Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

This Nigeriena Line from Mel Frank is aviable eventually . I have heard an anekdote it was sold and is still around under another Name. Cant say if thats true of corse… But my meditation told me its true.

I think there is kind of a Hemp inclusion that makes it look like that. (mel Franks nigerian is analysed on phylos showing inclusions)
Hemp is quiet resinous, but special type, grey opaque Resin .


I agree, you don’t want to sabotage someone else’s grow. If you could see the county I live in, you’d see why it wouldn’t be such a bad thing. We have hills, hollows, lots of rain, and a very sparse population. Cannabis could become as legal as tomatoes tomorrow, and there would still be very few people growing here.


To bad the data from phylos is just about worthless. Referencing a company that lied to the entire community about there intentions and abilities as if they are some source of legit info is comical at best.
There relationships are based on the most flawed baseline I’ve ever seen it’s basically made up junk info to entertain and appease those who spent money on it. Useless data that can’t be verified and is based off the claims of those submitting it. You can’t show relations if genetic markers were not inherited by the offspring , you don’t inherit even percentages from both parental sides and after several generations some of the genetic code is no longer there. You can have zero relation to grandparents based on dominate inheritance. You can come from something a few generations back and have zero dna from it based on dominance etc. There is no way to for sure tell the history of anything’s genetics it’s just not how pairing works.I cringe every time I see somebody mention there info as if it actually means something.
Looking at a tiny random sliver of what makes up a plants genetics and acting like they can show relations or percentages accurately is a bold faced lie and I would be highly suspicious of anything they say or do.


Too bad the posts got deleted from ICMag, but a few of the Vibes guys posted screenshots of the Phylos Galaxy before and after the various updates.

The first Galaxy was accurate/honest.

Then about 6months later, it was reshuffled to fit the narratives of a few companies - Sam/Clarke/Chimera, Jungle Boys/Ricky/TKfam, etc. It tied everything to Skunk, Berry, Hemp that were submitted by Sam/Clarke/Chimera.

People were duped into sending in their genetic IP in hopes of establishing actual science when the real purpose of Phylos was to establish genetic relations for patent law.


Showing relation based on those four alone should be enough to discredit them. Berry is a description not even a strain :rofl: if sams skunk and another plant have the same grandparents and inherited the same dominate genes they could show relation but they can’t say which came first just that they have the same markers and even then the same markers can come from completely different lines.
People have a hard time grasping that and phylos is happy to let the assumptions be made while they make it look like everything is some combination of those four. This would be a failed paper in basic junior college level biology just based of the starting points.
People should have been paid for there samples sense they were being used to build a much larger map of the cannabis genome to auction off to the highest bidder. It’s all about plant patents , genetically modified trademarked strains that have appealing qualities to farmers like disease resistance , better yields etc. People should study how standard agriculture went about doing all of this over the last 100 years to fruit and vegetables and they would see the same steps are being laid out for cannabis.
If people doubt this they need to look into the patents that are already on file, Steve kubby has a few along with several other people like Sam.
I hate to say it but this is a battle that is almost impossible to win , the system is set up for them to take control and always has been. They are just applying the same old methods to the new money maker.
Look into who owns the majority of seed companies, fertilizer companies etc , it always goes back to the same group of giants , there is some small market for heirlooms and older varieties but they control 80% or more and that is the route cannabis will take also.
Hold on to your landraces and heirlooms because it won’t be long before every commercial grow is full of some trademarked variety motivated by profits not quality or community. There is a reason you only see one type of banana at the grocery store and less then 20 apples.


A image of people from that circle trying to down talk each other while painting themselves gold :rofl:


And theres that 3rd rat, just watching it all and gathering information


They didn’t quite get all of them:

Also it was @shag over there who said he had the screenshots, maybe he can post them up in here where they won’t get taken down?

Also, of all the things I’ve read about Phylos and it’s betrayal of promises made, this is probably the most in depth, talking with other genomic researchers:


Well said guys, some folks will never understand.
I do not have any screenshots.
I had a bunch of stuff saved but I do not have any of it any longer.
I kinda washed my hands of that thread.
It is part of the reason for getting banned.

