Kfc lovers ~ real or fake?

Why would there even be such a cut of a manufactured product. That’s akin to manufactured scarcity when they could just make the whole thing delicious.

I can only assume the whole factory is a giant playdoh extruder. Tofu goes in one side of the factory, tofurkey spurts out the other.


If you’ve ever eaten in a restaurant you have accidentally ingested a bandaid I assure you.

I used to work in a movie theatre where a girl was constantly losing press on finger nails in the popcorn machine.


We have some vegetarian friends who wont anything "beyond "
I’ve tried but I get a bad craving for red meat.
Wife calls it blood lust lol


I haven’t enjoyed “Beyond” anything. I stopped trying well before KFC joined the dumb party.


I’ve had veggie nuggets and beyond nuggets. Not bad at all. I mean, it’s fried protein. Really it’s just there to deliver sauces to my mouth so…

Nuggets are wildly processed anyway you can barely tell the difference, IMO.

Synthetic meat is the future whether we wanna believe it or not. Reality of feeding 8 billion people and counting. Meat is so resource intensive. Meat prices keep rising as well making this stuff more attractive as prices on synthetics come down.


I haven’t tried them. Bo Time for me.

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No No No.

This is wrong and I would never EVER sully my palate with this abomination.

Pretend chicken?

This is aimed at the same person who would order their kids the “apple slices” option instead of fries with their kid’s Happy Meal.

You go to McDonalds for the fries, you go to KFC for the chicken.


I beg to differ.

Such alternatives will exist for as long as corporate interests present them as the only alternative, and for as long as suckers keep buying.

I have not seen this phenomenon occur.


I’ll also say we are born canines. Tearing teeth.


Im pretty sure next time I get smashed and submitted at jiu jitsu class I’ll ask the guy what he did to get so powerful and he will respond. Switched to synthetic meat!!:japanese_goblin:
Got that tofurky vitality💪🏽


Carnivores? :dog: :rofl:

If only there were a plant that everyone could sustainably grow in their bedroom closets. We could even start a website like OG dedicated to the cultivation of this magical crop!


I’m a Bojangles man. Very true about the meatless. Full of a bunch of junk. I like some vegetable alternatives but it’s all full of sodium and some kind of broth. Very true about McDonald’s french fries. I do like Chick-fil-A better. I quit eating KFC when they got rid of the center breast


I don’t have a problem eating just vegetables. The future is around the corner Synthetics and real meat alternatives are in the future. You might be surprised you might like those fried bug eggrolls. Lol. Not trying to start a fight it’s food is not good anymore. I did eat some good fried chicken yesterday and some home cooked food. Several beans mashed potatoes the full 9 yards. I love me some cornbread and some grits.


i had this whole sociopathic rant written up, on this and that.

all i will say is popeye’s! AND…
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Somebody running a promotional booth tried to tell me that $30/kg cricket flour was the food of the future. I asked him what he had for lunch that day. Pasta.

It seems like anyone pushing “alternatives” has something to sell- like KFC! Have you heard? They now offer a meatless chicken alternative!

Tell that to my lunch! Carrot and zucchini noodles, red pepper, broccoli and onion, and some sweet and sour sauce served over a bed of rice. It was so good I could go for another right now…

And how. I even grew my own corn last year to bake some cornbread.


I saw that calf and a Mike Meyers voice yelled in my head.


that is what my whole rant was about, $$$$$$$$$$, follow it, you may not like where it leads. this goes DOUBLE for ‘renewable’ energy. Nuclear power plants have been and will always be the way forward, not DOUBLE the price of everything, and hand over world power to the commies, ooops there it is…the rant cannot be tamed :open_mouth:

I had an outside garden last year my friend. $2000. I got a few tomatoes I destroyed all my raise beds. The bugs were crazy. I did get a few things. Not 2000$ worth. This year will be better


The thing with nuclear power plants is they could’ve done a lot better. They chose for the wasteful products. Is actually cleaner atomic energy they won’t use it. These feed lots in Colorado Texas Nebraska and Utah are nothing but cattle on shit. If you ever been inside of a slaughterhouse especially these days none of the meat ever gets washed. Part of the spinal cord and brain is considered to be contaminated material hazardous material. The hamburger meat is put in the big boxes they run it through radiation to kill the shit on the meat. I do not eat hamburger meat like that. I go to the local butcher to get my meat. Pork is the same way. The pork that we eat is a year old. You can go boo to that pig and it will have a heart attack or may even suffocate from excitement. Come on it’s not the same corn and it used to be. Nothing is. I go to Home Depot to see bumblebees and honeybees. It’s a shame when we have to start pollinating our own vegetables to get them to grow. The seeds that you get are non-reproducing. Sorry I want a little overboard.


Firehouse sub brisket and corned beef :shushing_face: