Kingmambo’s COVID Potpourri

my dog didn’t want to have anything to do with that “cheese” lol


I had to separate the dogs and the chickens. Though they all coexist peacefully, the chickens get a little big for their britches sometimes when it comes to food. I’m afraid one will get dog snatched one day. They all loved it.

Making aloe water looks super easy too. All you need is an aloe leaf, water, and a blender. This is getting ready to be included in my regimen, thanks mister bee!


Build a Soil sells a powdered aloe. You only need a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon. I use it often. :+1::seedling:


My wife had an old aloe Vera plant her grandma gave her. A few years ago it flowered, and the pot got over run with tons of babies. She would love for them to start dissapearing.

I will start using them often, thanks buddy.


Indeed, repot all the “babies”, it causes “Mama” to grow bigger. When I make my Germination Mix, I only have to use about 6 inches of a Fan. SS/NW…mister :honeybee: BTW, DISTILLED WATER!!!


I’ve got a huge aloe plant in my living room that started off as a small baby, and now it is taking over the corner of the living room, but I don’t have the heart to cut it up and use it, so I buy freeze-dried aloe powder and use that instead.


It makes them grow more bro. It will be OK. :grin:

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that’s what scares me, the thing is already taking over the house, I would hate to see it “grow more” lol. I actually enjoy seeing it take over that corner of the room, like I said it started off teeny tiny, in fact I thought it was a fake aloe plant lol, and then I thought it was dead. It was not in dirt when I found it, it was glued to a piece of fabric of some sort and had been like that for a few years. Now it looks like an octopus wrestling match


They do grow pretty slow though, so as long as you use a decent amount, you should be good.

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I’ve got a ton of freeze-dried aloe powder, it works fine, and I don’t have to deal with making the aloe water. It is funny though, that I don’t mind hacking up and smoking my other plants but I am sentimental over that aloe, I feel like we’ve been through a lot together lol.


If you don’t break it up, it will certainly get rootbound and, begin s-l-o-w-l-y dying. Subdividing it is a GOOD thing, trust me. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :pray: :100:


yeah, there isn’t much chance of that for awhile, it’s in a big pot and loving life :slight_smile:

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Day V61 - The girls are flipping tomorrow so I got a final group pic of their last day in veg. They’re now in two groups: group of six getting flipped; group of five staying in veg as they’re behind the others.

Here’s the group of six:

* Panama Red x Pineapple Thai (2)
* Purple Kush
* [Afghan Kush x Black Pearl] x Pineapple Thai
* Blue Dream (2)

This week, I added another light. Along with dividing them into two groups, the new light allows more space between plants. I’m kinda OCD about air movement so this will give them more space.

They’re very happy and surging as can be seen in all the lime-green new growth.

Tomorrow I will take pics of each plant individually. I will update tomorrow with pics and commentary.

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


Looking nice man. I’m looking forward to the breakdown update. I have some pk and pk crosses.

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So far the 707 Pineapple Thai is adding frost, taste and bulk to the Snowhigh Purple Thai I have finished. Will be planning a bud run of my new X’s after the chocolate Thai seed run (plan on dusting remaining 8 females for second time today. 10 plants should hopefully give me 1000’s of seeds. Along with the two Chocolate Thai x ? (Triple Durban).

I also found two huge Brutal Paw to mate and repopulate our breeding stash. They should increase yield I’m hoping then I may bx it with a female Columbian Gold to throw it back The Sativa way. Also want to reproduce Columbian Necktie.


With the three I have going, I have to say I think the Pineapple Thai is a strain which would add great traits to most other strains. The two crossed with Panama Red are fantastic plants - vigorous, hardy, solid, etc. You never know until you know but I won’t be surprised if the smoke is :fire:.

That Pineapple Thai x Snowhigh Purple Thai sounds like a sure thing; and likely a great daytime smoke which helps you get shit done.

I’ve yet to explore much in the way of Mexican, Central American, or South American stuff which is a bit odd given I love all I’ve smoked. I need to remedy this.

We’re gonna need to work together in a project soon.

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


You’re gonna have to raise your cool level a few notches to work with The Mr instig8ter. Lol

In all seriousness though, his projects have all been super badass. He would be a good one to work with. I like the strains you’re working with man. It’s all interesting stuff. Glad to be watching.


Day F2

The six primary plants are all doing marvelously well. The additional light has turbocharged them and I’m glad I flipped them as they would surely get too tall.

As much as it’s a bit of a pain in the butt, I do like growing different strains together. It’s very cool.

Panama Red x Pineapple Thai (1)

This is a happy plant. This thing would be a monster outdoors. I’ve done no pruning or training on this one save removing a few leaves. I can’t wait to see it flower.

Panama Red x Pineapple Thai (2)

Another beauty care of @Instg8ter. This one I trained wider to open up the middle though it’s hard to see for all the growth.

Blue Dream (1)

This one has been vigorous throughout. Should develop a lot of buds.

Purple Kush

Love these leaves!

[Afghan Kush x Black Pearl] x Pineapple Thai

Man I dig this plant!

Blue Cookies

I’ve been underwhelmed by the Blue Cookies plants in this grow but this one is doing well if unspectacularly.

Very happy with this grow so far - especially the @Instg8ter seeds. No pests to deal with bar a few fungus gnats. Now we get to watch the differences during flower. Should be fun.

Thanks for looking. I always welcome feedback and criticism.

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


Those PR x Thai are gonna explode. Can’t wait for the bud show!!

Nice job those are some happy plants…


It’s super nice to have multiple jars to pull from, all depending on your mood that day. It does make for a challenge though.