Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I’d love to know more about that 1909 sample from Vermont, it has double serrations and looks a lot like skunk weed.


@Heritagefarms Funny you should say that, I am maybe going to maybe go up to University of Vermont this winter and take a look, when we looked into it, they have the largest collection of cannabis field samples in the US, it seems like. They’ve been doing cannabis research for decades, and have a very active and good ag school too. But they’re not necessarily digitized yet, I’m trying to find out more, but if I have to go up there and access the records myself, that sounds like a fun vacation in Burlington or Montpelier, wherever they’re kept. I’m also going to see about some other universities in Southern New England that would be easier to get to sooner when I have the chance. I would bet Yale has an excellent herbarium archive. The flagship of the UMass system in Amherst also holds a lot of the records for the state and their own ag school which is an original land grant one.


Yes , the Portuguese introduced cannabis in the 1500s to the americas and most of what they grew came from Angola Africa or India. This is why there are accounts of native Americans growing hemp in the 1600s. The settlers who started the colonies that became the USA were most likely growing hemp seed provided by the British which could have been a mix from any of the British dominated areas at the time.
There was a lot of diversity in North American cannabis early on.


My partner was saying how the samples from southern Connecticut and Rhode Island were especially nice in the early 20th century, and I was positing that might be the heavy Portuguese influence in that area of southern New England, starting with whaling crew from the Azores who stayed in Colonial New England and settled down, probably bringing seeds with them, whether selected for planting or in their flowers for smoking. Nowadays there are half a million Portuguese-Americans in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.


Thank you. This puts me one step closer to finding out what it was I was smoking in Peru all those years ago. In Lima, people would drop seeds in public parks or anywhere else there was water. Just going to work every day, I drove past 3-4 pot plants in random places. I found one that was about 10 feet tall and had lots of small buds. They were quite potent, a quintessential sativa “up” effect.


Never seen a Sri Lankan landrace/heirloom before, looks like he crossed up two rare Snowhigh packs, that one and the Old School Cottonmouth (Mexican x Hawaiian):

Ah, here’s the Mom pack, he must have gotten more than one (of 10 total!) and auctioned one off:

Here’s what Snowhigh said about the Sri Lanka S1s:
“Sri Lanka S1: Only releasing 10 packs of these s1 packs. ** PLEASE READ** THESE
ARE SELFED, this rare line of Sri Lankan herb grows unlike most cannabis I’ve
seen, ornamental, small sativa, lanky, narrow leaves. This is a project I may not be
getting back to due to health and the time it will take to work on. The Sri Lanka
female was from old seeds, which were very hard to germinate. This female
formed both sex organs on the tips of the terminal branches. I move this plant very
far from all breeding projects and cannabis plants, at the end of the season I
collected the seed and decided one day I would work on stabilizing this strain. So
these are for the collector or breeder that would like to have original and unique
Sri Lanka seeds. Only 6 packs left These are selfed seeds of landrace Sri Lanka
sativa $260”

And the Old School Cottonmouth:
“Old School Cotton Mouth: A rare and secret Central Mexican Hashplant (Torreon) cultivar which was
pollinated by my Hawaiian Sativa male. This stuff can be funky and sometimes skunky but in a refined
way, like what people like in the chems and Skunks but can’t isolate exactly what that something is.
Plants are covered in resin, from the leaves to the buds. These plants reek from a funky aroma, to a nasty
in the right way astringent gas. Some buds are small crystalline colitas and others are large floral masses
caked in resin. Some plants are larger producers, but they never seem to get too tall which is great for
indoor and outdoor growers. Plants reach around the 4-5 foot range, but with a little bondage you can
make it work under in circumstances. Old School Cotton Mouth is a blast from the past, mixing the best
Torreon Central Mexican Hashplant and Hawaiian Sativa genetics. . $200 per pack of #10

Snowhigh info taken from here:
Snowhigh November Sale.pdf (377.5 KB)


Pretty sure the landrace team has a sirlanka , I’d realy like to get there corinto , Acapulco gold and Turkish but I already have to many beans to justify buying more, how ever if somebody was to grow any of those out make more and want to trade I’m your guy :grin:


Snowhigh’s Sri Lankan - didn’t buy these as I read - small, ornamental, hermie…and beautiful nld…


Ar the risk of being repetitive…this is my f2 of Ace Purple Malawi that @YoBigdaddy grew. Don’t get me wrong, its a beautiful plant, but I see no trace of the Malawi anymore. Looks just about like Ace PCK, pollen of which i was sure had been used on their malawi.
i sure hope the plant at least holds onto the Sativa High or i will feel like a jerk recommending good Sativa smoke. Let me guess Yobigdaddy…it smells like “Strawberry chewing gum”.:grin:


Fortunately for me it still has that earthy incense smell. But I see what you’re saying it don’t look anything like the Malawi I grew back in the day, here’s a couple pictures of Afro pips Malawi and the last two pics are @Tejas repo of Malawi gold. I’m not sure where his stock originally came from but they all look different.

