Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

@Upstate and further i dont want to talk, you just said weed wasnt more psychedelic. just because people in the 70s were you, today they arent nomore young… i cant even make perfect sens out of it. not to be mean, but it just doesent sound right, if this is your explonation for lifechanging profound psychedelic ayahuasca experineces? because it was…

so, please dont explain my and yobigdaddys , or whoever, i dont even know about yobigdaddy. dont explain it away , just like with a single: in the 70s people were young when smoking.

ive blocked the thread enough… i dont mean to claim anything… i could be mistacken that people had flying experiences. im super tired, thats all. please just leave my statements one day as they are, atleast to a degre…what ypou dont know. that 3 puffs of TRIPWEED, changed my entire view. 3 puffs make me hunt weed, forever… i gave more than most out there to find it, i have read about smokereport from a guy that smokes since ages and smoked a pure Laos, he had the same , he mentioned the key parts.
not every person seems to evne be able to trip. im not shure if its the brainchemistry, how much others / how mich cbd is smoked the same day…

man this mackes me nothing else then tired upstate… i hope you find explonations that are more detailled for the most psychedelic (or the potential of psychedelic if person has brainchemistry) than a onelinger. 3 puffs changed alot, it made me hunt it for 7 years, i do harder searches than anyone, i use 3rd party sites like tiny eye, i translate sites in times when i had to copy paste a small snippedt into google… i cant, you know, i cant describe you how much i did, how insanely tied it made me… i did all and everythign i could, didnt smoke, i just work on hunting the most magical weed ever, so have a bit of “open-mindedness” that you probably not have somed that level of weed… IM NOT CLAIMINGN IT, but you just like: i know everything… the point is, if somebody sais it was, and he is so engaged like me, you know that… psst. i knwo you feel that. then just let this: claiming about all and everythign what it is be… i mena i present you a good truth, the truth that there is special psyvhedelic weed. i may even surpise you next time .

just i dont mena to claim anything, so please can guys just (how do you call this in english) not speak so confident… like claimeing, oh, it were just the youg guys…

im tired, guyys. dont tell to everything that i adore, experienced: wrong. can you imagine how that feels.

if not every single time dozen guys say fake to all i see , then i would even present you the triprports i found… but you dont even allow it… youre just explaining it away. so . sad to leave the world without a hint of the psychedelic weed from vietnam, congo, and mexico probably…

Maybe it’s was more trippy because people were smoking the sprayed weed , between the government and the pesticides etc who knows what people were smoking on there herb back then.

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you have to go back to 2008 or whenever they startet. back then nobody was speaking like today, and shouting around hybrid hybrid… thick leave fake…

so, they have spend many many years to create panama i guess. and then came the pressure from the people who sceam around… so, even if they would see, per example the panama as “inclusions” … they cant change it now, it would create a big uproar of people going: did you see ace, did you see… probably. i dint know…

All they did is use "Landrace tagged " lines acording my research , THIS IS NOT MY CLAIM; BUT WHAT IM LEAD TO THINK; GIVEN THE PHYSICAL DATA I FOUND.

i was getting physically sick. from this talk. so understand if these two three last posts are just a bit tirening, powerless., just pleas dont bring that tripweed -easy- onelinger explonations. i wasted half the week to present “something more physical” about ACE. thank you. peace

i mena its justified to be tired. like a dozen guys have spoken agains me all at once. it is freaking hard. but i did it. so again, all im saying the last 3 posts are weak, beacues i am tired. everyone agains me, besides one two small posts… everything agains. thank you by

im not tired because i have no arguments, but we need to end it,. we cant fill milestones…looping…

@funkyhorse talk bit more about brazillina thanks.are there any english dokus? no? ill use translate then

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I am ignorant of many of these “issues”, so I cannot say that I am with anyone, but I want to say that the debate was good by everyone, thanks for the time each one took to present their point of view, blessings to all, after all we all share a love for the plant, with different points of view.


