Kraken's Grow

Just an update on the babies, all 4 Crunchy frogs above soil. 1 Dread shaman, the other 3 have craked with tails and have been potted but not above the soil yet.


Hey guys haven’t updated in a little been a bit busy with the whole job situation. Taking care of the plants always helps when stressed so I snapped a few photos.

Crunchy Frog on the left and Dread Shaman on the right. Getting a little streatchy. I keep my veg light super dim so my plants dont out run my tiny flowet space. Nothing a little soil couldnt fix.

One of the dread shaman came up with curley leaves. Not sure if this is due to my humidity being super low or what? Going to let it grow out of it though.

The Donetello main line project is going slow, i forgot to top the end to get 2 more colas so i haf yo a few days ago. :roll_eyes::sweat_smile: Now we a multipying. One these are large enough ill tie them down and top once more for a total of 8 tops. Then i will flower. Just learning with this one.

The flower side is coing along, about 12 days I believe. To early to tell but the Super Boof on the left has some odd early buds. Even in veg this plants was very strang on where it wanted to throw leaves and branches. It didnt really get trained. I just took alot of cuts theb flowered her do its probally on me.

Any who. Happy growing everyone. See ya’ll in a week or so.


Just a small update, its been a little more than the week I said it would be, I honestly don’t know what day of flower I am at, I’m just going to let them tell me when they are done. If I’m crunching the numbers right somewhere around week 5, and if that right I think I may have messed the superboof up, she sure is pretty and smells nice, just have never seen something fade quite this quick, but im going let it ride till she wont give anymore.

superboof is rock hard nugs and smells sweet, herby smell to me, very familiar but cant put my finger on it.

I know the Donatello is only about half way through here flower. so I don’t how well she will do in such a small pot the with me neglecting them for so long. Gotta show the good with the bad and this run, I goofed up.

SuperBoof in the back.


We are not going to even talk about the vegging plants.

I do have a question for some of you more experienced guys, The Donatello always seems to develop these rust patches on the leaves when nutrients get low, what is this and what should I add to my soil mix. or is this just sensitive to me not ph’ing?


Not an expert but watching those purple petioles and blotches I would go for Phosphorus…


They are extreamly purlple. Im getting more of a lime green leaves, Do you know of any other that cause these purple petioles?

If they are all around the plant it could be genetics, if they are only on the top and the downside is green, just sun tan from the lamps… Sun

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The fade Is starting on the Donatello, doing much better than expected given the tiny pot and only one feeding in flower, and the Superboof has these little rock hard nugs, hoping they fade dark.


Hopping she will make it to here swell the next few weeks. doing ok for half gallon, organic soil, top dressed only once. She is getting water everyday at this point.

Going to let them both go as long as possible just to learn what I can from them, as long as we are mold free and there still alive, I’m keeping them going. Idk if the Donatello will make it the full 10 weeks. Its not looking good for her.


Was doing some watering and found this un expected treat, i dont got the space but ill find somewhere to put it.

Perks of re-using my soil.


Sure, give it a chance … Arriba

Best pictures I could get of the Superboof same nug, different lighting.


Finally caught up. Out of likes all day though so I figured I’d comment.

Dude your plants look great. I would say you’ve got things dialed in nicely. That purple plant in flower is gorgeous. I’ll be following along to see how your seeds do. I’ve made seeds twice now, both on accident. Hopefully I’ll be able to get some seeds on purpose next time.


Thanks very much. Its crazy the less Iove them the better they turn out. This run they did fade fast. I have had alot of veg issues that havent shown much of, Im having a hard time keeping on room good for both flower and veg.

Thanks again.

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No judgement here. So far I haven’t seen anyone posting pics that look as bad as the plants in my closet. Anything that comes out of there is just a straight survivor. :laughing:

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Haha thats exacly how i feel. If it makes it to my flower tent then its got to want to live, no easy rides over here :rofl:

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