Labby's Outdoor Auto Grow #2. Fingers crossed!

Last year I finally tried and outdoor auto grow for the first time and it didn’t go so well. I used fem autos of two strains and the 2 that did autoflower were males, one of each, and the other two grew as regulars and got pretty big. About the middle of Aug they began flowering and damned if one wasn’t a male too. I cut off a couple of branches to get pollen I never used and fed the plant to the chickens.

You can read all about it here.

The linup for this year are 9 plants, four of which are auto regs with the rest auto fem. Two Mazarilla by Urban Legends I got recently at an auction here and two strains from Sebring’s line-up. Three Dragon Tongue that are hi-CBD with almost no THC and four Dragon Heart, (the regs), supposedly a 2:1/1:1 ratio of CBD to THC.

Last year I dug holes in the clay for the four plants then joined the holes for more room for roots and water to move around. Mixed up lots of ProMix HP, compost and a long list of other things you can read about from last year’s journal. This year I added another 107L bale of the HP, half a bale of home compost, most of a bale of peat moss, perlite and a lot more stuff like last year. All organic pretty much and don’t plan on feeding much at all if anything.

This is what it looks like under the surface. Those are 4gal pots and all that clay is in the barrow.

Got everything all blended then spread out nice and flat so I could put our fancy new sprinkler to work watering just that spot. You can adjust everything on that thing to water just the area you want. We enlarged it a bit so it’s a nice 8x8’ plot. The wife’s 1750 plant garlic patch in the background. Our cash crop. :slight_smile:

Decided to make a mound for each plant so there’s extra soil under them. There’s two Mazarilla under those screened tomato cages and a 3rd one in the pot. They were already beginning their 2nd set of tru leaves when planted and all the others got put in the ground as soon as they cracked in paper towel inside a few days after the Maz were planted.

Par for the course the weather went to shit and it was raining all day and forecast to get down to 5C. Wind gusts up to 100km/h. Had to do something so came up with this and was out there in the storm saving my babies. One of the Mazar was laying on it’s side earlier that day so used a skewer and twist tie to stand it up.

Drizzled all day but not so cold tonight so rigged this up so they don’t drown but now should be clear with possible short cloudbursts which is usual here. Just praying there’s no hail and need to rig up better supports for a tarp and have one ready to put up in less than a min. May set up a bit of a greenhouse in the fall if any are taking longer but not going to the end of Oct like I did last year. I’m going to be in BC fishing mid Oct on my b-day if there is any kind of justice in the world. All but 2 are up now so must really want to grow if they can push their way out in this crap. Was 45F last night when I went to bed about 3am. 50F now. Remote thermometer in a baggie under that little stool in the garden.

Next year I’ll probably be moving my grow spot further out in the yard in a raised bed that’s full of onions this year. They’ll get at least 4 more hours of direct sun every day. 20 hours of light up here now.

As the title says, Fingers crossed!



Looks really good so far, lots of work put in!
I’ll sit in on this one if it’s cool with you


I think I could allow that. :wink:

Overcast but dry and dead calm out there. Praying for sun in a couple of hours.

Thinking of pulling the tarp off now at 3am but with my luck a storm will roll in and they are soaked good as it is.

Took a big dose of RSO a while ago and it’s working just fine. dizzy



Looking good LR :+1:

I remember that gumbo clay was nasty stuff to dig holes in.
How many hours of daylight are you getting now?



Just hitting max hours so around 20 so you can read a newspaper outside but a good 18 hours of sun. The shadow from the chicken coop and trees starts to cover the plot around 5 tho so that’s why I’m going to relocate it for next year.

I had to get up around 5:30 and had clear blue sky moving so took off the tarp and went back to bed. Get up at 11 and all dark and cloudy but not rained at all . . .yet. I left the tarp hooked up on one side just in case tho. Even with the clouds they are still getting lots of radiant energy from the sun so want to leave it off as long as possible. At least it should warm up the soil a bit.

