Labby's Outdoor Auto Grow #2. Fingers crossed!

Ok I see them now. Wow, those autos are almost done! Great stuff! :grinning: They look awesome. I need to throw some down outdoors next spring for sure. I can’t believe how fast time flew by.

No easy task, working with old pipes like that. My hands would be killing me too.

I’m the worst for breaking stuff even more somehow when I’m trying to fix it. One time I broke off a cast iron toilet flange :joy: that was a shitty day.

I like the saying “Fall down 7 times, stand up 8”, but for me it goes “Fix up 7 things, break down 10” :rofl:


Plumbing is about the only trades type job I’ve never worked at ever but done a lot of mechanical work, carpentry, electrical and all sorts of other stuff. A few years in a two man machine shop with a German master machinist who taught me the basics of all the equipment and got me to take a welding course.

It may not be pretty when I’m done but generally it works well enough to get by and on a low budget that’s good enuf! :slight_smile:

I wonder how much I saved not calling in a pro on this job. I didn’t have to buy a single thing. All in house but I have a lot of stuff and plenty of tools.



Time for an update.

Bit of a minor disaster here early the other morning. Started to rain the night before so I put the tarp over the plants and glad I did as it came down buckets right after and the rest of the night. Got up for a piss at 7 and popped into the mancave for a quick smoke before going back to bed. Was light enough to see that the tarp looked funny so reluctantly got dressed and put on my rain coat to have a look. Damn tarp filled up with water and did a slow collapse on the plants down the middle between the 3 mazar and the CBD one. Busted the main stem of the CBD one half way down and splayed out the rest of the branches and crushed the top of the potted one really good. One of the others was exposed to the rain and has one big side branch broken and down on the ground but the last one escaped damage and was still covered. Stuck a taller pole in the middle to make a f’n teepee out of it and went back to bed.

Only 2" of rain in two days but seemed like a lot more after two months of nothing but no further damage other than one of the grommets on the cheap tarp popping out and a corner of the tarp blown away exposing a couple of the plants to the deluge. Got it back in place and gave all the branches a shake to get rid of some of the water in the colas.

Basking in the sun today so I’ll get on trimming up the busted up CBD girl and maybe the potted one if my hands hold out and the last two could go another week or so to get the trichs mostly cloudy before chopping. Not much on the CBD girls and the buds are more like what foxtails on colas can be like so no trimming sugar leaves out of them and that saves time. Lots of resin on the small fan leaves part way up so snipping off the ends and tossing it all on a screen to dry for making into oil. Not curing any of that.

The broken branch on the plant on the right side is still attached by a bit of stem so hasn’t dried up at all so leaving it there to ripen in the sun with the rest.

Finally got enough pollen from the Earth Lover branch in the closet. Not a lot but carefully swept it into a pile with a new tiny paint brush then used a rolling paper to scoop it up and transfer to a small vial now drying out in a jar of desiccant for a few days before sealing up for future use. Even wore a Covid mask while I used tweezers to pick out any flower bits in case I sneezed and blew it all away. Did that to a pile of coke at a party once and no one was pleased. :slight_smile:



Just a quick update before the chain saw comes out. Spent a few hours outside suntanning while pre-trimming my girls who are about to die.

Not going to be huge yields but these little girls put on some nice phat colas for me and I’m looking forward to growing a few more of them next summer. I took the little one down last night and got only 38g of fresh but so at most I’ll get maybe 10g of smoke-able product off her. Her sisters are totally different.

Of course we had a bit of a downpour at 2am just as forecast on the 6pm news that I didn’t watch until 2:15am as it was raining. DOH!

A nice flash shot I took last night just after dark.

I feel like going out there now with my big Fiskar ratchet pruner at almost 5am and stand them up in the carport with a 16’ fan on them to dry off but just ran out of gas and need some down time first. Hoping to be able to use my Trimpro on these to get it done faster. Have those two plants in the basement ready to crop right after these as well with less than a month to dry, cure and get everything in the can before my trip to BC in early Oct.

That poor busted up CBD girl in the middle needs taking care of too. Quick trim and freeze it for later. Already did about a third and tested her and her smaller sister for CBD along with a sample of my Earth Lover girl from last year and they all show about the same level of CBD in them going by the amount of colour change in the samples.

The Dragon Tongue still up is #I and her smaller sister is #III with the Earth Lover in the middle as #II. When held up in front of a 5000K LED bulb they look almost exactly the same.




How did that pollen dry and store for you with the desiccant?

That’s a great looking harvest your gonna have buddy, really nice looking plants!

Is it just me or does #1 look darkest? Really cool man I had never hear of a Beams test until you taught me about it here.
I think I should try the beams test on my sunset vibes auto that hermed out. I smoked a drying bud for science and it was a lame mellow stone but really helped with my sore knees more than any other strain I have currently.and some anxiety/stress I was dealing with just melted away.

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The pollen is sealed up after 5 days exposed to the desiccant and should be good for at least a few months and by then I’ll have that clone grown up enough to get more cuttings off it and pollinate the mother. Already have some S1 seeds maturing on the big one downstairs so if the clone doesn’t make it I’ll still have a few S1 seeds to play with.

Beams test is easy and can send you some KOH to make the reagent with EverClear if I didn’t already send some with the seeds a while back. I used distilled naphtha for this test but good old Ronsonol lighter fluid will do in a pinch for the extract part.

I basically got clued into CBD for my sore joints by buying a gram of 2:1 pot from a dispensary in Kelowna 6-7 years ago and noticing how it helped so bought 10g to bring home and make my first batch of CBD cocobudder. Best medicine ever!

#! could be a little darker but they are pretty similar after sitting around for a few days tho #III looks like the least CBD now. Those two plants will never be repeated so it’s the Earth Lover I’ll be getting tested.

