Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I met Dale a few times. Seems to be a good guy.
Sungrownmids and I were suspicious at first, but after we talked with him in depth, he seems to be on our side. He’s down to challenge any patents that come along that try to fuck us over.


You were using Phylos Galaxy to say that I and others here are explicitly incorrect. Such as when a few of us called out ACE for being shady.
But both here at OG and at ICMag you always come to ACE’s defense. But you had no information from the insiders in that operation - you merely used the Galaxy to say we are wrong, instead of asking us questions to try and learn - or at the very least to try and see if you were correct in your theses.


I write very detailled usually, namely i clearfy my position, namely i said at the Start i guess and well enough iguess, that in no way do i wanna claim anything.

so, i dont think so that very explicit is the right word to put it.

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its just very hard to write “this is just my oppinion , no claim” at the end of every Line.
i could, but i guess it would bore even the most dilligent ever person on the planet. So, i clarified for shure totally enough, at the start, at the end, in between…

I guess atleast, im really to tired to check.

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Thats not how it went down.
But, its all good. We’re all fam here.


Can you show me evidence? I mean that would mean to represent without out of context the way i spoke, so i guess that would be a very loong representative quotery, so i dont mean to bring you in to the unability of prooving it, but thats what i usually like: evidence . Evidence over just claims.

Not that i mean to dictate you have to proove, but just you could do that , in order to give your claim more substance. And i have other things to do, so excuse the “not very englishnes”.

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bhu hub hbu

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Yeah, feel free to repost the whole thing about ACE where you tried saying upstate and i are wrong so you posted phylos galaxy screenshots to say we are wrong.

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first you said:

then i said: “no i rather made my position clear that it was an Oppinon, and not EXPLIXIT incorrect”.

Now you kind of show concerns about what i said.
While i anwsered that it wasnt explicit.
you show concerns now , but instead of calling it explicit wrong you call it

So, you see, i did NOT show concerns about wether or not my Statement had a MEANING, i showed Concerns about wether or not i said it with Force. There was no explicit “Force” at all. Atleast i guess…In other words I wasnt dicdating my Satatement, i said enoug that its my oppinion, and of corse it was a statement. . I wasnt claiming it

So trough: doing as if i showed concerns that i made a statement, you create the shine that you now corrected me that i actually made a statement. And with it create the shine that i dont “give in” to your statement you made now.
I hope you understand that , i just woke up, and im not good in englsih and close to break down no matter if you say these complicated whatever…

Thanks for understanding. peace


Huixtepec, Guerrero, Mexico
From early summer.


A lot of the bud I smoked in Peru had a menthol taste to it. It smelled like mint and a little honey. The effect was uplifting and quite trippy. What really stood out was that it wasn’t “skunky” at all. The smell was very mild, like flowers, honey and mint. Sometimes it had an aftertaste that was nearly identical to the aftertaste of passion fruit (maracuya).
Do you have any idea what that strain might have been? I’d love to grow some.


Sounds delicious!!!


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Our system is exploitative and fueled by greed, but I’ll take it over the alternatives. As an American, I am deeply ashamed of what my government has done, but I’ll take it over any other country I lived/was stationed in.
Count your blessings you are not in the middle of a war or war-ravaged area, like about 25% of the world’s population this year (condolences to those who are). It’s all about perspective…


Durban buds, just dried, very nice flavour, and the high its just the perfect one for the day time, clear head high, making you feel veeery good, but really energetic

And also here is some Double Jam from RSC:


Looks great Ras!


Here’s an interesting one I just came across, when looking at the Legends Ultimate Indica F6 this guy also makes, maybe an old Zacatecas Purple x Michoacan? @TexasTea I saw on ICMag that you grew this one, how was it?

He’s also got this Afghan Spin Ghar IBL:


@Dirt_Wizard Ask him yourself, he just popped up on here not long ago I believe @KropDuster


I only got one male so far, but may try again at some point. Vermontman grew out numerous plants. They looked exactly like the pictures. He crossed it with his Oaxacan Gold and I have three plants of that going right now. Very curious to see how it comes out but we are a few months away. :slight_smile: