Landrace Expansion & Trade

Any individual strain in the Nigerian mix is listed on its own page, though you do get the whole kit ordering any one.


Hell yeah, definitely.

You ever end up running the Purple Poison Cookies? I still lay awake at night, thinking about them seeds and what could have been. Lol


you must’ve asked before i had vendors. or before i had retail stock available.
We started distrubting them in mid-May.

you have five options.
I have 3 vendors (1 in N.America and 2 in Europe), we also sell from a gene-swap site thats in Canada, or u can buy direct from us through my website.

I’m not familiar with OG policies on advertising… I got instantly banned from THCfarmer for simply posting my website address in a thread reply.

I’ll err on the side of caution and say to just PM me for a list of vendors and website links.

btw, if yur a vendor or seed broker, hollar at me. we always looking for new retailers.


Are you still looking for @SamwellBB’s PPC? If so, I might be able to help (hint-hint). Stay safe/be well.


It’s a tasty one! :wink:

Cabeca de Negro (Manga Rosa?) Stick phenos as a group, then overhead stick phenos. Finally bushier phenos. 2 pair. Looking a bit nitrogen hungry after all the rain we’ve had. Just transplanted bushy phenos into 2 gallon containers. Tomorrow I’ll get the stick phenos done. I’m getting excited about these now. Appears to be the real deal.


There is a village by the same name in the Andean mtns, how ever I’m 90% sure the original source ( before gypsy) for the cabeca is the Brazilian seed company and it is different then the manga Rosa. It’s also refered to as Bahia blackhead, which was also released under the kcbrains logo…


I may be misunderstanding this, but what do you mean by the above quote? I see the mix packs on the site, but nothing about the individual strains. :vulcan_salute:


They are all mixed seeds, just each strain in the mix, is listed on its own page. So if your looking at Malawi, then it’s a Nigerian mix, that has all the Nigerian strains I list in it, same for the Durban, ect. I just made them that way so google was kinder to me on the search ability. Sorry for the confusion not the best at saying things so others understand my gibberish.


That’s neat. I’ve seen little leaves come out with no petiole, but never fans. That grassland idea is interesting. Could very well be. I used to think it was an adaption to sea of green growing on a massive scale for a number of years, but there is more to it. I was going to attempt a link from YouTube about manga Rosa btw, but there was some error. I couldn’t share the video with anyone at all. What lineage would make the Haze armless? Did you also start 12/12( 10 /14) from a young age? Would that do it in some cases?


YAHHHHHH MONNN!! …,the hand picked Jamaicans have arisen from the the huge coconut shells…I think two are the large seed and one small. Ok, this is 3/20, so now we know why they throw a handful a hole and weed out weaker plants according to @Swe-can. I know they are probably the local crosses of commercial, fire and ice? But just the word Jamaica makes me think of sweet butterscotch and skunk with a mellow laid back but active buz…we shall see


3 of 20 isn’t good thou :slightly_frowning_face:… they have a couple of years in the freezer but still… I’ll send you some more @Instg8ter… send me a pm again with your safe Addy!!


Had a bad spell with the bad batch of coco pellets and germination. Probably mostly on me. The first leafs look crazy. Both my BMxLBxCG showed male so if I can save some pollen I’ll throw it back at these. Me and @Gpaw had some out of the box discution on hard to crack seeds…may investigate with these if you have some more to contribute, I still have 6-10. Here’s another thought…with crushed walnut shells.


That sound like a nice cross to do… hopefully you find something good to cross with… still 3 is abit low to search thru.

I’ll send you more on Monday morning :pray::pray::maple_leaf:

I know I’ve seen a thread about cracking old seeds somewhere here in O.G… gonna try find the link

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You think this is Kc brains release? KC brains released Bahia blackhead as a 63 day Indica sativa hybrid between Brazilian landrace, and afghanistan-pakistan landrace. What I have is going to go way over 63 days, so that can’t be it. If it was an F2 of the Bahia black head, which I contemplated, the plants should be all over the map regarding flowering times, and they are not. There are two distinct phenotypes. One of them looks like it could go over 16 weeks, because it is barely into flowering like my kullu, which goes 16 to 20 weeks, and it is behind my Afro Pips Malawi gold, which is supposed to go 16 weeks. So then where does that leave us? With all this information what do you think? Is this an inbred line? It really doesn’t seem like it, because it would be very odd to have an inbred line with two phenotypes so far apart in their flowering behavior wouldn’t it? In other words, would it be uncommon, or impossible, to have 2 so drastically different phenotypes in an inbred line? Let’s say one finishes at 12 weeks, and one finishes at 18 weeks, with nothing in between either of these . How would you do that? It would have to be an f1 right?I suppose the short phenotypes could end up flowering just as long as the bushier types, but it doesn’t look likely. Then there are the Manga Rosa videos on you tube. Everything looks exactly the same, from the shape of the leaves, the length of the leaves, the stick phenotype, the bushier phenotype with the smaller separated nugs…everything. if you stuck my plants in that guy’s grow room at the right point in the video, you’d never know anything was changed. Unfortunately there is a server error with these videos, so even if I knew how to give you guys a link, it wouldn’t allow me to do that in this case. I encourage you to check it out though. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it after you check it out.


Picked up 6 Neville’s Haze from Greenhouse, anyone run her yet, says 100+ days, is that right for a x??


Let me see if I have this right. All of the varieties that you offer are listed separately, but Malawi, Nigerian, Durban ,and Granddaddy Purple are all in the same Bag of seeds, is that right? a mixed bag?


14-20+ weeks depending on pheno


Thanks Rocket trying to see where I can fit it in my schedule.

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Kholm is the same place as Tashkurgan in Northern Afghanistan. I believe Afghan Selection calls their variety Kholm and the RSC calls theirs Tashkurgan. I have grown the Tashkurgan, I enjoy it, but it wasn’t quite up to my standards to pollinate, still looking for the right landrace. I’m really excited to see the Baharak and Andarab, I hope you post pics.