Just chopped down and hung up the plants in the carport to begin drying. Cleaned the trimmer really good with ISO and gave it a light wipe with MCT oil so ready to spin me some bud as soon as it’s ready. Pics to follow later.



The girls are just hanging around waiting for their mani-pedies. I’ll remove and trim up smaller buds as they dry enough to go in the trimmer and hopefully have everything in the can by the first few days of Oct. to take off for a couple or three weeks. The ones in the basement are about ready too so I’m not going to have time to do the slo-dry, long cure thing I usually do but most everything will be used for edibles and oils so not critical. The CBD plant downstairs can be frozen fresh if need be.

I used chains with S hooks so I can raise or lower them while working on them and make life a little easier for my back. :slight_smile:

While I’m waiting on them to dry I got started on a long overdue project. Been meaning to use up all the older pot I have laying around to make some some RSO. Got a buddy with stage 4 prostate cancer so he needs to get on it ASAP. Weighed everything then spread on parchment paper in a warm oven, 175F, that I let cool to get them crunchy dry and mash down in a 1gal pickle jar to fit it all in. In a heavy glass pitcher I put in all the kief I have made the last few years and soaked it down with ISO. Stirred really well for a while then let it settle for a few hours and decanted carefully into an empty EverClear bottle I saved for such an occasion. More than one as I covered it with ISO and stirred again. Now on the 3rd run and it still comes up dark so have each batch in a different bottle to compare the density. Will do a fourth and maybe a fifth if it still has lots of colour. Deep dark golden brown so may not add this to the oil made from bud, sugar trim and previously sifted pot. Haven’t soaked the pot yet but may just do it the same way on a larger scale.

103g of kief in the pitcher and 550g of oven dry pot in the jar.

Playing with the camera and a bright little LED flashlight. Which do you think is best?



All are great ‘art shots’ in their own right but I’d go with #1 as it shows the layer separation best




That was the first one I took with the 1st soak of ISO. The bottom one is the 3rd soak and still dark. I’m just about to decant the 4th soak which is lighter but still like rootbeer. Then I’m going to boil it for a while with fresh ISO and see how that comes out. 5 bottles all in a row with good light behind to show the changes just for shits and giggles.



I did 4 decantings from that pitcher just adding more ISO, stirring then letting it settle for a couple hours. Pouring each one into a clean everclear bottle separately. Then I did a 5th extraction on that kief last night after putting in a large jar and setting it in a pot of water on the stove to boil it for a couple of hours then letting it settle before decanting into another everclear bottle. You can see how green that one is in the first pic then I set them all out in the sun for an hour and almost all the green was gone. Took the first 4 in and left it out for another hour. It’s almost as dark as the first extraction so cooking it a bit must help extract the hard to get stuff.

Wonder if another boil would get a bit more but pretty sure there isn’t much if any left to milk out of it. Now to put it in the still and reclaim most of the ISO.

From left to right 1 - 5.



Hey Labby :grinning: awesome pics man. It’s a beautiful thing, growing and making medicine at home.

Wishing the best for your friend, and sending all the good vibes I can his way.

Have a great day bro :sunrise_over_mountains: :grin:


hey great thread and very cool pics of the RSO project so cool you are able to make some meds for your friend I hope he finds some relief in them bottles I noticed early in the thread you were mentioning your attempts at STS reversal I have been experimenting myself I have never experienced leaf burn myself and usually I have to spray 3 times over 2 weeks 4 or 5 days apart with male flowers starting some times between spray 2 and 3 also starting early seems to help like just as preflowers start or even just before I have only sprayed autos though so kind of still figuring it out I’ve had many many fails like anyway keep up the great work and have a great day



I got the one branch to reverse and collected a bit of pollen from it so the next time I’ll grow a clone up and spray the whole thing for hopefully more pollen that I could share.

Filtered most of the extract from that big jar of pot last night but still have about 1.2L to go before I distill it all down to get my RSO. Put two bottles out last night to catch the sun as soon as it came up this morning to bleach out the green before filtering. Going to filter the extract from the kief and cook that up first. curious to see how much each yields.



Final numbers are, drum roll please, 114.3g combined with 76.9g from the big jar with 550g of mixed pot etc and 37.4g coming from the 103g of kief. Thick as hell so thinking of adding some MCT oil to it like I did with some I made before. Too thick to squeeze out of syringe without it. About 10% added seemed to be enough.

Got a swirl on top from it’s cooling. Can’t see it as well in the pic but looked just like one of those yin-yang symbols. Came out nice and goldy brown too. That sun bath seemed to work pretty well. I’m planning to get UV tubes one of these days and I bet they will work to do that too. Winter sun ought to work just as well.

This is when the ISO is just about gone and the temp is going up. Ran it up to 250F to decarb so shouldn’t hardly be a detectable trace of it left.



How long will it keep ? I just found 80 grams or so of RSO out in the barn as thick as roofing tar .


I would think it would keep for years but not sure. I’d try eating a tiny rice grain sized bit and see if you catch a buzz. If not then a bit more and if you do get messed up on it I’d call it good. :slight_smile:

While going thru my various stashes found a pyrex pie plate well covered with another plate with what looks like a half oz or so of similar oil. No idea when I made it and thought about just blending it in with this new batch but decided to sample it first like yours. It’s almost like shatter but squishes down under pressure.

As THC breaks down to CBN over time it could have some great sedative properties and help kill pain so I wouldn’t toss it until you check it out well.

I’m usually good about sticking some masking tape with info like pot used and date but no such luck with mine. Been a while tho as I recall the wife looking for that plate. It’s got that fluted edge around it she likes but I soon found a couple of them at the thrift store for $2 each so avoided a lengthy stay in the doghouse. :smiley:


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Thanks LabRat I need to give it a test .

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