Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

That looks like Afghan, which would make sense. The UK’s second war with Afghanistan ended in 1880. Afghan cannabis was almost certainly known back then for its potency as it is now. Another advantage is its structure is very different from that of commercial hemp.

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Let’s give a warm OG welcome to the latest landrace lover to join, @thepollock ! Maybe you can tell us about this Thai x Afghan cross you made? This is the thread you’ll find a bunch of folks who are probably interested and knowledgeable about that sort of thing, along with the thread “Do You Smoke Thai”. There’s a bunch of people in here who might have some good trades to talk about with you, or have some good thoughts in general.

"Male was wild Thailand x Afghan cross I made.

Females are
Original glue from Josie
Juicy fruit
9lb berry pie f1
Mac1 cap cut
Wild Thailand x Afghan To make f2s."


I’d definitely be interested in the caps cut cross. Thanks


I got the wild Thailand cut from a buddy. She’s a beast and a big yeilder. Sweet, fruit and earthy terps. The Afghan pollen I used was a gift from a buddy to. I know nothing on the dad . I kept two mothers that were f1’s. One was Thailand dominant the other one was Afghani dominant. I’m using the Afghan dominant for breeding it shortened the flower time quite a bit and only stretches about double at most and still yields. The dad I used was a good mix between the tie and the Afghan not a whole a hole lot of stretch either. I have a couple gems in landraces.


Neat! That Wild Thailand is probably the World of Seeds Ko Chang collection, that’s supposed to be a good one! Supposedly a Thai regional heirloom from traditional and commercial production:


I’ll ask him where he got it. She’s such a good smoke and beautiful to grow. Mine finished in about 12 to 14 weeks


This is where they came from. World of seeds


Nice, that’s a perfect range to finish in. Totally doable in a non tropical place with a good plan but long enough to be real sativa, very cool! So it sounds like you’re into landraces and have some local grow friends that are too, I want to meet some folks where I am that grow outdoor sativas because I can’t but I really want to give them some of the amazing sativa preservation seeds I’ve gotten from members on here.

I know you just signed up, so I wanted to point you toward an interesting project here that’s similar to but different from the Co-op seed runs here, it’s called the Freakers Ball Seed Collective, and their focus is on pooling and reproducing heirloom and landrace varieties, sort of an in-club for folks willing to do the required seed runs as collective work, but they’re also very generous towards non-members, contributing overflow production of seeds to OG server and personal fundraisers and the @coopactiongroup regularly. They have an amazing list of seeds held by members ready to reproduce once the right donator/grower match gets found, I think you’d like them:


Yes I am in the landraces I am currently one of six right now restocking the USDA seed bank for hemp through Oregon State hemp Innovation Center. I have some stuff in my garden I would be willing to share and help out the community. I’ll look into what you’re talking about. Thank you for the warm welcome too


Here’s some pictures of My Double Panama from snow High I grew these from seed. It’s pretty much Panama Red this plant destroyed me last round like a 600% stretch


i have seen someone on IG with a koh Chang, im pretty shure it was the line going around spain… It may have been the pure groundmaterial of WOS. later skunked?
In my oppinion it looked thin… thinner than WorldOfSeeds.

I am not favoring this WOS Thai.

This is just subjective oppinion…


Awesome to see, the Freakers did a Double Panama preservation and I was lucky enough to get a pack, but that just confirms that I’m never running those inside hahaha. They’re staying in the fridge until I meet someone with a greenhouse or tunnel that can handle 6x stretch wow! The Freakers have a blanket permission from John to reproduce his work, since he’s getting old and sicker, and his seed stocks are aging out of viability.


The pictures here are not of the wild Thailand mother I have they are crosses. I don’t know too much about the company but I can tell you this much the wild Thailand I have is a beast all the way around. So maybe I just got lucky


The reports sound good , some very impressive. I wanted it years ago, cause the good reports.

I would atleast take it over some other seedcompnys thai. not so bad. Acceptable i think.

But man there are links i given the guys, its just crazy…

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Here are pics from Dubi, Ace Seeds showing their breeding Line from Koh Chang Thailand:
The WOS is also Koh Chan Thailand… Same?


The Buds are quiet dense too actually… hard to say if its same, or not.


It kind of looks the same but it don’t mine does produce dense nugs it is sativa leaning I’ll see if I can find some pictures of the actual in flower

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I asked for the chitchat be stopped so I may have messed up.
@Slick1 I went to the start and had you first on both so who got 16 and what did you get


Hehe! Wrong thread perhaps!? @G-paS

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sorry yes I will fix in a few

I am getting the mod to fix it. I can get back to the edits to replace the informations.


What was the flowering time on the Double Jam?