Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

i think he probably did a African x Skunk, but then 8 times Backcrossed to afrique?

But i still like his black african, im not shure, its hard for me to tell, very hard…

ONE interesting thing is the Black African Picture in the THC Farmer Forum

somebody else said this Picture came from him. And that Strain looks pure-ish


For comparison this is Mel Franks Nigerian:


It’s the other way around. The Egyptians had a deity called Bes, a Nubian fertility deity that was merged with Nile Valley culture. In the hieroglyphs are a Nubian/Black deity with cannabis leaves in a cauldron. Solomon had an Egyptian weed dealer.


I have to admit the similarity…


YES They both have a similar electical , high voltage Look.
Also how the Resin glitters on the dark Bud , the shape aswell, kind of like a left right wavy Shape…

I have seeds from the late TTX/W89
Only ten left, unfortunately

Anyway, he let one of his plots in Germany go feral. The seeds were mostly JH, SSH, elite clones, etc.
He came back 10 years later and the plants had been breeding themselves the whole time.
He said they were pretty uniform. I can confirm the seeds are all uniform, and tiny.

I wish more people did this


Stunning picture, is the smoke great?

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Speaking of letting cannabis go feral, I have an idea: We could call it “Operation Appleseed” (after the legend of Johnny Appleseed). Basically, anyone who feels like participating could find good places for feral patches and get them started. The result would be more and more feral patches. First, it would drive law enforcement insane; the more intelligent and conscientious among them would realize it’s a losing fight and quit even bothering with it. Second, many such colonies would provide cannabis for anyone willing to go out and harvest it. Also, it would desensitize people in general to the presence of cannabis. Soon enough there will be pot patches all over the place, and people would see that nothing really changed. While it would cost us next to nothing, the state will possibly spend millions, only to end up with even more patches of weed.
Not to sound militaristic here, but this is a war. The state declared a “War on Drugs”, not us. We are guerrillas in a war that was thrust upon us.


Someone mention origins and patterns of Cannabis?
These are good readings
Articles have lots of footnotes, DYOR



It makes sense that it would have come through Egypt before making its way farther into Africa. Going from Asia to Africa means passing through Egypt. That may also be how cannabis made its way to Europe.


Joe Pietris Instagram is: goldcrownhorticulture

Dont get the Landraces names that have the word OG attached to them.
I think that means crossed to OG Kush, cause he mentioned OG Kush in one Potcast as a good Outcrosser…

One strain is called Pygmy. ! ? !
I rarely give such links to others. Alltho again, some things speak clearly for those are Outcrosses, however… I seen someone grow his Mexican, and it was thinleaved. Looked ok. I think you would need to atleast ask him out try to get him to admit truth.

This would destroy people’s outdoor grows with rogue random pollen :flushed:


When you consider the world before the great floods, there were many more land bridges and interconnected continents. It’s not much of a mental leap to consider that cannabis seeds traveled with nomadic tribes all across Africa, back and forth through Asia. Many times we short change ourselves by starting every historical thread with the flood narrative. Modern archaeology constantly shifts the temporal goal post further and further back into a Pangean paradigm.


Dude is a big scammer.

He sold Affie #1 as Malawi and when people complained, he said thats how Malawi is supposed to look

He’s also an informant.


True, but legalization (and more people growing) also creates that issue. Besides, what I’m thinking would be patches far away from anyone growing. While pollen can travel miles, it usually doesn’t.
Just so you understand, I’m not trying to be argumentative.


Enough said.


I have just the type of spot in mind that you were talking about. No doubt we need to be considerate about where a feral patch could be safely established. Birds would be the thing to worry about, potentially spreading seed far from the patch. It would have to be a very remote spot indeed and some areas are not suitable. Here in NY pollen dies quickly. In the dry West pollen could live a long time.
In my experience it’s very difficult to establish a wild patch of pot. I’ve had plants pop up the 2nd year but never the 3rd and they’ve been growing here in NY since 91 at the latest


It wouldn’t surprise me to find ruderal patches across our latitude in the next decade if not currently.

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A better term might be “Operation Applecart” as it would definitely upset anyone else growing outdoors.


I see that electric look you have talked about. Almost crackling.

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