Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Have you read Robert C. Clarke book “Marijuana Botany “ it was written many years ago, I just ordered a copy from eBay.

You can check it out for free and many others in pdf I was reading it on my phone but it kept screwing up when I was trying to zoom in ( welder eyes) it had a lot of history and particularly I wanted to read it for the breeding aspect.

It’s still pretty relevant today.

Anyways hope this helps


Definitely they have some interesting stuff, ot’s haze is one of them, also ethiopian with the thcv, the cool thing is that in their web you have also other landraces seedbanks to pick beans from, as in the end, they are one of the biggest banks with landraces!


the ones i listed Vietbalck x Meao, Olditmers, Honduras, GN Thaistick , Thai Chian Mai are all by ACE themselves.

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Do you know of any trip reports from gypsy thai ? I only ever heard of trip reports from it from one specific plant that was found in over 30 grown by kanga. I seem to remember most of the rest of the plants they were saying were similar to the version of mango thai trsc had at the time. Id be interested to see more trip reports from it. Its hard to find trip reports were the plant gives that same effect over and over again to multiple people. Not many strains like that. There are some butnot easy to find for everyone. Only a small number of strains were ive heard a number of people repeatedly say something is too strong or to stong for their head.

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I dont know about the other ones, but ot’s haze, at least by the description ace gives, its just a repro of oldtimers haze, so its not by ACE.

I think its the real thing, tho we will see soon. I dont think they will introduce any other stuff in there, but I could be wrong. If someone has grown original ot’s haze, will appreciate the help identifying if its the real deal or not.


Ot1 himself gave it out so it would be preserved how it is. Im sure he would of said if it had been added to, especially as he never had any left himself and was reliying on him putting out into the public to get a small amount back to him. Ace did end up giving him the parent clones they used to make the seeds aswell as batches of seeds. Im not sure why some would say its been added too.From the back and forth between the parties it just sounded like the very very long flowering types, and some of the wispy wheatish types wasnt used as they were to wild and unruly . Im not overely sure on how it was reproduced but when someone works a strain afew generations a breeder is shaping that strain wich could make the end result slightly or majorly different to how it was. Also im assuming with the various different types showing up in the ot haze its a hybrid. Which means at some point in time it was a f1. That f1 would most likely be that point how the original breeder intended it to be along with the big advantage of having hybrid vigour probably creating a big jump in potency aswell at that point. By the time Ace got it it was already heavily inbred. Theyve done a good job with it. They have the ot1haze and have also put it out split into green and purple haze that could be joind up if people wanted, and from there at a later point joined back to ot1haze seeds. Its a good way of trying to keep the line heathy an able to survive.

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When there are headaches is because you are making simple things very complicated and/or your thoughts are not based on reality

There are many mistakes at those landrace lists, I believe such lists are influenced by people who have commercial interests inventing inexisting strains and the most important landraces being omitted
For me a landrace is something that is grown massively or grows feral in a certain area. A plant collected in someones private garden is certainly not landrace

@Yaxu Have you ever heard Cochambamba landrace???

I left South America in the 80s and came back recently. A lot of those supposed landrace strains in that list were not existent back then. There was Punto Rojo which is the colombian landrace and the name known in south america for colombian weed. It was attacked by DEA in the war on drugs by the end of 80s it was gone, same thing happened with the paraguayan weed
Whatever the seedhunters sourced, is not landrace anymore. Is postparaquat weed. Same thing with the collaboration between Zamalito and Luiz BSC. Whatever they sourced after the year 2000 is of course not landrace, it is all hybridized or reintroduced glyphosate and paraquat resistent weed.
In the 80s there was no weed in Brazil. The massive grows started after Fumo da Lata event in 1988. I never smoked the weed from this area, but the area where it is grown has different environments and I believe it is probably same weed behaving differently according to the local environment
You can look at this article in portughese language where you can see the map and a few pictures were the massive grows are. It is called poligono de Maconha

There is a basic error with Sinai. It is very far away from Maghreb, look at the map. There were no contacts in the 20th century between Sinai and Maghreb Maghreb - Wikipedia. Bedouins live in Sinai, Berbers live in Maghreb Berbers - Wikipedia
The weed bedouins grew was always a sativa, it was never made hash, it always had a very good sativa high
This is the area where bedouins live historically, map is from beginning XX century

The weed sold by Ace as Lebanese was grown in Negev desert which is the neighboring desert from Sinai. This strain was always a sativa, it was grown as ganja for bud smoking, same as Sinai. It is Saddam weed. It came up immediately after the first Gulf War on 1991
A repro done in London together with other Middle Eastern strains will surely bring contamination and it cannot be considered landrace at all. Not to talk about the basic mistakes on description by the seedbank
I grew Leb 27 and I think this is the real lebanese landrace hash of old or very similar to it. It is a 90cm-1mt tall plant with sativa smells and terpenes Weed has excellent landrace resistence and flowers are highless. I guess Ketama is the same thing. These plants have no high, thats why they extracted the resin. Same thing for himalayan weed. Flowers have no high, thats why they make charas

To see in that landrace list not one but 2 strains for Koh Samui, man is easy to fall on derision, it is just hilarious
From the end of 20th century to 2013-14, almost all commercial weed in South East Asia was cambodian brick, what locals call ganja. It was all same ganja grown from lat 0 to lat 10N, sold in Thailand, Malasya and Cambodia. From what I am reading it was the same weed in Vietnam . Is this called haplotype? If it is grown in one island out of the beaten path or in some other place will have some differences because of environment, but it was all same weed with similar high, seeds coming out from the same bricks
The weed from Northern Thailand is different. Different haplotype? Laos is different from Chiang Mai weed and things are much more simple in nature than what you think they are behind a screen