The problem is the tales are not put into anthropological historical context to give the proper perspective, so it is easy to take things out of context and lose the real meaning

The ship threw the cans to the water on august 1987
The first cans to arrive to shore were in march 1988.Cans went with the current and were even found more than 2000 kms southwards down to Rio Grande do Sul and even Rocha Department in Uruguay from the point the ship got rid of them
This means the cans were at least 9 months fermenting in vacuum cans in water bath/bain-marie in tropical waters of at least 25-27C. For sure it was fermented
Paraguayan weed of the time was also fermented and the best weed I smoked in my life was always fermented and had long cures

Before this event, the weed in Brazil was a disaster. It was what we called lettuce, people were smoking leaves or immature buds without any high. When suddenly they smoked Fumo da Lata, it was a cultural revolution in Brazil. I left at that time southamerica and went to Asia for long time. I dont know what happened afterwards but I imagine the demand put a lot of pressure on paraguayan weed and the hybridization to meet demand surely started. According to the friends that smoked it, high was on par with paraguayan weed


Afghan sativa sounds mighty interesting. Some Afghan plants have narrow leaves, but few growers/breeders ever thought to breed narrow-leaf Afghan specimens with each other. Call it “Afghan Haze.”


It might be aged and cured but I don’t believe cannabis has enough sugar in in to technically ferment. I’ve opened 1 year old properly sealed vacuum bags and the weed was as good as when it went in but honestly not much different. Proper drying and storage is key , after a certain point degradation starts to occur and potency is decreasing.


I’m curious what the minimum sugar threshold is for fermentation? I’ve made a fermentation from buckwheat(+water) before called rejuvelac and if you believe what the nutritional labels say there is little to no sugar found in buckwheat groats

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There are also starches which will break down to yield fermentable sugars.

I was researching tobacco fermentation a while ago and tripped over the Parique method.

They actually add some sugar to aid the fermentation process.
I’m looking at ‘playing’ with this down the road.



Panama lemoney goodness

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Oxidation and conversions are what is most likely the cause of any differences noticed with aging and or curing beyond what is now standard. Doing this for different lengths of time and under different conditions will give different results.
I have one strain that smells like blueberry but tastes like spicy haze but if vacuum sealed for about 8 months it tastes like it smells.
I have another strain that smells very skunky but tastes fruity and if it is aged a year loses the fruity aspect.
We’re those cans reused , if so what was in them before and how well were they cleaned. Maybe some bacteria foreign to cannabis was introduced inadvertently.
Organic chemistry is a very complex thing and when thinking about volatile organic compounds and all the possible influences over them it becomes very hard to theorize what different components could be coming into the equation.
Some strains may carry rare and unknown compounds that are not routinely tested for and have been studied very little if at all.


I know what you mean by this. At the least, people can trip very differently. I don’t get many visual effects when I do psychedelics whereas my friend off the same shrooms might have plenty. I’ve had some closed eye visuals here and there, one one time I saw these tracers moving up and down someones face but generally I don’t get open eye visuals as easily as others. I can see how this could translate to some people not being able to trip off of true tripweed like other people could

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The mind and body are strange , I consumed a eighth of shrooms at a friends and was almost failing to contain myself , at one point the Aerosmith video for the song pink was to much and had to me laughing in tears. Two weeks later I decided to eat twice as many at the same friends house ,same exact bag of shrooms, his wife was borderline having a panic attack at the idea of me doubling down, crazy thing is they did nothing. I sat there for three hours waiting and nothing. Still can’t explain that night.

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I’ve had a different experience personally. Maybe my buds were a little moister going into my vac bags last year but I definitely noticed smells and highs changing over 6 months. After a year they’ve started to lose some freshness but I’m blaming that on the plastic vac bags

absolutely! being compressed and vacuum sealed in the cans and left to bake in the sun as they floated through the ocean over who knows how many days or weeks, that sounds like cobbing to a T


I’ve found it to be very strain dependent and easily effected based on moisture content.


Thanks for the info, didn’t even think to consider the starches. I had tobacco fermentation research on the back burner but now you’ve piqued my interest with this Perique technique. I’ve experimented with cobbing this year, I think the Western world equivalent is called the Cavendish method?

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…That might be fighen’ words in Louisiana… :smile: :vulcan_salute:
But I agree, Cavendish is the best known, I had heard of Perique (old pipe smokers in the family) but I knew nothing about the process.

What struck me was the possibility of mimicking the cobbing process in a very controlled manner. I was thinking of fooling around with something along these lines when I get enough of a ‘surplus’ to fool around with.



The truck with fungi is to not eat for 6-8 hrs beforehand.
This stops MAO production in the stomach, which is something that kills active ingredients on contact.
On the flip side, if the trip gets too intense, eat something or drink some milk