That clay sux alright. The oil guy told me years ago that we’re sitting on mile deep clay here so I can’t dig it all up. :slight_smile:



So far things are a bit disappointing. I’ve had to replace three of the Dragon Heart with seeds scuffed then planted in the same holes and one of the Dragon Tongue. A couple of them I dug a bit out and put in some plain, screened ProMix to give them a maybe better chance of sprouting and getting going in case I screwed up with the soil mix tho didn’t add anything more than I put in last year.

None of the plants are doing well with the largest Mazarilla only 3" tall and the other two not far behind. Hot sunny weather too and more to come so hopefully they get in gear and start doing something.

Back in Jan 2015 I harvested a bunch of seeds from a cross I made using my cross of KaliMist and NL#5 with an auto called Purple Jems by the Joint Doctor’s High Bred Seeds to try to get an auto version of my fave plant. The Jems are a cross of Mazar and LowRyder and the ones I used for the cross were definitely autos that began flowering around 4 weeks.

Six and a half year old seeds that I scuffed and sprouted in a paper towel and baggie expecting maybe half to sprout. Damned if they didn’t all sprout within 48 hours so I planted them all last night. I used a spot at the end of one of the wife’s garlic beds where the strain of garlic planted there did not come up. Last year she bought 7yds of composted cow manure and 10 yds of topsoil that got spread on the garden and tilled in. I’m hoping that it was the garlic’s fault and not something wrong with the soil. I just added the last of the peat moss, about 40L, 2 cups of Zeolite, about the same of bone meal and gypsum then mixed it all up and watered it good with tap water from the dugout. Was already pretty wet from the wife’s waterings. I stuck some snow fencing over the plot to keep the kitties off it and planted through the screen. None up today yet but didn’t expect that. :slight_smile:

Anybody need some rhubarb? Freaking stuff is taking over the back yard and almost 6’ tall. Wife says it’s a cooking rhubarb and not as nice as a small patch she has behind the chicken coop. I think I’ll juice a bunch of it and freeze the juice in ice cube trays for use in smoothies etc as it has lots of healthy stuff in it worth saving.



Nice looking garden. If the autos do half as well as the rubarb you will bee fine.


Looks great! With that many there is bound to be a few reluctant to start.
Good idea with the cat screen over that bare dirt!

My little mazarila is about 3” tall yours will pass it quickly being in the ground


Starting to look like a pot patch out there now. The biggest Mazarilla left front is 8" with 7 and 7.5 for the other two. The others that didn’t need replacing are starting to bush up a bit.

This little Dragon Tongue looks like it has a serious iron deficiency so I gave it some chelated iron a couple days ago and again tonight but doesn’t seem to be getting better yet. The other two are much better and this was a replacement after the first didn’t make it.

Pot Patch II isn’t doing much. Only 3 or 4 may amount to anything but WTF. Need to get them all started inside for a node or two before putting them out in the wilds especially when a heat wave hits and they haven’t even got their heads up yet.

All for now.



Plants are liking the hot weather but I’d like it cooler. Big ones are growing almost an inch a day now and I’m thinking of topping them. A FIM would work nicely I think.

Watering these dumb mounds is a PITA so I came up with this today and it works not too bad. I cut the top few inches off a 2gal pot but the bigger plants are almost too big and get wet soil all over when I lift it off. I’ll try cutting it so I can open it and put it around the base so I don’t have to lift it off the plants. Still lots of wart lower down but the piles dry out faster and I wanted to give them a good soak without saturating the soil below. 2L each that I added some carbs, B-1, zinc and Epsom Salts to. I didn’t water the male Dragon Heart as he’s going into what’s left of the pot I mutilated today so he can go inside to flower out and donate some pollen. He’s a fine specimen for breeding with.



Nice to see some good growth kicking in. Hope they really start bulking up for you.

Never heard of DragonHeart, but looks like he’s a champ!! Hope he dumps some quality pollen for you to make seeds. He is pretty stocky and looks like a nice sturdy build too.