Ot1 haze is degraded weed. It has nothing in common with old colombian weed high. And as happens with all degraded weed, progeny of it will never be same quality as the ones you get from the bank. Maybe this is the reason why they breed with degraded weed? So whatever you reproduce with it will be lower quality than the originals so you have to buy again. They received it degraded, but other stock released degraded is done on purpose so you cant obtain quality inbreeding it. It is clear this is a sad commercial policy by many seedbanks

Take it easy and have a nice weekend everyone


@funkyhorse Can you please elaborate on the Fuma de Lata event of ‘88. I am unfamiliar.

@romanoweed I think many strains went extinct because of what people want out of weed. There is a legal market worth billions and if someone could come up with some unique high flying weed then you would think there is a fortune in it. Unfortunately most people seems to be getting stoned and playing video games. Weed geared to having a fun social event seems to be a tiny fraction of the market in comparison to people wanting to zone out in front of the tv.


One MAJOR difference between todays smokers judging trippyness vs those from the 70’s judging trippyness is nearly half a century more time spent smoking weed. Tolerance is a HUGE factor. Nearly everybody has a fantastic experience the 1st time they get high. I saw light trails, people were talking super slowly, my legs were twitching, i talked slowly too. Crazy experience. Closest to tripping I’ve been off weed.
More older people had these crazy experiences back in the seventies because that was the time when they were 1st smoking.
I do agree with you that something seems to have changed within the resin itself over the years but tolerance must be factored in. Perhaps it is only us that is changed


In the end they were figuring maybe it was a hybrid of different Columbian landraces from the time before he got it.

Old timer Haze is likely suffering from inbreeding depression. I’ve read that it takes hybridization for the magic to pop back out with that one and that it makes fantastic hybrids. That’s pretty common with old inbred lines.

It’s very common for companies to release an f1 hybrid or a backcross, both of which induces hybrid vigor. The buds are bigger, the plants are bigger , more vigorous and more disease resistant. Better all around. Then you make your own seed from this batch of seeds you bought and you are disappointed with the outcome( no hybrid vigor) so you go to them to buy more. Vegetable seed companies act very similar.


Fumo da Lata

The cans started to arrive to shore in march 1988 to Rio. I left Rio a month before…my friends smoked it. It was thai weed. They found 2 cans. After they smoked it and sold it, they came back craving badly for paraguayan
It changed the history of southamerican weed. This was a huge event
Documentary in portughese by History Channel full

A short 2 min advance of this hour documentary from above link

Portughese wikipedia Verão da Lata – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

The only article I found in english in a quick google search

Have a nice weekend and enjoy the history, this was a real life event


Looking forward to reading that. Brazilian friends told me about this.

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Here’s a couple pictures from the 2nd Ace catalog I got… The prior catalog their Malawi flowered a week longer, maybe 2 weeks and I’m pretty sure I tossed that catalog When I got the new one. Anyway here’s a picture of their catalog strain Tikal And in it you can see they mention that there is Kush and haze genetics involved. Their Congo strain mentions pck.
Included is a photo of their bangie haze Which mentions only Nepal and Congolese genetics… Anyone that knows anything about land races knows Nepalese genetics can be classified as both indica or sativa and most often both are mentioned. I assumed from this description, as anyone would, that they were calling their Nepal strain part indica. Very common. The Bangi description was misleading imo.
In my opinion there was a mating of Malawi and PCK resulting in several strains. Malawi/ PCK Which was the phenotype that represented both parents. Purple Malawi, Which represented the Sativa pheno and Violetta, Which was a purple malawi leaning phenotype Crossed again to PCK.
This is my opinion.

Also the Panama mentions it’s a 100% sativa and anyone that learns anything about landraces, yet again, would know that this is not true. Not possible with that flowering time.


Thanks for your input, here’s an excerpt from the end of the article below:

“There are people who found the can (or who knew someone who found a can) and said that it was the best herb that they ever smoked in life. Legend has it that the can’s herb was dipped in a kind of cannabis oil, which further increased its potency. Several nicknames came up for her, like Veneno da Lata and Mike Tyson (every drag got you punched)”

I wonder if this is indicative of the cobbing/old world cure/fermentation used ?

@Upstate your point about tolerance is important to consider in relation to experience, especially when seeking mystical ones


it didnt load picture.

what are you trying to say, wasent Tikal always labelled as Kush x Guatemalan.? Were they not upfront about it?

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yeah, 100 percent sativa. its a bit vague, to call it fakery…

Yes they were up front about it which is why the bangie haze description is misleading.

again, for an amateur (no offense) it is, for the knowledgable guys nothing would lead them into misery. ok, peace.

That’s the thing. Amateurs are the ones that are introduced to Ace seeds when they are looking for landraces for the 1st time . I was an amateur myself. I think this makes it doubly important to mention to these people that are looking for the 1st time that these are not pure landraces in the cases in which they are not pure landraces. As you know, time is very valuable and it takes lots of time hunting down a landrace… I lost valuable time and money over their Panama and Malawi genetics.


Looks a lot like the cabeca de negro that used to fill large ships after being bricked. Thousands of pounds at a time…

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