![IMG_20221214_073854446 (upload://pTklMKpOAxWgjhfRgUE
They were all planted the same day they were all flipped the same day 9 wks in flower


Ace Malawi is the Old Malawi Killer clone crossed with PCK as we all know.
It’s a fantastic cultivar, but it’s tricky to know exactly what it is. Because the Old Malawi Killer clone is not a pure Malawi Gold clone. We have no idea what it actually is… But it has to have been worked on quite alot since Malawi Gold is hitting around 13% and have another bud structure then what can be found on the Old Malawi Killer. My best guess is that it’s probably Malawi Gold to Skunk or something along those lines, like all Dutch weed, even Malawi Gold to A5 wouldn’t surprise me. We won’t know for sure until proper DNA analysis is wide available though.

Also the frowering time of the Malawi Gold ive grown have been quite alot longer then 11-13 weeks :grin: Don’t know if PCK would cut back the flowering time that much.

Pz :v:t2:


hmm, kaiki or how he was calle has alegedly said that Malawi or other ACE Strains are outcrossed:

1: i havent seen him saying it was outcrossed to pck.
2: i have very well shown you his “Punto rojo” . And it looks like pretty chunky too. Not as crazy…
Leaves room for theory, wether or not he is actually trustfull
(3: this is not necessarly a point, but i havent heard from himselve that things in ACE seeds are outcrssed.)

So: we all know?

I find remarkable antithesis:
1: Mustafunk spoke positively of ACE ant told wich strains were used for Malawi: namely African Seeds - Malawi WICH itselve was a fat bitch. And as a crossing partner another unknown malawi.
I could esily specualte this secound Strain was Afropips malawi, wich was highly respected .
In any way, i saw this eventually reflect in the Phylos readings that the one of the ACE Malawis they analysed showed pure.

So, i could speculate that ACE used the “pure Phylos Reading Malawi” and the “Fat bitch Malawi” for their official Relase BECAUSE:
the official Relase called Malawi showed INCLUSIONS, and less than the Fat Bitch Malawi… So, it would be very imaginable they outcrossed the fat bitch malawi with the pure malwi because the amount of INCLUSIONS-Readins were exactly in between…

I also told you that literally every line that ACE used for their SE Asian section, ever single line is well known in Spanish circles soo mega well.

This lead me to a last conclusion:
That i am just not really shure if this Kaiki who is insider he worked with ACE is really telling the truth…
In no way do i wanna claim he isnt telling truth, and again, i didnt hear that he mentioned PCK being sneaked into anyway, but he says its outcrossed…

To say: we all know, is well, to dictate what each person reading this thread concludes.Its crazy , i dunno what to tell you really, you just claim i know … NO, i hear people, and decide wether or not they sound credible…

Such parametes to sound credible are up to me… a guy per example that is not good to speak about another guy… is a bit hard to just put my trust into him… Im not saying such a guy could never be in a position to be trusted… But its possibly a red flag…

i could go on forever, and i think you can guess, that im critical thinker.
I usually look for thigs that i trust… like nice personality… or consenus between multiple insiders… two are better than one…
In this case its a thirdparty who tells me that Kaiki told…

(a bit of screenshots that concern the Line called: Banghi haze) . is also what “you” provided. I even have no problem believing that case… But even more speaking for my “theories” , is that banghi haze was at that time the only ACE line that seems to have lots of different components, a looong as history…
For me it semed rather that ACE did wanna look better, but not necessarly wanted the benefit of lying… Cause 1: Banghi Haze was ANYWAY a freaking hybrid on the wrong ACE Advertisement, and on the rightfully leaked true Lineage…)

So, ti wasnt a case of sneaking into indicas really… i think the overall sativa percentage would been the same as the leaked Lineage was showing -. white widow… (some indica in it) , and the wrongly advertise lineage had Congo-… And the Congo was officially stated as Paki x Congo… )At the Congo-advertisement .
Its a bit of an Edgecase…