Hope all is well with you and your wife @LabRat
Looking forward to seeing some pics of her Black Garlic too


That’s a good idea cutting the pots to allow deeper growth and prevent some runoff
A couple years ago I used some 6 and 8inch pvc pipe and used it to ‘burry’ my corn deeper or hill it like this,worked pretty well


I just cut the top portion of the pot to put around the plants one at a time but now that they are bigger it’s only an option for the smaller ones. Pretty sure the bigger ones have roots deep down in the soil now so the mound part doesn’t really need to be wet. Forecast to get a shitload of rain tomorrow with some serious thunderstorms hitting our area so holding off on doing any watering for now.

I’m thinking of using 1 1/4" pvc pipe with a few holes in them to get water in there. I have a big funnel that could plug in at the top then pour in a known amount of water and let it soak in slowly. Would deliver nutes I want to add to the lower regions where the feeder roots are right away. Would have to put 5gal at a time up top to get it to soak in deep and likely overwater them. The clay underneath won’t allow it to run out when too wet.

The wife is worried about a lot of her garlic as she’s been watering more than needed and causing the bulbs to rot in a couple spots. She’s got a lot of customers lined up already so the more she harvests the more ca-ching! she gets.

Went and dug up the male right after this pic was taken. Within 10 min it was all droopy and looking like it was on it’s way out but I stuck it in my biggest humidity dome and sprayed it down good so it’s perked back up. I put it in the bottom half of the pot I cut down with some ProMix blend in the bottom but mostly filled it with the same soil it’s in then soaked it all good. I’ll give it a couple days in the dome then set it up in the bedroom closet with foil or parchment paper under it to catch the pollen. I chopped the top cola off it too as there’s plenty of balls for more pollen than I’ll need. Need to trim off the big fan leaves too and should have done that before hacking it out of the ground.

Yesterday when the big one was 18" tall I took a careful pinch out of the centre of the top bud to hopefully slow down vertical growth but today it’s 19.25" so not slowing yet.

They’re all doing really well so far and a good rain is going to really get them going. Lot of clay in that soil which keeps the pH up so some slightly acidic rain should help balance that out. Better than watering with my tap water which is pH 8 and 400ppm. they’ve had lots of that already. My rain gauge is bone dry and ready to see how much rain they really get. Only got an inch for the last part of June after I planted and not a drop hardly since.

Only 3 plants in Plot 2 are worth keeping so I think I’ll yank the other 4 as they aren’t doing much and it’ll keep my plant count down a bit.



A whole month between updates! How time flies when you’re not having fun.

A lot has changed. The Mazarilla are all doing well and looking like 3 more weeks for A & B with the C plant in the pot smaller, lighter green and small bud structure compared to the two in the ground that are budding up and building colas like real troopers.

MazA is 30" tall and really starting to get some phat colas. B is an inch shorter and almost A’s twin in structure and bud development. C is a different pheno for sure. Only 19" tall with very little bud development in comparison to her sisters but I tried some of the older pre-flowers in my pipe and got that Mazar grin right away where I’m not sure I’m feeling that from the other two. Must try each as the first toke of the day to get a cleaner feel for them.

MazA a couple days ago after dark with the flash.

Today under overcast skies.

MazB flash pic.

And the C plant. Very different looking girl.

From the top. Going purple now and check out the leaves on the top to the left. All the side ones are going like that and getting frosty as hell. Thrips like hiding in there and I go out for about an hour every evening hunting them down.

I chopped down the two Dragon Heart girls. Non-producers with tiny pre-flowers instead of buds. No new white hairs in over a week so down they went.

Does this look worth keeping?

I didn’t think so.

So now only 5 plants outside and the tallest Dragon Tongue may go soon too as it’s not much better than the Heart girls tho a lot bigger. The other Dragon Tongue is a squat bush with very little bud but very frosty leaves around the small clumps of flowers.

