Kfc lovers ~ real or fake?

You are not overboard. Your points are cogent, and well taken. Perhaps, we need to loosen the crushing regulations on small business around our country.

All of the regulation drives every facet of our lives into a bottleneck. And if you’ve driven in NYC, you know, there is no solution for a bottleneck.

That bottleneck, is what they like, because they can then control the means for all. A bunch of small business’ can do a much better job with animal conditions and the like. But, they won’t allow enough slaughter houses to open to process all of our ‘well cared for’ beef, chicken, pork, etc…

Seems like it is ‘the man’ causing the problem. Not the cows, or major slaughterhouses. Allow for free market, and stop with the ridiculous regulations for everything except taking a shit on the city streets. that you can do without a permit, and without fear of arrest.

hope i didn’t go to far, i aint re-reading all of that.


I liked firehouse in the beginning. I do not like the steam subs. They got that funky taste. Jersey Mike’s!!! The big kahuna. Subway is OK sometimes. The smell of the bread makes me sick. Publix grocery stores have some good sandwiches.


We should talk veggies some time. I went big on tomatoes last year. Rough one here, too hot early, too wet early, and all done early. I am usually harvesting until almost halloween. All done on 9/1 the year, very ruff.


I had a few at the beginning of the summer. I kept them going. In the fall I got a few smaller ones. My hot peppers did very good. It was funny when the squirrels came down and started eating the red ones. Peppered squirrel


sumthin’ smells funny around here :open_mouth:
it is definitely the subway bread. a very unique aroma, FOR A FOOD!!!


Is the Shaffer machines. I think I’m saying it right. They all have that smell. Steamers in a restaurant due to same thing. I wonder if it’s a chemical? I worked in a restaurant one time the guy was getting floor cleaner and putting it in the dishwasher. I said what are you doing he said it’s the same color. I said you’re fired


I will shit wherever I like


Subway in truckstops is the Stanky Snell. It smells like the back room of a topless bar where you get the couch dance. Lol


And the meat comes from the same place


You’re so funny man. That brings up an old memory. I was on the highway in bumper-to-bumper traffic. This woman in front of us jumped out of her jeep. Blowed ass all over the road. She didn’t even wipe she just pulled her pants up and got back in the vehicle. It was like a shotgun I shouldn’t even of told the story. You say if they go to a bar and they got a homewrecker. Which is a big hot dog. You say if it’s got a hole in the middle it’s a donkey dick!!! Lol


Have you ever seen the Home wrecker I think it’s about 18 ounces.

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I’ve seen similar activities at major city intersections. It’s not isolated incidents. It’s a real problem.


Very true about that this was like 20 years ago. I see people doing it all the time now. Last year a guy was walking down the side of the street peeing on businesses he didn’t think nobody could see him. I did. I don’t think you’ll be doing that anymore. In the middle of the night walking and pissing on people. Nobody can figure out what was going on. I seem like a little fucker was doing

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She must have ordered the Colonel’s chickenless bucket :laughing:


There are posters all over the place with video stills saying “please help us identify this guy who keeps shitting on our stoop.”

It’s kind of funny. Gross, but funny.


The woman yesterday had a plate of fried chicken with about six pieces on there. Was complaining that the chicken was cold and wanted fresh chicken. I wanted to tell her you dumb bitch you sat there for an hour and broke up six pieces of chicken no wonder it’s cold. And said that I don’t eat cold chicken. I guess she never heard of chicken salad


One of my favourites is I was at a buffet years ago and a guy chipped off the entire top part of a crème brûlée and took it back to his table.

No fake meat in that baby. Gross and selfish though.


I like the batter chicken nasty don’t even give it to my dogs
Take the skin off
Throw the rest in the bin,I tried a not real beef burger one time,it chews like a meat burger that’s about it


That shit is too funny, made me choke on this edible!

People eat ass so nothing surprises me.

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