Not nice they lied, i felt a bit betrayed, but a secound later i realized it was more about the image they wanted to present, the image of clear breeding practises, with carefully chosen parents, hence no pollen chucky-looking 100 Srains-Lineage…

So in a way this speaks for me a bit for the overall feelings i have thowards ACE, that they actually dont sneak into indicas, and that there was much much uproar for a thing that i thought, is… Well an Edgecase…


A last thing, this discussion is such an enpty glass/ full glass dicussion. we can wreck ourselves contiinuing, or we can try to find a way to say: well, you might be right, but i see it different because …

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It takes so long to justify what i tell, so i forgot; and the OLD MALAWI KILLER has more percentage of that simply already relased Line called - African Buzz -Malawi.

well, above you find a possible explonation, from a guy (me) that knows almost every single Line from ACEs SE Asian Section.
I mean ive seen them circulating and photos and talks about…

Youll find the explonation wich lines explain the difference between Old Malawi Killer and the regular Malawi in detail. Unless my typing erros prevent it.
(not that i have not already explained everything pretty well before with potential dna analysis.)

for gods sake , if you werent able to google African Seeds - Malawi …
Wich was reproduced and relase under another Vendor called Seedsman - African Buzz.

here it is:


So what you are seeing is African Seeds - Malawi so to speak…
Got it?

So now we look again at the ACE - Old Killer Malawi:



do you see weak, strong, middle resemblance?
Because mustafunk said this line was used for ACE seeds Malawi lines…

I tell you what i see, i see alot resemblance, and i told you guys this already couple months before – what the used lines were… I told you ACE used African Seeds - Malawi…

So why do you still wonder about why ACEs Malawi has such a fat structure?
Ithought i explained it well enough, so people could understand or in case , ask what i mean…

(btw. i said for gods sake cause i dont like to show pictures of Lines that i have emotions for, or had back in the day, in a weird conversation like this)

((and you should know Mustafunk rather has a beef with ACE seeds, and always was super critical and the first guy who calls out fakers… so i think you can trust his knowledge that they used this Line… do you need his screeenshot reuploaded again where he said that?))

And for Newbies: African Seeds is defunct, they dissapeared long ago if i recall right. or atleast im not shure if the “Seeds of Africa” Company you find todate is related in anyway…Dont get confused there…

In short: Pics 1 ans 2 were the Source for ACEs Malawi Lines Pic 3. They look identical. Mustafunk said these were the source, Mustafunk is rather in dispute with ace today, so he would never sweet talked anything, he must be truthful… so, here is your explonation.

and with it, fall many attemts to say ACE outcrosses literally anthing, or whatever…cause the concerned guys main Claim is beaten to almost the ground… with this… Its the same line… A line that cursated in Spanish circles as pure… (we are talking about almost 20 years ago, back then it cursated as pure, just as Malawi, the knowledge was more sprase , the forums small)


These came from TLT and here is a brief description of what can be found in these seeds,
“ There are differences in the plants collected. They can be put into 4 groups. Farmers let things flow. They allow pollination although is light.

  1. Kaning’ina, is left to be pollinated thus the buds have more seeds than the other three phenos
  2. Red stem Malawi lightly seeded.
  3. Malawi gold. lightly seeded.
  4. Nchila wa Nkhosa (tail of a lamb) short tree with very few seeds. Sometimes none.”

The TLT website used to have pictures of each, now there is only one.

Edit: Here are the mother plants


@YoBigdaddy The Afropips Malawi you showed always had a nice reputation. me aswell lately looked it up again, nice oldish vibes. Relase Date i recall was somewhen in 2005 or so. So, date of collection could be in th 90s 2000s. Nice sweet high ahead.



Here is an interview with the owner of ACE.

Pz :v:t2:

and what would i find in it,? i already watched parts of it. Im not a fanboy really, im just after some lines as always. Only old genetics lover here…

Did you understand it as i like ACEs malawi? then youre wrong… i dont like 99, 999 landrace offers from any seedbanks…
but i like a few from ace. the oldtimershaze (multisativa hybrid)
I like the Ace thaistick (gypsy nirvanas Line).
I like Vietblackthai.

That are 3 Lines, wich is a lot… im picky

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Some plants will grow larger leaves in response to lower light. I’ve seen oaks and mulberries (and other species, I’m sure) compensate for the shade like that. I also planted a chocolate mint plant in a really sunny spot, and its leaves began growing narrow. Indoor lights usually not giving off as much light as direct sun, do cannabis plants start growing wider leaves to collect the limited amount of light they get indoors?
Sorry to be so verbose, by the way.