Kraken's Grow

For those of you that followed this grow I thank you very much. It was a fun and a major learning experience. I believe that I achieved what I set out to do. create my first cross and get some bud in my head stash.

I figure its time to update everyone on the results and what I have in store for my next project.

Seeds was my first goal which I over shot this by a mile but that just means more to give away and share.:blush:

I havent counted but I think there may be a few hundred mature seeds. Here soon I would like to give some away. How or How many but there will for sure be a give away so keep on the lookout if your interested in this cross.

I ended up with about quarter pound of these beautiful dread lock buds full of frost. The smell is sweet, with a little earth. someone with much more experience than me could really make this cut something special in my opinion.

Up next on the roster we have a cut of “Super Boof” i’ll be testing.

Shes got some yellow to her but its only because I was testing how long I can take my current soil mix in a 4 x 4 square pot without extra feeding and honestly longer than I would have expected although the watering became daily. she was just transplanted yesterday.

I won’t be starting any seedlings at this time due to a possible move in the near future.
but I can’t wait to dive into @Foreigner “Crunchy Frog” and these new seeds I’ve created
that I’m calling Dread Shaman(Donatello x Atlas).

Sadly I also lost my breeder male in the process, but that okay we will be doing some hunting before we decide to try and do some more breeding.

Thanks again for letting me ramble on here about my plants, my co-workers get to hear it everyday and I’m sure are tired of me. :rofl:


Finally great result Arriba, tag me in your next grow, cheers … beer3|nullxnull


@George I sure will. Thanks for tagging along. I think I will just continue using this thread not to clog up OG.

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Congrats dude - Great looking seed haul! Hope you find something cool whenever you get to run through them!

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Thanks man. Didn’t I see your doing a breeding project right now?

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Yeah dude! Just a fun lil chuck to figure things out. It’s going really smooth actually! Fingers crossed. Just waiting for things to ripen up. I’ll have a lot to work through, but that’s when the fun starts. I’ll likely be able to pull off a couple of chucks a year while I test things on the side and main-grow my keepers. I’ve always had a really hard time smoking and giving away all of the weed I grow, so crossing shit and making seeds seems like a much more fun use of my time and resources.

Looking forward to when you get to experiment with your new seeds!

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You know man I’m honestly in the same boat.

I started growing cannabis during a rough patch of my life, it got me through it and gave me something to focus on other than what was going on around me. Cannabis can be a crutch for many. My unpopular opinion is that most of us use way to often and in to large of quantities. I use it when I need to be put in check and highlight what I’m missing and what direction I need to take in life.

I smoke but only about a few puffs a day. I only use a one hitter and pack it once, if I want more maybe a second but that it, less is more to me. Even this last run with seeded bud is way to strong for me.

I smoke my ugly buds and generally give the rest away. I bet a quarter ounce will last be between cycles. Like this run, the guy that gifted me the cut I plan on giving a zip of the top colas to show my appreciation. and a few pretty nugs to some others that listened to me rant about my plants EVERY… SINGLE… DAY… :rofl: I just love other enjoying something I spent 6 month out of my life to do, it really brings it full circle. These seeds alone were a year long project for me. I’m proud that I was able to stick with it, I’m known for giving up when I get bored or discouraged.

When I was in my 20’s, I use to have a negative relationship with cannabis and was completely against it. I soon realized my conflict was with the people and the laws surrounding it. I was, and am a law abiding person. I got in trouble a few years back and it really change the way I looked at this world. Long story short my views have made me realize that the system I trusted in for my protection is corrupt and for lack of better words a cash grab.

On a positive note I learned a skill and a passion that I hope will follow me into my later years. Being extremely ADHD this has been one of the few hobbies Ive been able to stick with long term. While I am a firm believer that smoking anything is unheathy, what this plant has taught me is worth my time to listen.

My appoligies for the long winded reply, the herb is working :rofl:

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Nice buds :rainbow:

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Thank You :slightly_smiling_face:

Ill have to run this cut again to see if the fox tailing is from the issues I had or if its just in her.
Either way shes unique.

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I love this trait as well :green_heart:

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I’m starting to love it. I don’t see it much around my area.

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I totally get that! I started growing a bit over 15 years ago when I lived in Sacramento and I would sell 3/4 of every harvest literally the day it was ready. That, and I smoked a lot more then. I live in a Rec state, so these days you literally couldn’t sell flower to anyone even if you wanted to, I’m smoking a lot less as I’m older now, and I’m better at growing now so there’s that too. I’ve got jars from my October chop yellowing out in my pantry… I’d hate to downsize my home-hobby, so that’s why seeds have become more of an alluring project focus for me. Again, congrats on the successful run!!

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Thanks man, I know what your saying about rec ruining it. I’ve been hearing of 90 dollar zips. Blows my mind how quickly it went.

Should have seen me when I had to chop all my plants down when I was in trouble. I got into peppers because I had to grow something. I was just itching. But the pull of cannabis got me back :laughing:


Hope I can find it in one of my 6 Lost Skunk F2 I am running atm as well :slight_smile:

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Good luck, everything I’ve been running lately has been fruity.

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Okay looks like we got some time to play around. The move won’t be for a minute and lots if work to be done. So in the mean time we will drop some seeds.

Up next we have Crunch Frog by @Foreigner on the Right and the Dread Shaman we just bread on the left.

I also have been wanting to do a main line project as I so I’ve decided to start one of our Donatello clones that we just ran into a main line. I know this is usually done from seed but I think we can manage.

I just found two tops that were fairly even and remove everything below them. Bent them down and cleaned them up untill we only have 2 tops.My goal is 8 tops then flower.



Also our super boof has been flattened and just waiting for some recovery then I’ll be flowering her right in the 3 gallon she is in. Not looking for weight just want to see what she is.


Just FYI here is a lousy pic of a Crunchy Frog at about 5 weeks veg.


You can tell she is coming along nicely

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Very nice, my plan is to flower them small all natural no training

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Crunchy Frog came out swinging. 100% germination. 1 so far on the Dread Shaman. We will give them a few more days. Wondering if I pulled this plant a little early for some of the seeds.

Went ahead and planted the ones that sprouted and moved 2 plants to flower. To free up the space.
I want to just see if the Super Boof is worth keeping
And seeing how small how well. Donatello does in a small pot. Not sure the size but the larger pot is a #3. No plant on going mix bigger space so more for my own curiosity.