I won’t be growing any more of those ones. I have my Earth Lover girl flowering downstairs now with the Monkey Banana Kush and once she’s done samples are going off to the lab so if she’s 15% or better CBD she’ll be the one I’m growing indoors for my CBD supply. Looks like both the tiny cuttings I took 4 weeks into flower have rooted so I’ll be getting more cuttings and trying to make some S1 fem seeds with her as she had great yields outside and could be a real keeper. I got a couple fresh cuttings of Pink Kush from my buddy in the city and they seem rooted too. Supposed to be a one-hit-wonder so we shall see. Also a rooted GG#4 clone that is growing nicely now.

Earth Lover girl on the left and Monkey Banana Kush on the right. Damn MBK always has yellowing leaves even in veg. Just picked up a new 10,000°K finishing bulb to try the last couple weeks of flower. Both of these are around 10 weeks and today, the 16th, will be 6 weeks in 12/12.

I also picked up a 10x100ft roll of panda film to use as walls for my grow room addition. With plywood at $100/sht and needing at least 5 sheets $85 is cheap and I’ll have lots left for a planned greenhouse next year.

Those 3 other plants off growing on their own are now at a buddy’s place in his grow tent if they are still alive. They did not like being dug up and stuffed into 4gal pots. Totally drooping like they were out of water so told him to get them in the tent and spray them down real good and leave the light off with tent sealed and lots of water splashed around to keep the RH way up for 24 hours. Haven’t heard back yet. No news is good news, that’s what they say.

I’m really happy with these Mazarilla so a big shout out to @Urban_Legends for these babies!



I had been spraying a branch on my Earth Lover CBD girl downstairs but didn’t start until about a week into flowering and after a few sprays nothing was happening. None of the leaf burning I was kind of expecting so I mixed up a bit more of the concentrated STS and added it to the almost full 500ml sprayer to increase the strength by 50% and gave her a dose of that about 2 weeks ago then kind of gave up.

Was down there today checking out the plants then lo and behold found male flowers/nanners on top of the branch! A few were open already and I poked one a bit and pollen floated out so definitely making pollen tho won’t know if it’s viable until seeds show up if they do. Still 5 or 6 weeks for her to finish so any seeds I find are from that pollen and should be S1 fem seeds I believe.

I cut the branch off and stuck it in some water for now until I can find some other place for the cuttings I have rooting in the bedroom closet and set it up in there to flower more and drop me some pollen. I have at least one Earth Lover cutting rooted and pretty sure the other is too so can get more cuttings once these grow up and do a proper seed run. These should be hi-CBD with almost no THC and grew huge colas outside last summer so could be the one I’ve been looking to find for years. I got almost a pound of bud off her so will see how she produces inside. Was supposed to be an auto but grew as a regular so with fem seeds I can keep her going forever! :slight_smile:

All those yellow bits are 'nanners.



Time to take the two Dragon Tongue CBD girls down. Mostly cloudy trichs with a few amber so more than ready for peak CBD.

From this.

To this in 10 days.

The small Mazar in the pot looks pretty done as well but mostly clear trichs and as it’s a THC plant I’d like to see them mostly cloudy with a light scattering of amber before I get out the chainsaw. :slight_smile:

Hands are killing me from 2 long days replacing my blown pressure tank to get water back in the house but got it done by 6 this morning.

Was a bitch getting the lower bung out but lots of penetrating oil then plenty of heat from the propane torch and an old exhaust pipe for a snipe on my 18" pipe wrench and out she came. Cleaned up all the 30yo parts that were almost totally plugged with dugout goo and had to use the shop vac with some tubing duct taped to the nozzle to get the rust out of the scrounged tank and now have orange water. Hopefully that fades or it’s $300 for a new tank.
Ready to put the puzzle back together again.

Last piece in and all is well. Only one tiny leak at a drop every 15 sec that I can live with which ain’t bad I think. Clean threads, teflon tape and some Shoe Goo added for insurance seemed to pay off. :slight_smile:



Hey bro, the first 3 pics aren’t showing for me :thinking:


Good job getting the leak sealed up!
hopefully all that rust washes out and you don’t need a new tank.

I can’t see the plant photos either might need to reload them


Thanks guys. I’ll fix that up.