Ol’ skunkface and chimera did not like the things I said over there…LOL
They hold some weird unseen power over at the rag too.
Pretty much what was just said here, except I said the skunk face was deceiving folks intentionally, he knew exactly what he was doing.

My quote was " It was a scam from the start and all parties knew it"
They did not care for that at all. :rofl:

@Dirt_Wizard @Wuachuma and @Heritagefarms
I am glad to see some folks are able to see through the smoke screen. :heart_eyes:
Nice work gents!



i never said that i blind believe.

however, aslong as there is a possibility the the genomic data is right, i took it to my heart and tried to learn. give me an alterntive! none? ok, then… why not just look at it, make hypothesis, not mistake the Nametags for factual, but as what they are ment to be : relation-groups, and so on…
Not too dumb.


I would Love to see those screenshots showing truth. Crooked lying bastards(phylos) can’t be trusted.
The ONLY thing phylos is good for is showing a direct relation between samples. @Heritagefarms points out that even this will only show relations sometimes, so though not worthless info, it isn’t definitive either.
Here is an example i can give of phylos usefulness… it showed 2 samples sent in by the same person. A Mexican variety and an Afghani variety. A direct relationship was shown between the two…
Conclusion? The guy obviously allowed the 2 strains to intermingle accidentally so i didn’t purchase them.


I understand.
I did too, I thought it was a fantastic idea at first.
But, I was just very disappointed.
Not really trying to knock those that had faith in phylos, they were the victims as I see it anyhow…
My knock was on the deceivers for their deception.



yes, be careful with sending samples!!!


Ooooh. You had the photos? Can you give us an example?( from memory?)


Hard to remember what I had now.
Mostly just stuff that showed they changed the galaxy to meet their needs.

I had quotes of chimera saying he knew what they were up to.

There was some info on sam asking for living material to be sent directly to him so he could submit it himself.

There was a post that said phylos would never start doing breeding, they did of course.

Some other stuff too but it is hard to remember.
I was really surprised at how many people were willing to bow at the feet of the skunkface despite this obvious intentional deception.

The skunkman is not the cannabis hero he is portrayed as in the stories.


They 100% promised this and were asked about it directly by investors several times. They didn’t just lie to the people they lied to there own business partners.
Sam was all over the web asking for samples and
several were sent to him…
I wish there was a easy way to explain how these relationships were determined so people could understand that it does not mean they are related but rather that they share the some of the same markers.
phylos providing information to the public that would help with marker assisted breeding was also promised and will never happen.
Let’s put it this way , you and another person could both have the genes for black hair but it in no way means your related to that person.


The why not would be based on how much you value your own time and efforts and how much time your willing to waste looking at information that is flawed at best but most likely corrupt from the start.
There galaxy is a joke straight lines going from one thing to several others with no order of relation, basing relation of shared markers is problematic.
The best they can do is tell you if two things are exactly the same and that’s even questionable. Genetic testing of plants is best used to confirm true to type varieties, and for using marker assisted breeding to match up desired traits like disease resistance etc etc.
Phylos needed a huge sample base to start creating a working genome and instead of paying for all of those samples they got paid to receive them , that’s all it was a giant bait and switch aimed at collecting data that can be used to make super strains that are patented and tailored to big pharma and agriculture’s needs. They lied and sold everybody out and I don’t believe in supporting people with those kind of behaviors or trusting the info they provide. If you do I have some property on the moon I’d like to sell you at a great price.
I’m also a large supporter of free speech and the way some forums are catered, edited and monitored does not realy sit well with me. I understand the admins and mods need to keep things civil but I think it goes to far, if people don’t like something that is being said or discussed they have the ability to leave the conversation after speaking there mind. Everybody running around reporting each other reminds me of some little kids on the playground tugging at the yard duty’s clothes crying about how nobody likes them.


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Is that Jim Carey doing what he does best , mocking reality :rofl:
Kinda reminds me of a happy plant swaying in the wind.


They can keep their ultimate cookie strain.