka for going thru all the trouble of getting seeds disguised to get them over to me all the way over here to Costa Ricaā€¦

Thanks man



No problems at all you are welcome.

I just checked the tracking status, itā€™s all ready in the USA.

Pretty quick that for a weekend.

Do your work in ā€œReal Protecctionā€ with your Presa Canario?

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Hi @MiG,

Only as a hobby now, and for myself and my family as I can not get a licence to work commercial security any more. I still train them in Personal protection and what was schutzhund now called IPO at my local club.

I the first in the UK to pass security exams with a presa canario, shortly follwed by 2 others with dogs from the same breeding / litter. Now there are many more that have taken up the ropes working with presas in the UK, esp on film set work. My freind had his dogs star in a Jason Statham film called Blitz. It is becoming more popular with a small group of security companies in the UK that require such type of dogs for certain clients.

Its one of my hobbies, so I continue even though its not my job / employment, its really the only safe way to own the working bloodlines, teach them when and how to bite and when to let go on verbal command.

You may know of people like Carlos of PPB and Gabi from King Zulu in Spain :wink:

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Hi Madscientist,

If you check your PMs and the tracking it looks like it has cleared customs for you :sunglasses: :punch:

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You did a great job concealing the beans, wil have them in my hands sooner than laterā€¦ THX


Hey dude theres something for your courier to collect in the po box.

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Well thanks. I have been checking, and itā€™s actually coming down here now. Thanks. Last week something came to my malbox in Miami, and i had to reject the package cosā€™ i didn;t know what it was, or from who it was. SOā€¦ u know.


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Dude thanks for the invite to the forum :wink: as a new member I can not PM yet MAD in it.

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